
11 May 2023 | Are Children in Cross-National Families Disadvantage in Early Childhood Development? | Population Association of Singapore Conference 2023

PhD student Shuya Lu presented findings on whether young children who grow up in cross-national families have more behavior problems than those growing up with parents with the same nationality, using data from SGLEADS.

11 May 2023 | COVID-19 Experiences and Family Wellbeing: Latent Class Analysis | Population Association of Singapore Conference 2023

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented findings showing how the pandemic may affect the cognitive development of children of different family backgrounds, using data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

11 May 2023 | COVID-19 Learning Gap Effect on Young Children in Singapore | Population Association of Singapore Conference 2023

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented findings showing how the pandemic may affect the cognitive development of children of different family backgrounds, using data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

14 April 2023 | Paternity Leave-Taking and Early Children’s Development in Singapore | Population Association of America 2023

PhD Student Li Nanxun presented on the impacts of paternity leave-taking on pre-school children's cognitive and behavioral outcomes and the mediating factor in this relationship. Data and findings were from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

23 June 2022 | SG LEADS Findings on Child Development in Singapore | Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) Executive Meeting

At the invitation of Minister Indranee Rajah, CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung spoke to the Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) Executive Committee  on early childhood development in Singapore using data from SG LEADS, helping to inform on how they can target programmes and interventions that would help families and children.

14 June 2022 | SG LEADS Findings on Child Development in Singapore | Ministry of Social and Family Development

At a session with Ministry of Social and Family Development senior management, CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung was invited to present findings on the importance of a fathers’ role and time spent by fathers with children using data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

24 May 2022 | SG LEADS Findings on Child Development in Singapore | Singapore Child and Maternal Health & Well-being (CAMHW) Taskforce

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung was invited by the Child and Maternal Health & Well-being (CAMHW) Taskforce, led by Minister Masagos Zulkifli, to share findings on time spent with parents, grandparents and other social support available to mothers and children. She also shared about the roles of father in parenting and how support for families could be enhanced through policies.

21 April 2022 | COVID’s Impact on Early Childhood Development | The University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus, Hong Kong

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented at a seminar hosted by The University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus, discussing the impacts of Covid-19 on early childhood development using data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

046 8Apr2022_COVID-19LearningGapEffect_PAA2022_V5

8 April 2022 | “COVID-19 Learning Gap Effect” for Young Children in Singapore | Population Association Of America (PAA) 2022 Annual Meeting

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented findings showing how the pandemic may affect the cognitive development of children of different family backgrounds, using data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

045 7Apr2022_Self-ControlParentingStress_PAA 2022

7 April 2022 | Parenting Stress Among Mothers With Young Children in Singapore: The Role of Mother’s Human Capital and Self-control | Population Association Of America (PAA) 2022 Annual Meeting

Research Fellow Dr Luxi Chen discussed about different risk factors and the mediating pathways linking maternal self-control to a parenting stress. Data used were from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

044 7Apr2022_PaternityLeave_PAA

7 April 2022 | Paternity Leave, Family Dynamics, and Children’s Behavior in Singapore | Population Association Of America (PAA) 2022 Annual Meeting

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung and PhD Student Li Nanxun presented on the impacts of paternity leave-taking on pre-school children's cognitive and behavioral outcomes and the mediating factor in this relationship. Data and findings were from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

028 17MAr2022_Nutrition_N&G

13 March 2022 | Food Insecurity, Nutrition and Preschool Children's Obesity in Singapore | 9th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Xuejiao Chen presented findings that shed light on the impact of household food insecurity on young children’s physical health. She also shared on how children’s nutrition intake could be a potential pathway through which food insecurity affects children’s health. Data used were from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

027 10Dec2021_FamSocialCapital_IUSSP

10 December 2021 | Family and Community Social Capital on Children's Behaviour | IUSSP International Population Conference

PhD Student Li Nanxun shared about how family and community social capital affect preschool children's behavioural outcomes by looking at data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS), which has a nationally representative sample of families with children aged 0-7 in Singapore.

