Ming-Qing Studies Research Group

Brochure Final 1


The Ming-Qing Studies Research Group brings together faculty members and current and former graduate students of the Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, who do their research on all aspects of the Ming-Qing period. We also maintain contact with ex-members who have left Singapore to take up positions in other regions. With its emphasis on intellectual and cultural history, the group aims to facilitate academic discussions that fuse history, literature and philosophy. It also encourages research that uses the Ming-Qing as a pivotal point for connecting the middle period with the modern era.

In principle, members of the group will meet once a month. Activities include:

  1. Faculty members and graduate students sharing their current research and findings
  2. Talks by visiting scholars
  3. Seminars and international conferences

Research Areas

  1. History
  2. Religion
  3. Literature
  4. Linguistics
  5. Politics and other cultural and socio-economic issues of Ming-Qing China


Name 姓名 Research Area
Prof Ong Chang Woei 王昌伟教授 Intellectual history of later and late imperial China
A/P Koh Khee Heong 许齐雄副教授 Chinese intellectual history, Ming history
Name 姓名 Research Area
Prof Yung Sai-Shing 容世诚教授 Chinese Drama, Chinese literature and print culture
A/P Lam Lap 林立副教授 Ci poetry and Ci studies
A/P Lee Cheuk Yin 李焯然副教授 History and culture of the Ming Dynasty
A/P Su Jui-Lung 苏瑞隆副教授 Popular religions and Taoism
A/P Wong Sin Kiong 黄贤强副教授 Political Culture of Modern China
A/P Xu Lanjun 徐兰君副教授 Late imperial and modern Chinese literature
Dr Chan Ying-kit 陈英杰助理教授 History of science in late imperial China, Late Qing intellectual history, Women in Qing China
Dr Charles Wong Kian Hoe 黄建豪讲师 Military Culture of the Ming Literati
Prof Li Cho-ying Socio-cultural history National Tsing Hua University
A/P Ngoi Guat Peng Ming Neo-Confucianism Sultan Idris Education University
A/P Wang Jinping Song-Ming social history NUS
Dr Sim Chuin Peng Print Culture of Ming China NUS
Name 姓名
Hong Xincheng 洪鑫诚
Lin Ruo 林 若
Tan Xiaojun 谭晓君
Xia Peigen 夏培根
Xie Xiaodong 谢晓东
Xu Chang 徐 畅
Yin Nuo 尹 诺
Zhang Huiqing 张慧清
Name 姓名
Huang Yizhen 黄奕臻
Li Jiayu 李佳瑜
Sun Boxi 孙柏熙
Tu Haowen 凃皓文
Wang Mengqiao 汪梦桥

Events and Activities

Date Event Speaker
24 Oct 2023 香嚴本寂:15-18世紀東亞香事典範的遺忘與記憶 A/P Shang Haifeng, Aaron, The Education University of Hong Kong
05 Apr 2023 “港口—腹地”与中国近代经济地理的变迁 吴松弟教授,复旦大学中国历史地理研究所
31 Mar 2023 明代曲类选本中的散出、零曲与异文
17 Mar 2023 武圣、宗教文化与民间社会
03 Feb 2023 The Culture of Language in Ming China: Sound, Script, and the Redefinition of Boundaries of Learning Dr Nathan Vedal, University of Toronto
28 Oct 2022 明代思想文化世界與小讀書人的抉擇 張藝曦教授 (國立陽明交通大學人文社會學系)
07 Oct 2022 The Perils of Interpreting: The Extraordinary Lives of Two Translators between Qing China and the British Empire
(Co-organized with Translation & Interpreting Research Group)
Prof Henrietta Harrison (Oxford University)
26 Aug 2022 清代的科举、罢考与历史 王学深博士 (中国政法大学人文学院历史研究所讲师)
04 Mar 2022 Localizing Learning: The Literati Enterprise in Wuzhou, 1100–1600 Prof Peter Bol (Harvard University)
09 Sept 2019 明清時期的書院及其文獻 鄧洪波教授 (湖南大學嶽麓書院歷史系教授)
02-03 Nov 2018 “多元视角下的明清社会与文化”学术研讨会议程
International Symposium on Ming Qing
Society and Culture from Multi Perspectives
(与复旦大学文史研究院联办 Jointly organized
with National Institute for Advanced
Humanistic Studies, Fudan University)
More details
06 Aug 2018 「聪明正直」- 唐宋时期四川民间信仰的变容
Dr Song Chen, Bucknell University
25 Jan 2018 人群组织历史的探索:以明清社会为中心 何淑宜副教授(国立台北大学历史系)
A/P Ho Shu-Yi,
National Taipei University
05-06 Dec 2017 “多元视角下的明清历史”学术研讨会议程
International Symposium on Ming Qing History
from Multi Perspectives
(与复旦大学文史研究院联办 Jointly organized
with National Institute for Advanced
Humanistic Studies, Fudan University)
More details
23 Aug 2016 斋匪怎会变拳匪?1900年浙江省温州府
Revisiting the boxers’ incident
of Zhejiang Wenzhou in 1900
Dr. Lo Shih-chieh,
National Taiwan University
28-29 Dec 2015 文化多元:明末清初的社会与宗教国际研讨会
Cultural Diversity: Religion and Society
in Late Ming & Early Qing China
More details
18 Dec 2015 晚明商业文化中的才子与佳人:读〈杜十娘怒沉百宝箱〉
The talented male and beautiful maiden
in the commercial culture of late Ming
Professor Hsu Hui Lin,
National Taiwan University