Rationales and Strategies


Our vision is that CFPR will be a key hub for the professional training of social research practitioners in Singapore to serve the national capacity building of human capital.

To achieve this, we envision three strategies.

i.   To build the best team of instructors. As CFPR is a faculty-level Centre, our teaching resources are derived mainly from faculty members within FASS. We have developed a solid procedure for recruiting instructors from diverse departments within FASS, including faculty members from the Faculty of Science. Our teaching team comprises some of the best teachers in NUS, such as A/Professor Narayanan Ganapathy, a recipient of the Outstanding University Educator Award. Other instructors in our teaching team have also won teaching awards in recognition of their teaching excellence from Faculty and University.

ii.  To develop the best and leading-edge curriculum. Social sciences are changing rapidly which is why interdisciplinary research, between the social sciences, natural sciences, and digital sciences is important. We firmly believe in collaborating with a wide range of faculty members to offer more interdisciplinary training courses to meet the needs of our learners, especially in the emerging fields of computational social sciences.

iii. To deliver the best packages in social science research training. We focus on 1- to 2-day workshops that allow our participants to learn efficiently and intensively in a short time. We are continually striving to improve our teaching modes to make teaching more effective so that our learners can master the needed research and analytical skills. Hands-on practice, relevant examples, and interactive learning approaches form the core principles of our pedagogical practice.

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