041 9Dec2021_Family&InequalityinAsia_IUSSP

9 December 2021 | Family and Inequality in Asia: Early Child Development in Singapore | IUSSP International Population Conference

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung discussed about the gaps in Singaporean children’s achievement and early cognitive gaps before they start formal schooling, possible contributing factors, and mediating pathways, using Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS) data.

026 07Dec2021_PaternityLeave_IUSSP

7 December 2021 |  Paternity Leave, Family Dynamics, and Children’s Behavior | IUSSP International Population Conference

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung and PhD Student Li Nanxun presented on the impacts of paternity leave on children's behaviour and how family dynamics mediate this relationship. Data and findings were from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

039 25Nov2021_AffectiveDimentions_TASA2021

25 November 2021 | The Affective Dimensions of Child-raising in Cross-national Families in Singapore | The Australian Sociological Association Conference

Research Fellow Dr Bernice Loh presented on how struggles and investments in parenting are not only undergirded by ideals of ‘good’ (middle-class) parenting and traditional gender roles and expectations, extended family members also have a critical role to play in establishing parenting competencies for the spouses in cross-national marriages.

038 24Nov2021_Negotiate_WIAC

24 November 2021 | Negotiating Motherhood and Childcare: Marriage Migrants, Class, and Situated Agency in Singapore | Women in Asia Conference 2021

Research Fellow Dr Bernice Loh shares about the complexities and flexibility of childcare strategies that marriage migrants improvise and adopt to assert a degree of autonomy while furthering aspirational goals for their children in Singapore. This study was part of the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

037 16Nov20211_AffectiveDimentions_ARI

16 November 2021 | The Affective Dimensions of Child-raising in Cross-national Families in Singapore | ARI Contested Asian Parenting in Inter-Asia Migration

Research Fellow Dr Bernice Loh presented on how struggles and investments in parenting are not only undergirded by ideals of ‘good’ (middle-class) parenting and traditional gender roles and expectations, extended family members also have a critical role to play in establishing parenting competencies for the spouses in cross-national marriages.

036 10Nov2021_AchievementGapsBeforeSchoolinSingapore_READI

10 November 2021 | Achievement Gaps among Singaporean Preschoolers | Research on East Asian Demography and Inequality (READI) Forum, Princeton University

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung discussed about the gaps in Singaporean children’s achievement and early cognitive gaps before they start formal schooling, possible contributing factors, and mediating pathways, using Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS) data.

035 4Nov2021_SESInfantSpeechAbstract_Boston

4 November 2021 | Family Socio-economic Status Predicts Infant Speech Perception | 46th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development

At the 46th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Prof Leher Singh shared about her experiments and findings from testing infants' sensitivities to sounds that distinguish words in their language, measured in relation to their familial socioeconomic status.

025 29Oct2021_NegotiatingMotherhood_CFPR

29 October 2021 | Negotiating Motherhood and Childcare: Marriage Migrants, Class, and Situated Agency in Singapore | CFPR Seminar Series

Research Fellow Dr Bernice Loh shares about the complexities and flexibility of childcare strategies that marriage migrants improvise and adopt to assert a degree of autonomy while furthering aspirational goals for their children in Singapore. This study was part of the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

024 20Sep2021_MaternalChild Health_HPB

20 September 2021 | Selected Findings from the SG LEADS Relevant to Maternal and Child Health | Health Promotion Board

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented selected findings relevant to maternal and child health in Singapore, to the Health Promotion Board. Data and findings were from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

023 16Aug2021_CrossNational_IGC

16 August 2021 | “Ways of Being” and “Ways of Belonging”: Social Integration Experiences of Migrant Wives in Cross-National Marriages in Singapore | 34th International Geographical Congress

Professor Brenda Yeoh from our Cross-cultural Families subproject shared their study's on the integration experiences of migrant wives from low-income, cross-national families in Singapore. This study used data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

031 3Aug2021_Covid&Families_APA

3 August 2021 | COVID-19 and Families with Young Children in Singapore | 5th Asian Population Association Conference

At the plenary session on impacts of COVID-19, Prof Jean Yeung shared about the pressure COVID-19 has exerted on many institutions including the health care systems, schools, government, markets, and law. Family, as the basic socioeconomic unit of society, bears the brunt of the multiple stressors caused by the disruptions to these institutions. She examines the impact of COVID-19 on families through a proposed conceptual framework, illustrating with findings from Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

