Professional Certificate in Data Analytics in Social Research

Objective and Outcome

 Objective The PC will equip participants with the requisite theoretical foundations and practical skills to collect, analyze and administrate the social data from surveys, interviews, fieldwork, experiment and archive. These capacities developed through the training are essential for public, civil and market organizations to facilitate informed decision-making in policy, programs, community interventions, and business plans.
 Outcome It will prepare learners in the following job roles to perform their responsibilities more effectively:

  • Collectors, analysts and administrators of social data in governmental, civil and market organizations


 Target market The PC was designed to meet the needs of:

Governmental, civil and company employees in charge of social data administration, collection and analyses

Value Proposition The PC offers students theoretical foundations and practical skills to collect, analyze and administrate the social data from the survey, interviews,  fieldwork, experiment and archive. These capacities developed through the training are essential for public, civil and market organizations to facilitate informed decision-making in policy, programs, community interventions, and business plans.

Programme Structure and Details

Short courses that are scheduled to take place from 1 October 2024 onwards will open for on our brand new application portal.


 Short Course Title Training Hours Course ID Is the short course SSG-funded? Course Dates
 1.  CC-2001 Qualitative Data Analysis: Theory and Practice  14 TGS-2020503227  Yes 2025
 2.  CC-1001 Social Research Design: Survey and Fieldwork 14 TGS-2020503223  Yes 2025
 3i. CC-1004 Quantitative Data Analysis I with SPSS or

ii. CC-2007 Data Analysis in Social Research Using STATA

14 TGS-2020503224


 Yes 27 - 28 Nov 2024


Total Training Hours:

Total Training Days:




 Target Learner Profile The target learner profile includes social data administrators, collectors and analysts in the public, civil and market organizations. It targets learners who are keen to acquire and master the knowledge and skills of conducting social research systematically, especially in terms of learning both quantitative and qualitative research skills. This PC thus offers a good chance for participants to learn, refresh and upgrade their professional knowledge and skills in conducting social investigations and analytics for the related missions and duties.

The entry requirements are a degree of any discipline and at least one year of working experience.

Mode of Delivery For each course, the mode of delivery is 2 days of learning, face-to-face, with intensive hands-on exercises. Using data sources, participants will be exposed to both statistical theory and its practice. The PC combines both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Assessment Learners will be assessed in the following ways:

Short Course 1:

Assessment method A: Basic Quantitative Data Analyses using SPSS

Assessment method B: Essay question to develop a mixed Research Design


Short Course 2:

Assessment method A: Using SPSS to conduct functions such as data entry, data visualization, describing one variable, describing two and more variables including their relationships, hypothesis testing for one variable, hypothesis testing for two and more variables, and basic regression.


Short Course 3i:

Participants will be tested on their understanding and practice of qualitative research methods, i.e., in-depth interviews and focus-group discussions, data coding, and analysis using actual case studies.

Short Course 3ii:

Assessment method A: Using STATA to cover relevant statistical theories, data management, descriptive techniques and inferential regression models.

 Candidature Period The maximum candidature period for learners to complete all component courses to be awarded the PC is 36 months.
 Award of Certificate Learners will be awarded the PC when they have successfully completed all required component courses within the stipulated maximum candidature period and apply to the administrative unit for the PC.
 Programme Management This PC is part of the training programme of CFPR.


 Fees  The total fee for the PC will be $ 5300, made up of:

  • Short course 1’s fee - $1,900;
  • Short course 2’s fee - $1,700;
  • Short course 3i’s fee - $1,700; and
  • Short course 3ii’s fee - $1,900
 External funding (if any)  Course fees for the PC will be subsidized by SSG.

Participants who receive the training grant are liable to pay back the SSG grant plus the prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST) if they do not fulfill the minimum attendance of 75%; do not complete the prescribed assessment for the course/s; do not attain a grading of “Competent”, OR there's premature withdrawal from the course/s.

A certificate of completion will be given to participants who achieve a minimum of 75% attendance, complete the prescribed assessment for the course/s, and attain a grading of “Competent” for the respective course/s.