
Although Master and PhD candidates have a maximum of three and five years respectively to complete their degrees, barring exceptional circumstances, majority of the department's Master candidates complete their degrees in two years while PhD candidates complete their degrees in four years.

The typical milestones to complete the (a) Master degree in two years, or (b) PhD degree in four years are listed below.

Master of Arts

First year milestones

  1. Completion of all compulsory coursework modules

Second year milestones

  1. Completion of all elective coursework modules
  2. Completion of fieldwork/data collection for thesis
  3. Thesis submission and examination

Doctor of Philosophy

First year milestones

  1. Completion of all compulsory coursework modules

Second year milestones

  1. Completion of most elective coursework modules
  2. Completion of comprehensive examinations (Qualifying Examination Part I)
  3. Thesis proposal submission and examination (Qualifying Examination Part II)

Third year milestones

  1. Completion of all elective coursework modules
  2. Completion of funding application for fieldwork/data collection
  3. Execution of fieldwork/data collection

Fourth year milestones

  1. Completion of fieldwork/data collection for thesis
  2. Thesis submission and examination