
CFPR Conferences

Population Association of Singapore Annual Meeting 2024, held in conjunction with CFPR's 10th Anniversary celebration.

Conference Theme: "Sustainable Population and Development in a New Era". 

Date: 16-17 May 2024

Venue: NUS Shaw Foundation Alumni House

More Details: 

The Conference and Training Workshop on the Future of Households in Asia – Centre for Family and Population Research (

Date: 11-12 Jan 2024


Population Association of Singapore 2023 Annual Meeting

Convenors: Jointly organized by the NUS Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR) and the Population Association of Singapore (PAS)

Date: 11-12 May 2023

Venue: NUS University Town

Registration link

The Forum on Priorities on Population Research in Singapore

Convenors: Jointly organized by the NUS Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR) and the Population Association of Singapore (PAS)

Organizing Committee members: A/P Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, A/P Vincent Chua, Prof Paul Cheung, Dr. Yap Mui Teng, Dr. Tan Poh Lin, and Prof Jean Yeung

Date: March 31, 2022

Time: 10:30-12:20am

Venue: NUS University Hall Auditorium

Format: a hybrid meeting, max capacity is 124 ppl., with virtual attendance through zoom option available

Link to Forum Recording 

The 2nd International Conference and Training Workshop on Household and Living Arrangement Projections for Informed Decision-Making

The Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) held the the 2nd International Conference and Training Workshop on Household and Living Arrangement Projections for Informed Decision-Making on 13-14 January 2022, via Zoom. This was in collaboration with Population Division of the United Nations (UNPD), Asian Population Association (APA), Center for Healthy Aging and Development Study, National School of Development (CHADS/NSD) at Peking University (PKU), China Population and Development Research Centre (CPDRC) and Population Association of Singapore (PAS). The 1st International Conference and Training Workshop on Household and Living Arrangement Projections for Informed Decision-Making was held on May 9-11, 2019 in Beijing, jointly organized by CPDRC, CHADS/NSD at PKU, and CFPR at NUS.

View Recordings Here

3 February 2021: Webinar II - The Impact of the Pandemic on Family Life in Asia

This event they present their findings on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s and parents’ mental health, parent-child relationships, coping strategies, family resilience and family policies in China, Philippines, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Recording of Webinar


17 December 2020: The Impact of the Pandemic on Family Life in Asia

CFPR and the College of Public Policy, Hamad Bin Khalifa University co-organized the webinar on 17 December 2020 at 2pm to 4pm (SGT). The webinar brought together researchers and practitioners to discuss the findings of the international research project “The Impact of the Pandemic on Family Life Across Cultures", an international research study conducted in 72 countries across Asia, Europe, North America, Middle East and Latin America. They discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s and parents’ mental health, parent-child relationships, coping strategies, family resilience and family policies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Singapore.

Recording of Webinar

10 December 2020: Financial Adequacy among Older People in Selected Asian Countries

Asian Population Association and NUS CFPR are hosted a webinar on 10 December 2020, 2.00pm to 3.30pm (SGT). This webinar examined some issues related to the question: "With deteriorating marketable skill, weakening health, disappearing filial piety, and limited government support, what is the prospect on living with dignity among Older People?"

Recording of Webinar

9 July, 23 July and 6 August 2020: Asian Families Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

Asian Population Association and NUS CFPR are hosting 3 webinars on 9 July, 23 July and 6 August 2020, 4.00pm to 5.30pm (SGT). The COVID-19 pandemic has exerted unprecedented pressure on many institutions including the health care systems, schools, government, markets, and law. Family, as the basic socioeconomic unit of the society, bears the brunt of the multiple stressors caused by the disruptions to these institutions. The webinars will explore the impact of COVID-19 on families in Asia-Pacific region focusing on the vulnerabilities of women, children, and older adults as they experience morbidity, mortality, migration, economic recession, and school closure.

Recording of Webinar on 9 July

Recording of Webinar on 23 July

Recording of Webinar on 6 August

21-22 November 2019: Family Policies in Asia
(co-organized by the Asia Research Institute's Changing Family Cluster)
18 October 2019: Changing (In)Fertilities in Asia and Beyond
(jointly organized by Yale-NUS College, Yale University and the University of Cambridge)
A RC06 (Family) & RC41 (Population)
(co-organized with Global Asia Institute and Department of Sociology; sponsored by OUE Limited and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
Conference Photos
26-28 May 2016: international Sociological Association (ISA) RC28 Conference on Social Stratification and Mobility
(co-organized by the NTU School of Humanities and Social Sciences; co-sponsored by Global Asia Institute, Department of Sociology, Asia Research Institute)
1-2 March 2016: Long-Term Care for Elderly in ASEAN Plus 3: Research and Policy Challenges
(jointly organized with Asia Research Institute)
28 April 2015: Official Launch and Conference on Singapore Families and Population Dynamics
(supported by the Singapore Research Nexus, Asia Research Institute and NUS Department of Sociology)
4-5 February 2015: Educational Resilience among Asian Children in Challenging Family Environment
(jointly organized with Asia Research Institute)
1-2 July 2014: Growing up in One-parent Family in Asia
(jointly organized with Asia Research Institute)
5-6 December 2013: Living Alone: One-person Household in Asia
21 December 2012: Roundtable on Children’s Agency in Various contexts: Family, Health, Social Services and on the Streets
15-16 November 2012: Conference on Marriage in Asia: Trends, Determinants and Implications
11-13 July 2012: 3rd International Conference of Geographies of Children, Young People and Families (CGCYPF)
(Joint with Department of Geography)
21-22 July 2011: Transitioning to Adulthood: Marriage, Fertility, and Labour Force Participation
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