Southeast Asian Chinese and Modern China Research Group
Southeast Asian Chinese and Modern China Research Group (formerly named The Chinese in Southeast Asia Research Group) in the Department of Chinese Studies has been set up with the support of the department to promote research on the Chinese in Southeast Asia, as one of the key focus areas for the department's future development, and offer ample opportunities for collaboration with international research partners. As an interdisciplinary research group, it focuses research on various issues related to history, religion, literature, linguistics, politics and other cultural and socio-economic issues of Southeast Asian Chinese and their interactions with modern China.
The research group was officially formed in late August 2007. Members of the group consist of our existing faculty members and graduate students who are involved in the teaching and research of Southeast Asian Chinese and modern China. To date, the group has held regular seminars and invited visiting scholars and researchers to share their research findings in the respective fields, in addition to the regular meetings among staff and students to exchange scholarly views and fieldwork experiences. It also plans to collaborate with local and overseas academic associations in organizing conferences and other academic activities. We hope the research group will not only serve as a mechanism to stimulate more research effort from our faculty members and students and to facilitate research activities in the department, but also become a platform to develop the research strength and capability of the department and enhance its academic standing in the international academic arena.
Our activities cover:
- Regular meetings among group members
- Talks and seminars by invited scholars
- Co-organize academic activities with academic and research institutions/associations
- Organize international conferences
- Publications
Research Areas
- History
- Religion
- Literature
- Linguistics
- Politics
- Other cultural and socio-economic issues of Southeast Asia Chinese and modern China
Name | 姓名 |
Dr Chan Cheow Thia (Convener) | 曾昭程助理教授 (召集人) |
A/P Wong Sin Kong (Convener) | 黄贤强副教授 (召集人) |
Professor Kenneth Dean | 丁荷生教授 |
Professor Yung Sai Shing | 容世诚教授 |
A/P Kwee Hui Kian | 郭慧娟副教授 |
A/P Lee Chee Hiang | 李志贤副教授 |
A/P Phua Chiew Pheng | 潘秋平副教授 |
A/P Zhou Taomo | 周陶沫副教授 |
Dr Chan Ying-kit | 陈英杰助理教授 |
Dr Huang Yanjie | 黄彦杰助理教授 |
Dr Yang Yan | 杨妍博士 |
Name | 姓名 |
Professor Ong Chang Woei | 王昌伟教授 |
A/P Koh Khee Heong | 许齐雄副教授 |
A/P Lee Cher Leng | 李子玲副教授 |
A/P Su Jui Lung | 苏瑞隆副教授 |
A/P Xu Lanjun | 徐兰君副教授 |
Dr Tu Hang | 涂航助理教授 |
Name | 姓名 |
Chen Guanlin | 陈冠霖 |
Deng Yu | 邓宇 |
Goh Song Wei | 吴松蔚 |
Ho Hill Tone Bauhinia | 何曉瞳 |
Hong Xincheng | 洪鑫诚 |
Klan Choo Juhn Khai | 朱俊凯 |
Liao Yiran | 廖依然 |
Lin Ruo | 林若 |
Peng Chengxin | 彭诚鑫 |
Xia Peigen | 夏培根 |
Zeng Zhichao | 曾智超 |
Name | 姓名 |
Chan Xiao Qing | 陈晓晴 |
Chua Hui Chuan | 蔡慧钏 |
Khor Yi Heng | 許頤蘅 |
Lee Pei Sen | 吕佩贤 |
Li Wenjun | 李文君 |
Li Ruolin | 李若琳 |
Tay Jun Hao | 郑俊豪 |
Name | 姓名 | Affiliation |
A/P Jack Chia Meng-Tat | 谢明达副教授 | NUS History Department 国大历史系 |
Dr Kung Chien Wen | 龚建文助理教授 | NUS History Department 国大历史系 |