022 21Jul2021_SocialSkills_ICISS

21 July 2021 | Approaches to Interventionary Research on Social Skills Development in Early Childhood | 16th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Elizabeth Kim from our Social Skills subproject shared their study's findings on how we can improve young children’s prosocial behaviors and what parenting variables and child characteristics are related to prosocial behavior. This study used data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

029 23Jun2021_EduMarriageTimeUse_Maryland

23 June 2021 | SES and Racial Differentials in Singaporean Preschoolers’ Time Use Patterns | 2021 University of Maryland Time Use Conference

At the Time Use Data for Health and Wellbeing Conference, Dr Jiyeon Lee presented  about how parents’ socioeconomic status shapes time use patterns of preschoolers in Singapore, using time diary data collected in Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

021 02Jun2021_Nutrition, Family Stress and BPI_RC28

2 June 2021 | Nutrition, Family Stress and Preschool Children’s Behavior Problems | ISA RC28 Social Stratification Meeting 2021

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Xuejiao Chen and CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented their study on the impact of household food insecurity on preschool children's behaviour problems in Singapore, and possible mediating mechanisms at the ISA RC28 Spring Meeting. This study used data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

027 6May2021_FoodInsecurity&BPI_PAA2021

6 May 2021 | Food Insecurity, Parental Depression, and Behaviour Problems Among Preschool Children | Population Association Of America (PAA) 2021 Annual Meeting

Presenting at the PAA Annual Meeting, Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Xuejiao Chen and CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung shared about the impact of household food insecurity on preschool children's behaviour problems in Singapore, possible mediating mechanisms, shedding some light on the intergenerational roots of disadvantages shown in early childhood, using SG LEADS data.

026 6May2021_DivergentTransmissionResources_PAA2021

6 May 2021 | Divergent Transmission of Resources at the Starting Gate Through Time: Preschoolers in Singapore  | Population Association Of America (PAA) 2021 Annual Meeting

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung discussed about the time use patterns of preschoolers in Singapore, with data were drawn from the novel children’s time diary data collected in Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS). She also looked at how parents’ socioeconomic status shapes the time allocation of preschool children (age 0-6) across a week and to identify factors that explain the differences among children of different family characteristics.

025 5May2021_CrossNationalBehaviourProblems_PAA2021

5 May 2021 | Do Children in Cross-national Families have More Behaviour Problems? | Population Association Of America (PAA) 2021 Annual Meeting

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung and PhD student Shuya Lu showed their findings on whether young children who grow up in cross-national families have more behavior problems than those growing up with parents with the same nationality, using data from SGLEADS.

024 5May2021_Achievement Gaps Before School in Singapore_PAA2021

5 May 2021 | Achievement Gaps Before School in Singapore: Family Socioeconomic Status, Parenting, and Young Children’s Delay of Gratification  | Population Association Of America (PAA) 2021 Annual Meeting

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung and Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Xuejiao Chen presented their study on how parental education and income have an impact on preschool children's achievement using data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

020 09Apr2021_FamilySES&Achievement_SRCD

9 April 2021 | Family SES and Preschool Children’s Achievement Gaps: The Role of Parental Attitudes, Parenting and Children’s Self-regulation | Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting 2021

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Xuejiao Chen and CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung present about the extent to which parents’ education and income contribute to the achievement gap in Singaporean preschool children through parenting beliefs and behaviors and children’s agency, using data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

019 09Apr2021_InfantWord_SRCD

9 April 2021 | Infant Word Recognition and Word Learning is Predicted by Socio-economic Status | Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting 2021

At the SRCD 2021 Biennial Meeting, Prof Leher Singh and CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung shared about how early language processes are influenced by socio-economic status. Findings were based on data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

021 8Apr2021_SpendingTimeDads_Peking

8 April 2021 | Spending time with Dad: Unique Social Context in Singapore | Peking University

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented findings from SG LEADS, showing the significant differences in Singaporean young children’s time with their fathers by their family-level resources and the existence of alternative caregivers.

