Recognised Courses

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This page details (1) the courses from other departments recognized by the Philosophy Department, and (2) the philosophy courses that are recognized by other departments. As curriculum revisions may occur occasionally in FASS, students are advised to check with our staff for the latest changes, additions, or deletions from the lists below.

Courses Recognised by PH

Courses from other departments recognized as counting towards the philosophy (PH) major and minor requirements include the following:

Chinese Studies Courses

The following courses may be suitable for students with an interest in Chinese or Comparative Philosophy:

CH2252 History of Chinese Philosophy
CH3253 Confucian Thought
CH2161 Traditional Chinese Taxonomy of Learning
CH3254 Neo-Confucianism in Chinese History
CH3255 Introduction to Chinese Buddhism
CH3261 Prescribed Text: The Four Books
CH3883 Topics in Chinese Philosophy I
CH4251/CH4251HM Modern-Contemporary Chinese Thought
CH4261/CH4261HM Prescribed Text: Zhuangzi
CH4883/CH4883HM Topics in Chinese Philosophy II

English Language Courses (For Cohort 2015 onwards)

The following courses may be suitable for students with an interest in Philosophy of Language:

EL2101 Structure of Sentences and Meanings
EL3203 Semantics and Pragmatics
EL4203/EL4203HM Semantics

English Literature Courses (For Cohort 2015 onwards)

The following courses may be suitable for students with an interest in Continental or Postmodern Philosophy:

EN2277 Love’s Word: Reading across Literature and Philosophy
EN3241 Literature and Psychoanalysis
EN3264 In Other Wor(l)ds: Post-colonial Theory & Literature
EN4242/EN4242HM Modern Critical Theory

Political Science Courses

The following courses may be suitable for students with an interest in Political Philosophy:

PS2203 Ancient Western Political Thought
PS2204 Modern Western Political Thought

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Courses

PE2101P Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
PE3101P Decision and Social Choice
PE4101P/PE4101PHM The Ethics and Politics of Nudging
PE4102P/PE4102PHM Welfare and Distribution

PH Courses Recognised by Other Departments

PH-classified courses recognized as counting towards other major and minor requirements include the following:

Recognized by Major in English Language (EL)

PH2242 Philosophy of Language
PH3245 Language and Thought
PH4242/PH4242HM Issues in Philosophy of Language

Recognized by Major in English Language (EN) (For Cohort 2015 onwards)

PH2209 Philosophy of Art
PH2219 Critical Theory and Hermeneutics
PH2224 Philosophy and Film
PH3214 Philosophy and Literature

Recognized by Major in European Studies (EU)

PH2206 Founders of Modern Philosophy
PH2207 Hume and Kant
PH2222 Greek Philosophy (Socrates and Plato)
PH3213 Knowledge, Modernity and Global Change
PH3222 Greek Philosophy (Aristotle)
PH4206/PH4206HM A Major Philosopher
PH4207/PH4207HM Phenomenology
PH4209/PH4209HM Greek Thinkers
PH4210/PH4210HM Topics in Western Philosophy
PH4213/PH4213HM Comparative Philosophy
PH4261/PH4261HM Immanuel Kant
PH4262/PH4262HM Nietzsche

Recognized by Major in Global Studies (GL)

PH2204 Introduction to Indian Thought
PH2206 Founders of Modern Philosophy
PH2207 Hume and Kant
PH2212 Introduction to Continental Philosophy
PH2222 Greek Philosophy (Socrates and Plato)
PH2301 Classical Chinese Philosophy I
PH2302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions I
PH2321 Philosophies of Zen (Chan) Buddhism
PH3207 Continental European Philosophy
PH3222 Greek Philosophy (Aristotle)
PH3301 Classical Chinese Philosophy II
PH3202 Chinese Philosophical Traditions II
PH3303 Modern Chinese Philosophy
PH3304 Daoist Traditions
PH4204/PH4204HM Topics in Indian Philosophy
PH4205/PH4205HM Topics in East Asian Philosophy
PH4208/PH4208HM Topics in Buddhism
PH4209/PH4209HM Greek Thinkers
PH4214/PH4214HM Recent Continental European Philosophy
PH4311/PH4311HM Classical Chinese Through Philosophical Texts
PH4312/PH4312HM Contemporary Readings in East Asian Philosophy

Recognized by Major in Chinese Studies (CH)

PH2301 Early Chinese Philosophy I
PH2302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions I: Medieval Chinese Philosophy
PH3301 Early Chinese Philosophy II
PH3302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions II
PH3303 Modern Chinese Philosophy
PH3304 Daoist Traditions

Recognized by Major in Malay Studies (MS)

PH2110 Logic
PH3201 Philosophy of Social Science

Recognized by Major in Political Science (PS)

PH2202 Major Political Philosophers
PH4202/PH4202HM Political Philosophy
PH4203/PH4203HM Issues in Moral Philosophy
PH4205/PH4205HM Topics in East Asian Philosophy
PH4210/PH4210HM Topics in Western Philosophy
PH4262/PH4262HM Nietzsche

Recognized by Major in Psychology (PL)

PH2201 Introduction to Philosophy of Science
PH2241 Philosophy of Mind
PH3201 Philosophy of Social Sciencev

Recognized by Minor in China Studies

PH2301 Early Chinese Philosophy I
PH2302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions I: Medieval Chinese Philosophy
PH3301 Early Chinese Philosophy II
PH3302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions II
PH3303 Modern Chinese Philosophy
PH3304 Daoist Traditions

Recognized by Minor in South Asian Studies

PH2204 Introduction to Indian Thought
PH3204 Issues in Indian Philosophy

Recognized by Minor in Indian Studies

PH2204 Introduction to Indian Thought
PH3204 Issues in Indian Philosophy

Recognized by Minor in Cultural Studies

PH3220 Philosophy of Culture

Recognized by Minor in Gender Studies

PH3217 Women in Philosophy

Recognized by Minor in Religious Studies

PH2204 Introduction to Indian Thought
PH2211 Philosophy of Religion
PH2321 Philosophies of Zen (Chan) Buddhism

Recognized by Minor in Science, Technology and Society

PH2201 Introduction to Philosophy of Science
PH2216 Environmental Philosophy
PH2217 Computerisation and Ethics
PH2223 Introduction to Philosophy of Technology
PH3213 Knowledge, Modernity and Global Change