Philosophy Interest Group

The NUS Philosophy Interest Group (PIG) is a student interest group housed under the NUS Department of Philosophy, with current undergraduate philosophy majors and minors comprising its membership base. The group, led by the student members of the PIG Executive Committee, organises activities for its members and other students currently taking philosophy courses, with the overarching goal of bringing together individuals passionate about philosophy into a receptive and lively undergraduate philosophical community.

The aims of the group’s activities are multifaceted: socially, it strives to build a close-knit community amongst philosophy students at NUS. Academically, the PIG lends a helping hand to those new to the ways of philosophy by organising academic support programs for them. Lastly, the group’s activities also serve to advertise philosophy as a potential major or minor to incoming freshmen, and philosophy courses to the rest of the student population.


Peer Mentoring Workshop Series

This workshop series aims to deliver academic support to students with varying levels of exposure to philosophy, and of varying philosophical abilities. Stage 1A aims to cover some of the basics of philosophical reasoning, stage 1B targets the essentials in philosophical writing for students new to philosophy, and stage 2 focuses on helping students already exposed to philosophy to improve their writing in peer discussions led by peer facilitators.

For their positive contributions to the student community, the peer mentors were awards the FASS Student Leadership Award (FSLA) in 2016.

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Games Night

Every semester, philosophy students are invited to an evening of food, good company, and games—specifically, a carefully curated selection of board games—that will encourage them to mingle and strike up new friendships amidst much light-hearted banter and laughter.

The Philosophy Party

Organised at the end of every academic year, the Philosophy Party gathers together faculty, alumni, graduate students, and undergraduates in a night of good cheer and company, as the community comes together to celebrate the community’s milestones and the commencement of the outgoing undergraduates.