Project Details - Core Panel Survey
Led By: Professor Wei-Jun Jean Yeung
Co-PIs: Dr. Ding Xiaopan, A/P Ryan Hong, Professor Lim Sun Sun
The core national survey will be a 2-wave panel study of 5,000 children aged 0 to 6 and will assess children’s motor, social-emotional, language and cognitive skills, health, and factors that potentially shape the multiple domains of child development. The respondents will be selected from a nationally representative probability sample of Singapore resident households that have at least one child under the age of 7, with an oversample of the disadvantaged population. The first wave of the national survey will start in 2018 while the 2nd wave will be in 2020.
The study will focus on the cultural background, early childcare and preschool, time use, technology use, financial and non-monetary investment in children, mother, father and extended family’s roles, family stress, program participation, and community context.