前瞻:新科技、新社会与新加坡的华文教育 Looking Ahead: New Technology, New Society, and Chinese Language Education in Singapore

新加坡国立大学中文系70周年庆活动 In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Department of Chinese Studies, NUS.

新加坡国立大学中文系、新加坡华族文化中心、新加坡华文教育学会联合举办 Co-organised by the Department of Chinese Studies, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre and The Society of Chinese Education Singapore.



The Chinese language education in Singapore has undergone numerous changes and drastic transformations since the 19th century. In the past decades, there has been a growing concerning with the issue of declining Chinese language proficiency among local Chinese students. This roundtable discussion shifts away from extant emphasis on how to re-energize Chinese language education for Singaporean students in anglophone setting, and instead adopts an anticipative perspective to explore how Chinese language education should respond to the new trends in technology, particularly artificial intelligence, and to the new social realities that the new immigrants are becoming the major group of local Chinese language speakers, in order to nurture a new generation that can lead Singapore into the future.

The discussion will bring together representatives from the Ministry of Education, universities, research institutions, and the Chinese media, with the aim of engaging wider societal discussions and raising awareness on these pressing issues. Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Seating is limited so please register to attend via: https://sccc-lectureseries-4mar2023.peatix.com/


上午场:上午10-12时 Morning Session: 10am–12pm


王梅凤(教育部母语处)Heng Boey Hong (Ministry of Education)
符传丰(华文教研中心)Foo Suan Fong (Singapore Centre for Chinese Language)
彭俊豪(华文教育学会)Pang Choon How (Society of Chinese Education Singapore)
陈志锐(国立教育学院中文系)Tan Chee Lay (National Institute of Education)
康格温(义安理工学院中文系)Kang Ger-Wen (Ngee Ann Polytechnic)


下午场:下午2-4时 Afternoon Session: 2-4pm


李伟雄(社科大学中文系) Lee Wee Heong (Singapore University of Social Sciences)
王昌伟(国立大学中文系)Ong Chang Woei (National University of Singapore)
曲景毅(南洋理工大学中文系)Qu Jingyi (Nanyang Technological University)
黄惠玲(新传媒中文时事组) Wee Wai Lin (Mediacorp)
李慧玲(新报业媒体信托华文媒体集团) Lee Huay Leng (SPH Media)


座谈会主持人:Event Moderators:

梁秉赋(南洋理工大学孔子学院)Neo Peng Fu (Confucius Institute, NTU)
许齐雄(国立大学中文系)(National University of Singapore)

Saturday, 04 March 2023


Multi-Purpose Hall, Level 7 at Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre