Project Details - Subprojects
(1) Early Childhood Language Skills Development
Led By: Associate Professor Leher Singh
Focus: A laboratory experiment of early childhood linguistic development with a special interest in the effects of different multilingual environments for later social, cognitive and language development of children.This study will be using a subset of the sample from the Core National Panel Survey.
(2) Improving Children's Social Skills
Led By: Assistant Professor Rongjun Yu
Focus: An intervention project that trains children’s minds to build social-emotional skills such as cooperation, empathy, self-control, and identify neural correlates of social cognition and decision-making for children. This study will be using a subset of the sample from the Core National Panel Survey.
(3) Ethnographic Study on Children Growing Up in Cross-Cultural Families
Led By: Professor Brenda Yeoh and Associate Professor Huang Swee Lian, Shirlena
Focus: An ethnographic study focusing on the consequences of cross-cultural low-income family environments for family functioning and child development in terms of sociopsychological well-being, early childhood experience and health. This study will be using a subset of the sample from the Core National Panel Survey.