Honours Thesis

Honours Thesis

Students can be allowed to read both HT and ISC but should bear in mind that the HT and ISC topics are to be different and supervised by two different faculty members of the department.

Please read the information below to familiarize yourself with the thesis requirements and submission deadlines.


The HT can be undertaken by Year 4 students. HT is done over two regular semesters without taking a Leave of Absence (LOA) in between.

For cohort 2020 and before: SC4401HM Honours Thesis is worth 15 units in total

For cohort 2021 onwards: SC4401 / AN4401 Honours Thesis is worth 8 units in total.


We strongly encourage students to choose a topic and find an academic staff member who agrees to supervise your work before applying for the Honours Thesis. The department will not help students to look for a supervisor.

Honours Year Briefing

Students embarking on their Honours Thesis are required to attend a compulsory Honours Year briefing conducted by the department’s HT/ISC coordinator before registering for the Honour Thesis. The department will be sending out an email in January for students who intend to take their HT in Semester 1 of the academic year. Another email will be sent out in October for students intending to take their HT in Semester 2 of the academic year.

Submission Deadline

For students graduating in Semester 2 of AY2024/25
Submission of final HT title via CANVAS (Week 7 of Sem 2) 07 March 2025, 5pm
Submission of final HT via CANVAS (Week 11 of Sem 2) 04 April 2025, 5pm
For students graduating in Semester 1 of AY2025/2026
Submission of HT supervisor’s name & working title via CANVAS (Week 6 of Sem 2) 21 February 2025, 5pm
Submission of final HT title via CANVAS (Week 7 of Sem 1) 03 October 2025, 5pm
Submission of final HT via CANVAS (Week 11 of Sem 1) 31 October 2025, 5pm

Independent Study Course (ISC)

The Independent Study Course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic within the discipline in depth. Students should identify a research topic and approach a supervisor to work on the agreed topic.

The nature of the work for the ISC is to be determined through discussion and agreement between the supervisor and the student.

Once the supervisor approves the topic, students are required to fill out the ISC form and sent it to the department administrator at socbox3@nus.edu.sg.


For cohort 2020 and before: SC4660HM Independent Study is worth 5 units.

For cohort 2021 onwards: SC4660 / AN4660 Independent Study is worth 4 units.

Forms and Guidelines


Students are required to attend the Honours Year briefing conducted by the department’s HT/ISC coordinator to gain more perspective of the course.

Submission Deadline

For students graduating in Semester 1 of AY2024/2025
Submit ISC supervisor’s name & working title (Week 6) 21 February 2025, 5pm
Submit ISC written report to supervisor (Week 11) 04 April 2025, 5pm

Students are required to attend the Honours Year briefing conducted by the department’s HT/ISC coordinator to gain more perspective of the course.

Department Ethics Review Committee (DERC)

With effect from November 2009, Honours students are not required to apply for DERC review if their research is low-risk, involves non-vulnerable populations, and they is no intention to publish. If there is any risk to subjects, or vulnerable populations are involved, or the student wants to publish, DERC approval is required.

Please note that students are required to submit their application by Week 6 of the Semester.