Dr Seng Guo-Quan | 成国泉助理教授 | NUS History Department 国大历史系 |
Dr Joshua Tan | 陈鸿毅博士 | NUS History Department Postdoctoral Fellow 国大历史系博士后研究员 |
Chng Hak Peng | 庄学鹏 | NUS History Department PhD Student 国大历史系博士生 |
Dong Weikai | 董維鍇 | NUS History Department PhD Student 国大历史系博士生 |
Shaun Lee Yi Xian | 李毅贤 | NUS History Department PhD Student 国大历史系博士生 |
Lin Yung Mei | 林永美女士 | NUS Chinese Library 国大中文图书馆 |
Chow Chai Khim | 周凯琴女士 | NUS Chinese Library 国大中文图书馆 |
Events and Activities
Date | Event | Speaker |
07 Nov 2024 | Women and writing in Sinophone Malaya, 1920s to 1950s | Dr Show Ying Xin, Australia National University |
04 Oct 2024 | Making Mao's Steelworks: Industrial Manchuria and the Transnational Origins of Chinese Socialism | Dr Koji Hirata, Monash University |
04 Oct 2024 | Listening to the Past: Chinese Sound and Broadcast in Post-War Bangkok | Dr Kornphanat Tungkeunkunt, Thammasat University |
04 Apr 2024 | 想要弹同调——香港文学泰斗刘以鬯的南洋双声频道 | Lim Fong Wei林方伟,《联合早报》高级资深记者 |
08 Mar 2024 | Negotiating Chineseness and Christianity in Indonesia | Prof Hoon Chang-Yau, Universiti Brunei Darussalam |
01 Mar 2024 | 中國第一個博物館在澳門的出現與全球網絡 | 戴麗娟,臺灣中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員 Dr Tai Li-Chuan, Academic Sinica |
27 Feb 2024 | 一座城市要让人记得,就要先让文字记得 | 叶孝忠,国大中文系 |
01 Nov 2023 | 台湾的南洋相关档案资料介绍 | 锺淑敏(中央研究院台湾史研究所研究员兼所长) Dr Chung Shu-min, Academia Sinica |
12 Aug 2023 | 新书发布会: 《伍连德新论》暨《东南亚华人研究与视野》 |
Author: A/P Wong Sin Kiong, NUS Chinese Studies Discussants: A/P Yow Cheun Hoe, Nanyang Technological University; Prof Danny Wong, University of Malaya Moderator: Prof Ong Chang Woei, NUS Chinese Studies |
23 Feb 2023 | 倒流的河流:鲁白野/威北华流亡后的文学新传统 | 王润华,大马南方大学中文系讲座教授 Prof Wong Yoon Wah, Southern University College |
18 Aug 2022 | Seminar 学术座谈会: 返乡 、环境与创生 :槟城罗浮山背客庄地方性的转变 |
简美玲 (国立阳明交通大学教授) Prof Chien Mei-Ling (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University) |
5 Apr 2022 | Seminar 学术座谈会: 《湖面如镜》的女人图像 (与CH3225关键词:新马文学研究入门联办 Jointly Organised with CH3225 Keywords in S’pore and M’sian Chinese Literary Studies) |
贺淑芳 (自由作家) Ho Sok Fong (Author) |
31 Mar 2022 | Seminar 学术座谈会: 建国年代的《蕉风》 (与CH4262新马文学与跨域连结联办 Jointly Organised with CH4262 Transregional Chinese Literary Connections) |
林春美 (马来西亚博特拉大学外文系副教授) A/P Lim Choon Bee (Universiti Putra Malaysia) |
14 Mar 2022 | Seminar 学术座谈会: 试论中国的区域国别研究: 路径选择与专业书写 (与CH2243东南亚华人联办 Jointly Organised with CH2243 Chinese in Southeast Asia) |
吴小安教授 (华侨大学讲席教授兼华侨华人与区域国别研究院院长) Prof Wu Xiaoan (Peking University) |
6 Nov 2020 | Seminar 学术座谈会: 撕开女作家的性别标签——随庭创作分享 |
何颖舒 (自由作家) He Yingshu (Author) |
14 Nov 2019 | Seminar 学术座谈会: 海外中国当代史研究前沿 |
张秀莉、高俊、徐锋华、张生、林超 (上海社会科学院历史研究所) Zhang Xiuli, Gao Jun, Xu Fenghua, Zhang Sheng, Lin Chao (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) |
7 Oct 2019 | Seminar 讲座: 华资企业在东南亚:南洋兄弟烟草公司战前在新马的发展 (与CH6248中国—东南亚:社会与文化互动研究课程联办 Jointly Organized with CH6248 Studies in Sino-S.E.Asian Interactions) |
庄仁杰博士 (马来西亚华社研究中心研究员) Dr Chong Ren Jie Henry (Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies) |
23 Sept 2019 | Workshop 专题讨论会: Chinese Cinema in Singapore: From the Eyes of Local Collectors 华语电影在新加坡:收藏家的视角 (与雲茂潮中华文化研究中心、印刷及大众文化研究群联办 Jointly Organized with Wan Boo Sow Research Centre for Chinese Culture and Print and Popular Culture Research Group) |