017 08Apr2021_FoodInsecurity&BPI_SRCD

8 April 2021 | Household Food Insecurity and Singapore Pre-schooler’s Behavior Problems | Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting 2021

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Xuejiao Chen and CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung present their findings from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS) on the negative impact of household food insecurity on children's development.

016 08Apr2021_SelfRegulation_SRCD

8 April 2021 | Self-Regulation Mediates the Relationship between Center-Based Child Care and Behavior Problems: Evidence from Singapore | Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting 2021

Former SG LEADS Research Scholar & PhD Student Yue Bi shares about the relationships between the quantity and quality of center-based child care and behavior problems in Singaporean preschoolers, and how the relationships are mediated by children’s self-regulation, using data drawn from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

015 07Apr2021_DelayOfGratification_SRCD

7 April 2021 | Contributions of Family Processes to the Development of Delay of Gratification in Preschool-Aged Children | Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting 2021

Research Fellow Dr Luxi Chen and CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented their study exploring how family socioeconomic status, parental verbal cognitive and self-regulatory abilities, parenting behaviors, family relationships and physical home environment contribute to preschool-aged children’s Delay of Gratification. Data used were from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

014 07Apr2021_TheoryOfMind_SRCD

7 April 2021 | A Look at the Role of Theory of Mind and SES on Prosocial Behavior in Early Childhood | Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting 2021

Former SG LEADS Research Scholar Nawal Hashim shared findings on the joint influences of socioeconomic status and Theory of Mind understanding on young children’s sharing behavior and generosity, using data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

013 07Apr2021_Time with Dad_SRCD

7 April 2021 | Time with Dads: Unique Family Contexts in Singapore | Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting 2021

At the SRCD 2021 Biennial Meeting, Dr Jiyeon Lee and CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented on how family contexts shape paternal involvement time in children's activities in Singapore and the implications it has. Findings were based on data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

0012 19Feb2021_DOG in Preschool aged children

19 February 2021 | Delay of Gratification in Preschool-Aged Children in Singapore | CFPR Seminar Series

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Luxi Chen presented on how young Singaporean children’s ability to delay gratification was associated with their cognitive function and self-control in daily lives, which further predicted fewer behavioral problems and better academic performance in reading and math. Findings were based on data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SGLEADS).

0011 29Jan2021_Neuroscience perspective on fairness

29 January 2021 | A Neuroscience Perspective on Fairness Perception in Singaporean Preschoolers | CFPR Seminar Series

Research Associate Dr. Nastassja L. Fischer presented how sensorial- and reward-related brain processes are involved in fairness perception by preschoolers. Analysis was made using 3 to 6 years old preschoolers who participated in a child-friendly Dictator Game (DG) where they were exposed to unequal and fair offers while having electroencephalographic (EEG) activity acquired. This was part of the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

007 7Jan2021_Budapest CEU

7 January 2021 | Fast and Slow Event-related Potentials Involved in Inequity Perception in Preschoolers | 11th Annual Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development

One of SG LEADS’ research associate Dr. Nastassja L. Fischer presented how sensorial- and reward-related brain processes are involved in fairness perception by preschoolers using electroencephalography. Final analysis was made using 17 children aged from 3 to 6 years who participated in the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

007 20Nov2020_ICSA

20 November 2020 | “COVID-19 Learning Gap Effect” for Young Children in Singapore | International Chinese Sociological Association

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented findings from her paper written together with postdoctoral fellows Dr Xuejiao Chen and Dr Jiyeon Lee at the International Chinese Sociological Association Annual Conference. The paper uses data from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEAD) collected in 2018-2019 to shed light on how COVID-19 will affect children’s cognitive development.

