Ms Pham Nhu Quynh is a native of Hanoi. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the National University of Hanoi,
where she majored in linguistics. After graduation in 1992 she worked full-time with the Centre for Vietnamese and
Intercultural Studies, National University of Hanoi as a Vietnamese language teacher from April 1993 to October 2001.
The Centre received foreign students, in particular post-graduate and more recently undergraduates, into Vietnam to
conduct field research, joint projects, and Vietnamese language studies. She thus has extensive experience in teaching
the Vietnamese language to foreign students. She has co-authored, together with other Vietnamese language teachers
of the Centre, a Vietnamese language course book for foreigners, titled "Vietnamese Language in practice for Advanced
Learners" and "A Concise Vietnamese Grammar”. She has joined Centre for Language Studies as Instructor since 2003.