黄汉民 (私人收藏家), 杜汉彬 (艺术家、 电影研究员), 苏章恺 (电影研究员), 林明珠副教授 (电影研究员) Wong Han Min (Private collector), Toh Hun Ping (Video Artist and Film Researcher), Su Zhangkai (Film Researcher), A/P Lim Beng Choo (Film Researcher) |
23 Apr 2019 | Seminar 讲座: 中元普度與盂蘭盆會:神戶、香港、新加坡華僑華人救贖儀式的比較 (与印刷及大众文化研究群、中国宗教研究群联办 Jointly Organized with Print and Popular Culture and Chinese Religions Research Groups) |
蔡志祥教授 (香港中文大學歷史系教授) Professor Choi Chi-Cheung (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of History) |
23 Jan 2019 | Seminar 讲座: 中国民间文艺在新加坡的变迁与传播 Propagation and transformation of Chinese folklore literature in Singapore |
许振义博士(南洋学会副会长) Dr. Koh Chin Yee (South Seas Society of Singapore) |
1 Nov 2018 | Seminar 讲座: 在选集里寻觅“性别”:爬梳马华同志小说史 In Search of Gender in Literary Anthologies: Tracing the History of Malay(si)an LGBT Fiction |
许通元(南方大学学院图书馆馆长) Kho Tong Guan (Chief Librarian, Southern University College) |
19 Oct 2018 | Seminar 讲座: 全球视域下的马新华人研究 Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese Studies in a Global Perspective |
吴小安教授(北京大学历史系) Professor Wu Xiao An (Beijing University, Department of History) |
28 Sept 2018 | “亚洲客家文化与社会”座谈会 | 白伟权 (马来西亚新纪元大学学院助理教授) 陈来幸 (日本兵库县立大学教授) 黄文斌 (马来西亚拉曼大学副教授) 赖郁如 (台湾中央研究院博士后) 利亮时 (台湾高雄师范大学教授) 林开忠 (台湾暨南国际大学副教授) 王和安 (台湾成功大学博士) 肖文评 (广东嘉应大学学院教授) 张翰壁 (台湾中央大学教授) 张维安 (台湾交通大学教授) 庄仁杰 (马来西亚华社研究中心研究员) |
14 Sept 2018 | 研究群年度会议 Research Group Annual Conference 研究生报告 Graduate Seminar: 走进乡野:民俗信仰田野考察分享 Enter the Field: Fieldwork Report about Folk Belief Research |
廖筱纹(新加坡国立大学博士候选人) Lew Siew Boon (PhD Candidate, National University of Singapore, Department of Chinese Studies) |
19 Jul 2018 | Forum 论坛: “现当代中国与东南亚艺术交流与文化传播国际论坛” International Forum on the Artistic Exchanges and Cultural Transmission between Modern China and Southeast Asia (雲茂潮中华文化研究中心协办 Jointly organized with Wan Boo Sow Research Centre for Chinese Culture) |
许元豪先生 (Mr Koh Nguang How) 郭嘉宝先生 (Mr Quek Kah Pok) 何自立博士(国大中文系) (Dr. Ho Chee Lick, NUS) 莫锦川先生 (Mr Mok Kim Chuan) 郭建超副教授(新加坡管理大学) (A/P Kwok Kian Chow, SMU) 薛莉清副教授(南京工业大学) (A/P Xue Liqing, Nanjing Technological University) 王若冰博士(拉萨尔艺术学院) (Dr. Wang Bingruo, LASALLE College of the Arts) 邹坤怡助理教授(泰国清迈大学) (Asst Prof Zou Kunyi, Chiang Mai University) 黄韵博士(国大中文系) (Dr. Hwang Yin, NUS) |
25 May 2018 | Seminar 讲座: 马六甲青云亭与三宝山田野调查 (与中国宗教研究群及中国古典文学与思想研究群联办) |
黄文斌(马来西亚拉曼大学, 中华研究院副教授兼副院长、 中华研究中心主任) |
23 Feb 2018 | Seminar 讲座: 图像南洋与空间生产——以南洋艺术学院为例 Visualizing Nanyang and Producing Space — Taking Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts as an Example |
薛莉清副教授(南京工业大学) Xue Liqing (Associate Professor, Nanjing Technological University) |
23 Jan 2018 | Seminar 讲座: 文化人的移动:1920-1930年代日本帝国的南洋社会观察 Intellectuals’ Moving: Japan’s Nanyang Society Observation in 1920s to 1930s (与古典文学与思想研究群联办 Jointly Organized with Classical Chinese Literature and Thought Research Group) |
高嘉励副教授(台湾国立中兴大学) Kao Chia-li (Associate Professor, National Chung Hsing University of Taiwan) |
17 Nov 2017 | Seminar 讲座: 西洋与东洋之外:南洋与近代中国研究再思考 Beyond the West and the Orient: A re-thinking of Nanyang and Modern China Researches |
水海刚(厦门大学历史系副教授) Shui Haigang (Associate Professor, History Department, Xiamen University) |
