The interdisciplinary scope of research at CNM means that our Department is home to a spectrum of publication formats, ranging from sole-authored arts and humanities volumes to single- or co-authored social sciences journal articles to teamwork-based conference proceedings that are common among computer scientists. Our colleagues also produce other types of research outputs such as art exhibitions, multimedia storytelling, documentaries, policy papers, and commissioned research reports for public-sector decision-makers. CNM's research outputs are wide-ranging, with both scholarly and social impact. A list of the department's research outputs are partially presented below, organised according to the research concentrations:
Ho, M. H. S. (2020). Queer and normal: Dansō (female-to-male crossdressing) lives and politics in contemporary Tokyo. Asian Anthropology, 19(2), 102-118. https://doi-org/10.1080/1683478X.2020.1756075
Ho, M. H. S. (2020). Affect: Nishihara Satsuki. In P. W. Galbraith, J. G. Karlin, & S. Nozawa (Eds.), Japanese Media and Popular Culture: An Open-Access Digital Initiative of the University of Tokyo.
Ho, M. H. S. (2021). From Dansō to genderless: Mediating queer styles and androgynous bodies in Japan. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 22(2), 158-177.
Ho, M. H. S. (2021). Categories that bind: Transgender, crossdressing, and transnational sexualities in Tokyo. Advance online publication.
Ho, M. H. S. (2022). A different kind of transgender celebrity: From entertainment narrative to the “wrong body” discourse in Japanese media culture. Television & New Media, 23(8), 803-821. https://doi-org/10.1177/15274764211052912
Ho, M. H. S. (2022). ‘Queer’ media in Inter-Asia: Thinking gender and sexuality transnationally. In Y. Kim (Ed.), Media in Asia (pp. 226-238). New York, NY: Routledge.
Ho, M. H. S. (2022). How Nissin represented Naomi Osaka: Race, gender, and sport in Japanese advertising. Communication & Sport, 10(4), 594-615. https://doi-org/10.1177/21674795211040213
Ho, M. H. S. (2023). From Dansō to genderless: Mediating queer styles and androgynous bodies in Japan. In S. Salenius (Ed.), Gender in Japanese Popular Culture: Rethinking Masculinities and Femininities (pp. 29-59). Cham: Palgrave MacMillan.
Ho, M. H. S. (2023). Looking Japanese: Representing gender, privilege, and multiracial beauty queens in the media. Feminist Media Studies.
Ho, M. H. S., & Blackwood, E. (2022). Queer Asias: Genders and sexualities across borders and boundaries.
Ho, M. H. S., & Lim, W. (2023). Asian sporting masculinities in figure skating: Media representations of Nathan Chen and Yuzuru Hanyu as rivals. Media, Culture & Society, 45(3), 561-577. https://doi-org/10.1177/0163443722114052
Ho, M. H. S., Li, E. C.-Y., & Kam, L. Y. L. (2021). Editorial introduction: Androgynous bodies and cultures in Asia. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 22(2), 129-138. https://doi-org/10.1080/14649373.2021.1927568
Hong, R. (2020). Probing interfaces: New games, Spacewar!, and the gamification of complexity. International Journal of Communication, 15, 1836-1854. Available at:
Hong, R. (2021). “Le Modifiche, Il Prosumerismo E Le Pratiche Di Lavoro Neoliberiste.” Translation of article “Game modding” in Game Over: Critica della ragione videoludica (Ed: Matteo Bittanti) Italy: Mimesis Edizion.
Hong, R. (2021). From road warriors to digital nomads: Portable computers, habitats, and remote work. Cultural Studies, 37(3), 508-535. https://doi-org/10.1080/09502386.2021.1992462
Hong, R. (2022). Curative platforms: Disability, access, and food delivery work in Singapore. New Media & Society. https://doi-org/10.1177/14614448221090638
Hong, R. (2022). Telecommuting pedagogies: White plasticity and the ecological imaginaries of working-from-home. Social Text, 40(2), 21-48.
Hong, R. (2023). Plasticity: Accounting for adaptation in sociotechnical systems. International Journal of Communication.
Khan, R. (2020). The limits of aspirational diversity, or why we need to talk about race in the arts. In T. Bennett & D. Stevenson (Eds.), The Australian Art Field: Frictions and Futures (pp. 158-169). Melbourne University Publishing.
Khan, R. (2021). Pragmatic belonging: Migrant young people making claims on the nation. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 42(2), 127-142.
Khan, R. (2021). Relocating sustainable fashion: Intercultural reciprocity in ‘more than local’ fashion-making. Continuum, 35(6), 838-852.
Khan, R. (2022). Beyond empowerment and inspiration: Towards a critical program for multicultural youth leadership. Journal of Youth Studies, 25(9), 1284-1300.
Khan, R., & Richards, H. (2022). Fashion in ‘crisis’: Consumer activism and brand (ir)responsibility in lockdown. Cultural Studies, 35(2-3), 227-238. DOI:
Li, K. (2021). Beyond algorithmic control: Flexibility, intermediaries, and paradox in the on-demand economy. Information, Communication and Society. https://doi-org/10.1080/1369118X.2021.1924225
Li, K. (2022). Beyond precarity: Forced labor in China's on-demand economy. New Media & Society. https://doi-org/10.1177/14614448221080460
Soto-Sanfiel, M. T. (2021). Cinematic entertainment: Contemporary adolescents’ uses-and-gratifications of going to the movies. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Entertainment Theory (pp. 559-581). Oxford University Press.
Soto-Sanfiel, M. T., & Montoya-Bermúdez, D. F. (2022). Consumption of true crimes and perceived vulnerability: Does the cultural context matter? International Communication Gazette. Advance online publication.
Soto-Sanfiel, M. T., & Sánchez-Soriano, J.-J. (2023). Absence and distortion in the self-representation of LGBTQ+ narratives. Journal of Homosexuality. Advance online publication.
Yue, A. (2022). Conjunctions of resilience and the Covid-19 crisis of the creative cultural industries. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 25(3-4), 349-368.
Yue, A. (2022). From creative to critical placemaking: Ambient participation and the cultural impact of digital media art in public space. In J. Andrew & M. LaWare (Eds.), Art and the Global City: Public Space, Transformative Media and the Politics of Urban Rhetoric (pp. 129-148). New York: Peter Lang.
Yue, A. (2022). From digital literacy to digital citizenship: Policies, assessment frameworks and programmes for young people in the Asia Pacific. In Y. Kim (Ed.), Media in Asia: Global, Digital, Gendered and Mobile (pp. 181-194). Routledge.
Yue, A., & Beta, A. (2022). Digital citizenship in Asia: A critical introduction. International Communication Gazette, 84(4), 279-286.
Yue, A., & Lim, R. P. A. (2022). Digital sexual citizenship and LGBT young people’s platform use. International Communication Gazette, 84(4), 331-348.