
Overview of All Modules

Our students read modules from 6 major categories listed below. Click on an LumiNUS link to see historical course details, or access the following document for a full list of courses. Note that some modules are listed under more than one category.

History of Philosophy

PH2204/SN2273/GEK2027 Introduction to Indian Thought

PH2206/GEK2028 Founders of Modern Philosophy

PH2207 Hume and Kant

PH2212/GEK2030/EU2214 Introduction to Continental Philosophy

PH2219/EU2222 Critical Theory and Hermeneutics

PH2222/GEK2036 Greek Philosophy (Socrates and Plato)

PH2301 Classical Chinese Philosophy I

PH2302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions I: Medieval Chinese Philosophy

PH3207/EU3227 Continental European Philosophy

PH3217 Women in Philosophy

PH3222 Greek Philosophy (Aristotle)

PH3261 Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

PH3301 Classical Chinese Philosophy II

PH3302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions II

PH4209 Greek Thinkers

PH4214 Recent Continental European Philosophy

PH4217 History of Philosophy

PH5650/PH5650R Topics in Continental Philosophy

PH6210 Topics In History Of Western Philosophy

PH6320 Traditions in Asian Philosophy

Value Theory

PH2202 Major Political Philosophers

PH2203 Major Moral Philosophers

PH2208/GEK2029 Applied Ethics

PH2209 Philosophy of Art

PH2216 Environmental Philosophy

PH2218 Business Ethics

PH2220 Social Philosophy and Policy

PH2221 Medical Ethics

PH2224 Philosophy and Film

PH3202 Philosophy of Law

PH3203 Moral Philosophy

PH3213 Knowledge, Modernity and Global Change

PH3214 Philosophy and Literature

PH3216 Comparative Environmental Ethics

PH3230 Normative Ethical Theory

PH4202 Political Philosophy

PH4203 Issues in Moral Philosophy

PH4216 Topics in Environmental Philosophy

PH4243 Issues in Aesthetics

PH5420 Advanced Political Philosophy

PH5430 Ethics

PH6216 Advanced Environmental Philosophy

PH6243 Advanced Aesthetics

Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language

GEK2041/GET1025 Science Fiction and Philosophy

PH2206/GEK2028 Founders of Modern Philosophy

PH2207 Hume and Kant

PH2211 Philosophy of Religion

PH2213 Metaphysics

PH2241 Philosophy of Mind

PH2242 Philosophy of Language

PH2243 Epistemology

PH3206 Recent Philosophy

PH3241 Consciousness

PH3242 The Self

PH3243 Chance and Uncertainty

PH3244 Appearance and Reality

PH3245 Language and Thought

PH3248 Social and Formal Epistemology

PH4207 Phenomenology

PH4211 Issues in Epistemology

PH4212 Issues in Philosophy of Mind

PH4215 Freedom and Moral Responsibility

PH4240 Issues in Metaphysics

PH4242 Issues in Philosophy of Language

PH6211 Advanced Epistemology

PH6212 Advanced Philosophy of Mind

PH6240 Advanced Metaphysics

PH6242 Advanced Philosophy of Language

PH6540 Topics in Analytic Philosophy

Asian and Comparative Philosophy

PH2204/SN2273/GEK2027 Introduction to Indian Thought

PH2301 Classical Chinese Philosophy I

PH2302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions I: Medieval Chinese Philosophy

PH3204/SN3272 Issues in Indian Philosophy

PH3208 Buddhist Philosophy

PH3216 Comparative Environmental Ethics

PH3218 Introduction to Comparative Philosophy

PH3301 Classical Chinese Philosophy II

PH3302 Chinese Philosophical Traditions II

PH4204 Topics in Indian Philosophy

PH4205 Topics in East Asian Philosophy

PH4208 Topics in Buddhism

PH4213 Comparative Philosophy

PH4311 Classical Chinese Through Philosophical Texts

PH4312 Contemporary Readings in East Asian Philosophy

PH5510 Comparative Philosophy

PH6320 Traditions in Asian Philosophy

Logic and Philosophy of Science

GEK2048/GET1026 Effective Reasoning

GEM2006/GET1028 Logic

PH2201/GEM2025 Introduction to Philosophy of Science

PH2112 Non-Classical Logic

PH2223/GEK2037 Introduction to Philosophy of Technology

PH3201 Philosophy of Social Science

PH3246 Paradoxes

PH3247 Philosophical Logic

PH3250 Quantification and Modality

PH4201 Philosophy of Science

PH4241 Issues in Philosophical Logic

PH5423 Philosophy of Science and Technology

PH6241 Advanced Philosophical Logic

Variable / Others

GEK1067/GET1029 Life, the Universe, and Everything

GEM1004/GET1027 Reason and Persuasion

GES1041 Everyday Ethics in Singapore

GET1050 Computational Reasoning

PE2101P Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

PE3101P Decision Theory and Social Choice

PH2880 Topics in Philosophy

PH4206 A Major Philosopher

PH4210 Topics in Western Philosophy

PH4261 Immanuel Kant

PH4262 Nietzsche

PH4401 Honours Thesis

PH4550 Internship: Philosophy for Teaching

PH4660 Independent Study

PH5660 Independent Study

PH6660 Independent Study

PH6760 Philosophical Topics