Founding Director's Message

Wei-Jun Jean YEUNG
Founding Director
Dear Colleagues,
The Centre for Family and Population Research was funded by the National University of Singapore and established in April, 2014 as a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences research centre. It is dedicated to the scientific advancement of research and training to understand the trends, determinants, and consequences of family and population changes, particularly in Asia. We aim to bridge basic academic research with public policies that affect family’s well-being. Our research adopts a multi-disciplinary, life course, and international comparative approach.
Why do we need a family and population centre in Singapore now? Strong families and a healthy population growth are key to a robust, sustainable, and happy society. Contemporary families in Singapore and elsewhere are under tremendous strain to perform the traditional functions of caring for the elderly, socializing children, and fulfilling the emotional needs of individuals, leading some to suggest that family is “in decline” or “in crisis”.
The rise in age at marriage and singlehood rates, the rapid decline of fertility and family size, increase in divorce and cohabitation, aging population, and the increased geographic distance among family members in many societies are unprecedented. An empirically-based understanding of the origins of these trends and their consequences on individual well-being and societal development is crucial for the formulation of sound public policies including those that aim to raise productivity, allocate health care costs and welfare spending, and improve the psychological well-being of individuals. NUS is well-positioned to lead in this area as we have internationally recognized and connected experts in this area across multiple disciplines who can provide leadership from Singapore. CFPR aims to conduct research that helps strengthen resilience and cohesion in multi-ethnic societies through healthy families and population.
The Vision of CFPR is
To provide thought leadership as a hub for excellence in family and population research in Asia.
Our Missions are to:
- Promote cutting edge, empirically-based, and policy-relevant research;
- Provide trainings in social science research and practices related to family and population issues; and,
- Foster internal and international collaborations for academics and policy makers.
Our key research themes include the following:
- Fertility and Marriage, Family Policies
- Aging and Health
- Children and Youth Development
- Intergenerational Relations and Transfers
- Changing Family Living Arrangements and Family Values in Asia
- Migration and Integration
- Human Capital and Labor Market
- Gender Relations
We look forward to your participation and collaboration with the CFPR and are excited about the healthier societies that this work promises to contribute to.
Wei-Jun Jean Yeung
Provost's Chair Professor, Sociology and Asia Research Institute
Founding Director, Centre for Family and Population Research
National University of Singapore
June 2014