


□ I listen to K-pop and like it.
□ I enjoy K-drama.
□ I like Korean food.
□ I may want to visit Korea one day.
□ I like to add on a foreign language to my ability.
Are you nodding to the list above? Why don’t you learn Korean in a class directly run by NUS?

The Korean Language Programme of the Centre for Language Studies has a great experience and dedicated teachers. The course will be conducted by professional NUS teachers, applying communicative approaches to motivate students and enhance learning outcome. The Korean course is a combination of fun and education. You will find it very different from learning a boring subject in the classroom but our highly experienced tutors will make your learning journey extremely enjoyable and fruitful.
For Whom


The Korean Language courses are designed and structured for the busy working professional who aspires to attain language mastery in the Korean Language.
Competencies achieved through attending the progressive courses are useful to building confidence so as to enable the individual to speak, understand and read basic syntax in the newly-acquired language focus.
Courses are designed in a structured and coherent manner, positioned from an adult perspective so that they closely address and match the adults’ learner’s quest for continuing education.

Successful completion of the language competencies are contingent upon participants’ consistency in attendance, and the dedication of time to practice after each class session. Yonsei Korean in 3 Week will be used as a textbook and extra material will be given to you for activities in the class and self-study handouts will be provided too.



Full Course Descriptions (Course Topics)



Course Fee :
Full fee: $654 | Fee after NSA subsidy: $354
Course Start Date :
28 September 2024
Course End Date :
30 November 2024
Material Cost :
Fresh Student - $55 (Purchase/collection/delivery to be advised)
Venue :
Online Class (As this is an online course, the use of webcam will be compulsory for everyone.)
9am to 12pm, every Saturday for 10 weeks
Registration start:
1 August 2024
Registration deadline:
1 September 2024
Course Schedule

All self-sponsored Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above may use available funds in their SkillsFuture Credit account to pay their course fees.
SFC Course Code: ***TGS-2016503388*** Learn more

This course is approved by National Silver Academy (NSA).  Singapore Citizens aged 50 and above will be eligible for a subsidy of up to 50% off the course fee.  For more information on NSA, please visit www.nsa.org.sg

For NUS Alumni/Staff/ Student, there will be a 10% discount off the course fee before GST.


Course Description:
This course is designed to teach students the basics of Korean language which include basic grammatical concepts, text reading and conversation skills.

Course Content:
You will start the class with learning Korean alphabets (Hangeul) to read and write Korean followed by everyday topics. At the end of the term, you can read and write Korean as well as be able to greet and make a basic conversation in Korean mostly in a classroom setting.
1. Hangeul (Korean writing system)
2. Greeting
3. School
4. Classroom
5. Location
6. Invitation
7. Visits
8. Things that you like

At the end of the course, participants will be able to introduce themselves, buy things, write and read Korean words.

Required Textbook:
Yonsei Korean in 3 week – 1