


Have you always wanted to visit a South Indian eatery and impress the staff by ordering your food in fluent Tamil? Wondered about things like the significance of lamps in Deepavali or maybe even what goes in making a really good Thosai? Want to bargain in Tamil when buying the colourful sarees?

Tamil is recognized today as one of the vibrant classical language possessing a literature and a rich culture. It is essential to understanding and appreciating Tamil culture in the entirety. Knowing Tamil will not only make your visit Little India in Singapore easier but will also help you experience it wholesomely. It enriches you, to have a wonderful, immersive experience when you travel and visit Tamil Nadu and also Sri Lanka.
For Whom


The Tamil Language course are designed and structured for the busy working professional who aspires to attain language mastery in the Tamil Language. Competencies achieved through attending the progressive courses are useful to building confidence so as to enable the individual to speak, understand and read basic syntax in the newly-acquired language focus. Courses are designed in a structured and coherent manner, positioned from an adult perspective so that they closely address and match the adults’ learner’s quest for continuing education.
Successful completion of the language competencies are contingent upon participants’ consistency in attendance, and the dedication of time to practice after each class session.


Full Course Descriptions (Course Topics)



Course Fee:
Full fee: $654 | Fee after NSA subsidy: $354
Course Start Date:
12 April 2025
Course End Date:
21 June 2025
Material Cost:
Fresh Student - $23 (Purchase/collection/delivery to be advised)
Online Class (As this is an online course, the use of webcam will be compulsory for everyone.)
9am to 12pm, every Saturday for 10 weeks
Registration Start:
1 February 2025
Registration Deadline:
3 March 2025
Course Schedule

All self-sponsored Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above may use available funds in their SkillsFuture Credit account to pay their course fees.
SFC Course Code: ***TGS-2019507991*** Learn more

This course is approved by National Silver Academy (NSA).  Singapore Citizens aged 50 and above will be eligible for a subsidy of up to 50% off the course fee.  For more information on NSA, please visit www.nsa.org.sg

For NUS Alumni/Staff/ Student, there will be a 10% discount off the course fee before GST.


This course is designed to teach students the basics of Tamil language which include basic grammatical concepts, text reading and conversation skills.

Course Content:
Students will be engaging in tasks to achieve the following communicative functions:
1. Vowels & Consonants – Pronunciation
2. Tamil Alphabet- Vowels, Greetings
3. Consonants, Basic personal information
4. Introducing myself and others – Minor sentences
5. Family relations
6. Visiting Friend – Adjective: numbers & colours
7. At the restaurant – Food

The course aims at enabling non-Tamil-speaking beginners to achieve competence in understanding and using basic Tamil, both its spoken and written forms. The emphasis is mainly on conversational Tamil and its practical use at the level of everyday discourse and on written Tamil and its use at the beginners' level. To facilitate immersion into the Tamil language, students will be taught the necessary skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking initially through a Romanised script; during the semester the students will learn the orthographic system of the Tamil language. The essential aspects of Tamil grammar will also be taught. By the end of course, students will be able to write and read small texts by using the Tamil orthographic system and possess listening and speaking skills in Tamil language.