006 19-20Nov2020_ARI Emerging Dimensions

19-20 November 2020 | Family Dynamics in Cross-national Families with Young Children in Singapore | ARI Emerging Dimensions of Marriage in Asia

At the Asia Research Institute's Emerging Dimensions of Marriage in Asia Conference, CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung and PhD student Lu Shuya presented on the gender relations between the spouses and family dynamics of cross-national families with young children in Singapore, using data collected from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

18Nov2020_NUS Giving

18 November 2020 | Understanding and Supporting the Low Income Families during COVID 19 and its Aftermath | NUS Giving Webinar

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung was one of the panel speakers for the NUS Giving live webinar where they discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects low-income families in Singapore.

005 27Oct2020_Neuromatch

27 October 2020 | Fast and Slow Event-related Potentials Involved in Inequity Perception in Preschoolers | Neuromatch 3.0 Conference

One of SG LEADS’ research associate Dr. Nastassja L. Fischer presented how sensorial- and reward-related brain processes are involved in fairness perception by preschoolers using electroencephalography. Final analysis was made using 17 children aged from 3 to 6 years who participated in the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

002 Family SES and Young Singaporean Children’s Achievement_26102020

26 October 2020 | Family SES and Young Singaporean Children’s Achievement | CFPR Seminar Series

One of SG LEADS’ postdoctoral fellow Dr Xuejiao Chen presented on the extent to which parents’ education and income contribute to the achievement gap in Singaporean preschool children through parenting beliefs and behaviours and children’s agency. Data were drawn from a sample of 2,168 children aged 4 to 6 years who participated in the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

001 SES Differentials in Singaporean Preschoolers’ Time Use Patterns_23102020

23 October 2020 | SES Differentials in Singaporean Preschoolers’ Time Use Patterns | CFPR Seminar Series

Dr Jiyeon Lee, a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre of Family and Population Research, shares about the time use patterns of preschoolers in Singapore, using data were drawn from the novel children’s time diary data collected from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).


16 October 2020 | Growing Up in Singapore: Early Childhood Development & Implications of COVID-19 | NYU Shanghai CASER Research Seminar Series

This was part of the CASER Research Seminar Series organised by NYU Shanghai. CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung discussed some results of the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS), highlighting results based on children’s time diaries and the Woodcock-Johnson achievement tests.


7 October 2020Fairness Perception in Preschoolers: Early and Late Components Involved in Resource Allocation Appraisal | 2020 Society for Psychophysiological Research Virtual Annual Meeting

Research Associate Dr. Nastassja L. Fischer presented how sensorial- and reward-related brain processes are involved in fairness perception by preschoolers using electroencephalography. Final analysis was made using 17 children aged from 3 to 6 years who participated in the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

004 6Aug2020_Covid_CFPR&APA

6 August 2020The Implications of COVID-19 for Families and Policy Response in Singapore | Asian Families Amid the Covid Pandemic

At NUS CFPR's Joint Webinar with Asian Population Association, CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung presented variations across different groups of families in Singapore, the resources available to them and discussed the implications for family dynamics, children’s development, and young people’s transition to adulthood.

002 21May2020_LKYSPP

21 May 2020COVID-19: Too Close for Comfort: Will the Pandemic Make or Break the Family? | Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung spoke at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy's Asia Thinker Series on how the multiple simultaneous shocks that families are facing during COVID-19 are affecting them, how families try to cope, and the long term impacts.

001 6Sep2019_BPS CogDev

6 September 2019How Does Economic Hardship Influence Preschool Children’s Behaviour Problems? The Moderating Role of Delay of Gratification | CogDev 2019: British Psychological Society (BPS) Developmental and Cognitive Sections Joint Conference 2019

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Luxi Chen and CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung shared about the mechanisms through which economic hardship influences children’s behaviour problems, with parental stress and parenting practices as mediators, and children’s Delay of Gratification as a moderator. Data used were collected from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

001 6Sep2019_BPS CogDev

6 September 2019Economic Hardship and Early Childhood Academic Achievement: The Roles of Parenting, Cognitive Function and Delay of Gratification | CogDev 2019: British Psychological Society (BPS) Developmental and Cognitive Sections Joint Conference 2019

CFPR Founding Director Prof Jean Yeung and Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Luxi Chen presented on how economic hardship influences children’s cognitive function and academic performance through parental emotional and cognitive ability, parenting practices and Delay of Gratification (DoG). Data used were collected from the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).