The Straits Times Op-ed

Our monthly column in The Straits Times is one of CFPR's many initiatives to inform public opinion by disseminating research outputs to the general public or lending an academic opinion to pressing issues of the day. Starting April 2018, members of the CFPR Team are invited to write for the column "Population Matters" which comes out every first Monday of the the month.


30 Nov 2018 | Never too old to contribute

Dr Ko Pei-Chun , Joint Research Fellow of the Asia Research Institute and the Centre for Family and Population Research at NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, opined that it is a win-win situation for society and older adults when old folks engage in productive activities at a moderate frequency and intensity. As they contribute to family and community, they gain a sense of fulfilment and purpose.


18 Oct 2018 | Reducing inequality with early childhood development

Experiences early in life have profound and enduring influences on an individual's developing brain, social behaviour and health. A family's economic resources shape the nature of many of these experiences - yet, the extent to which they affect children's development remains debated among scholars. Prof Jean Yeung talks about the study titled Singapore Longitudinal EArly Development Study (SG LEADS) housed at CFPR, NUS which aims to shed more light on this matter.

27 Sept 2018 | Singapore's fertility rate down as number of singles goes up

Fewer Singaporean women tied the knot last year compared with a decade ago, a shift experts say is the biggest cause for the country's low fertility rate. Prof Jean Yeung explains that Singleness rate is the most important reason fertility rate in Singapore is low because among those who get married, only 10 per cent do not have any children.

2 August 2018 | Social exclusion increases risk of cognitive impairment

Dr Yang Yi from the NUS Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR) and the Asia Research Institute at NUS shared that a study on the China situation has shown that socially excluded elderly people are more likely to suffer cognitive impairment that can lead to dementia. She opined that the findings of this study have important implications for ageing countries in the region such as Singapore and encourages governments and societies to reduce social exclusion of the elderly, by improving the financial conditions of the elderly and building elderly-friendly communities to create opportunities for older people to participate in social and outdoor activities.

19 June 2018 | Time is ripe for 'second half of gender revolution' in Asia

Prof Jean Yeung talks about the 'second half of gender revolution' in Asia, which refers to the increased value in the society for educated mothers and involved fathers.

17 May 2018 | Marriage, families under stress as norms change

For this month's article, Prof Jean Yeung and Dr Hu Shu suggest the need for more open discussions on what Singaporeans view as desirable family norms and functions and have public policies adapted to accordingly, to tackle the issue of low fertility and marriage rates. Read more in their book Family and Population Change in Singapore: A unique case in global family changes

18 Apr 2018 | Why more women in East Asia are not marrying

Prof Jessica Pan shares her opinion on the declining trend of marriage in East Asia and the suggests some reasons for this phenomenon.


2 Apr 2018 | Want More Babies? Try Cutting Men's Work Hours

For our first article in the Population Matters column, Dr Kim Hye-Won, Erin puts forth evidences that suggest changing men's time use can help women better manage both work and family commitments, which is then likely to lead to increased fertility rates, even as their labour participation rates increase.


23 Feb 2018 | Greater support for community eldercare, but more needed to support families too

Prof Jean Yeung shares her views about the Singapore Budget 2018, discussing about the focus on retraining older adults and strengthening of community care network for seniors, but called for more measures to support families in caring for older parents.