
At CNM, we strive to create knowledge through engaged scholarship and curate cutting-edge research on new media technologies and communication. Following the traditions of social sciences, arts and humanities, computer science and engineering, we collaborate with industry and public-sector stakeholders to advance policy and pedagogy in order to contribute to the wellbeing of society at local, cross-cultural, Inter-Asian, and global levels. More specifically, colleagues at CNM conduct excellent research with distinct features, while contributing to the dynamic research culture of the department as a whole.

We are an international and interdisciplinary department. Our faculty’s areas of expertise span across communication studies, cultural studies, computational social science, and interactive design with an emphasis on new and emergent media.

Research strengths at CNM coalesce into five concentrations:

The Critical Media and Cultural Studies cluster draws on theories of power, technology, affect, creativity, intersectional identity, sexuality, history and cultural heritage to explore diverse cultural groups and media texts, practices and industries. Oriented toward progressive change, researchers engage government and non-government partners to tackle crucial political and ecological problems, while mobilising critical pedagogies to help our students become lively, creative and independent citizens of the world.