28 Aug 2017 | Seminar 讲座: 道教存思与文学想象——以《周氏冥通记》为例 Taoist Meditation and Literary Imagination — taking ‘Zhoushi Mingtongji’ as an Example 巡守南洋、在地结义:槟城孙佘池 三王爷信仰文化与网络结构 Inspection and Brotherhood in Nanyang: the Religious Culture and Network of Sun-She-Chi Gods in Penang (与国大中文系、中国宗教研究群联办 Jointly organized with Chinese Department and Chinese Religion Research Group) |
蒋艳萍副教授(广州大学人文学院文学系) Jiang Yanping (Associate Professor, Department of Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Guangzhou University) 黄文车副教授 (台湾屏东大学中国语文学系) Huang Wenju (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Pingtung University) |
3 Mar 2017 | Seminar 讲座: 聆听史料:粤曲的“历史人类学” The Material Talks: Historical Anthropology of Cantonese Tunes (与印刷及大众文化研究群联办 Jointly Organized with Print Culture and Popular Culture Research Group) |
程美宝教授(香港城市大学中文系 及历史系教授) Cheng Meibao (Professor, Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong) |
17 Feb 2017 | Seminar 讲座: 权力与声望:新华绅商的 “现实主义政治”(1877-1945) Power and Prestige: the Realpolitik of Chinese Gentry-merchants in Singapore (1877-1945) |
陈遥(厦门大学历史系助理教授) 历史系助理教授) Chen Yao (Assistant Professor, History Department, Xiamen University) |
24 Nov 2016 | Seminar 讲座: 中国抗战(二战) 和东南亚的民族独立运动 Chinese Anti-Japanese War (Second World War) and National Independent Movement in Southeast Asia |
汪朝光(中国社会科学院世界历史 研究所研究员兼副所长) Wang Chaoguang(Researcher and Deputy Director/Institute of World History Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 孟庆龙、张经纬、张跃斌、金海、徐再荣 (均为中国社会科学院世界历史研究 所研究员) Meng Qinglong、Zhang Jingwei、 Zhang Yuebin、Jin Hai、Xu Zairong (All researchers/Institute of World History Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 陈遥(新加坡国立大学中文系访问 学者, 厦门大学历史系助理教授) Chen Yao (Visiting Scholar/ National University of Singapore; Assistant Professor/ Xiamen University) 黄贤强(新加坡国立大学中文系副教授) Wong Sin Kiong (Associate Professor/National University of Singapore) |
11 Oct 2016 | Seminar 讲座: 潮州的文化符号与历史传承 Teo Chew Cultural Symbols and Historical Inheritance (与中文系联办 Jointly organized with Chinese Department) |
陈海忠教授(韩山师范学院历史 文化学院暨潮学研究院院长) Prof. Chen Haizhong (Dean, Faculty of History and Culture/ Institute of Chaozhou Studies, Hanshan Normal University ) |
10 Oct 2016 | Seminar 讲座: 谈古论今、以史为鉴:一位成功企业 家的感悟与心得 Enlightened Life from Deliberation of Ancient and Current Affairs: Perception and Experience of a Successful Entrepreneur (与 CH3247 中国社会经济史课程联办 Jointly organized with Module CH3247 Socio-Economic History of China) |
陈立发(新加坡科艺公司董事长) Tan Lee Huak (Chairman, Science Arts Co Pte Ltd) |
30 Sept 2016 | Seminar 讲座: 烽火的烙印:二战前后新加坡林氏家 族的式微与潮社权力格局的变化 The Ravages of War: The decline of Lim Nee Soon’s family from the eve of World War II and the change in the power-structure within the Singapore Teochew community (与晚晴园、中文图书馆联合主办 jointly organized with Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and NUS Chinese Library) |
李志贤副教授(新加坡国立大学中文系) Lee Chee Hiang (Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, Department of Chinese Studies |
16 Sept 2016 | Graduate Seminar 研究生报告: 博士生田野考察经验分 享—“田野调查方法与经验谈” Fieldwork reports: Research in Archives and Fields |
杨妍(新加坡国立大学博士候选人) Yang Yan (PhD Candidate, National University of Singapore, Department of Chinese Studies) |
31 Mar 2016 | Seminar 讲座: 星洲三杰:史料研究与展览叙事 The Prominent Singapore Trio: Singapore and the 1911 Revolution (与晚晴园、中文图书馆联合主办 jointly organized with Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and NUS Chinese Library) |
陈丁辉博士(晚晴园—孙中山南 洋纪念馆研究员) Dr Tan Teng Phee (Researcher at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, Singapore) |
9 Nov 2015 | Seminar 讲座: 新移民与新加坡华文文学 New Immigrants and Sinophone Literature in Singapore |
李叶明(新加坡随笔南洋网主编) Li Yeming (Chief Editor at |
6 Nov 2015 | Seminar 讲座: 讲题一:庙宇、坟山的社群化与新加坡 华人移民帮群组织之建构——兼对东南亚 华人社会结构研究的新思考 1) Communal Temples and Cemeteries in the Singapore Chinese Bang System: A New Thought on the Structure of Chinese Society in Southeast Asia 讲题二:近代闽南侨乡社会与空间:兼论 一些新的问题意识与方法论 2) Society and Space in the Hometowns of Overseas Chinese in Modern South Fujian: New Thoughts and Methodology |
曾玲教授(厦门大学人文学院教授) Professor Zeng Ling (Xiamen University, Department of History) 江柏炜教授(台湾师范大学东亚学系主任) Professor Chiang Bo-Wei (Taiwan Normal University, Head, Department of East Asian Studies) |
30 Sept 2015 | Seminar 讲座: 从碑刻看新加坡的华文教育 Epigraphy and History of Chinese Education in Singapore (与晚晴园、中文图书馆联合主办 jointly organized with Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and NUS Chinese Library) |
柯木林先生 (新加坡历史学者) Mr. Kua Bak Lim (Singapore Local Historian) |
28 Sept 2015 | Seminar 讲座: 《石头记》•周作人与沈从文•新加坡当代 诗歌——华语/文“抒情”美典论述之立与破 The Story of the Stone, Zhou Zuoren/Shen Congwen and Singapore Contemporary Poetics: the Reconstruction of Chinese Lyrical Aesthetics Narrative |
周德成(剑桥大学博士候选人) Chow Teck Seng (PhD Candidate, Department of Chinese Studies, Cambridge University) |
18 Sept 2015 | Seminar 讲座: 南洋与侨乡的过番歌研究 A Study of Guofan Ge (Lyrics of Overseas Migration) Spread to Nanyang and Qiaoxiang in China |
苏庆华副教授 (前马来亚大学中文系主任) A/P Soo Khin Wah (Malaya University, Former Head of Department of Chinese Studies) |
14 Sept 2015 | Seminar 讲座: 亚洲与中国:兼谈“一带一路”到底意味 着什么? Asia and China: The Implication of One Belt One Road (与国大中文系联办 jointly organized with NUS Department of Chinese Studies) |
吴小安教授 (北京大学历史系) Professor Wu Xiao An (Beijing University, Department of History) |
6 Aug 2015 | Seminar 讲座: (1)新加坡国立大学所藏“外江戏” 剧本研究计划:内容与方向 The Study of Guangdong Han Opera Scripts: Content and Research Interest (2)《四郎探母》的本事来源及其故事变迁 The Origin and Narratives of the Story “Yang Silang Visits His Mother” (与印刷及大众文化研究群联办 jointly organized with Print and Popular Culture Research Group) |
康保成教授、陈志勇教授、 陈燕芳博士(广州中山大学中文系) Professor Kang Baocheng, Professor Chen Zhiyong, Dr. Chen Yanfang (Sun Yat-sen University, China, Department of Chinese Studies) |
17 April 2015 | Seminar 讲座: 东南亚华人社会宗教组织和经济扩张: 西婆罗洲的个案研究, 1740-1850 Chinese Socio-Religious Institutions and Economic Expansion to Southeast Asia: The Case of West Borneo, c. 1740-1850 (与国大中文系联办 jointly organized with NUS Department of Chinese Studies) |
郭慧娟副教授(多伦多大学历史系) A/P Kwee Hui Kian (University of Toronto, Department of History) |
25 Mar 2015 | Graduate Seminar 研究生报告:博士生 田野调查方法与经验谈——“马华文学 田野行脚:实践与观察” Fieldwork reports: Roving the Field of Malaysian Sinophone Literature: Practice and Observation |
赖郁如,陈雪薇(新加坡国立大 学博士候选人) Lai Yu-Ju and Chin Hsuen Wei (PhD Candidates, National University of Singapore, Department of Chinese Studies) |