Contact Us


Centre for Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

9 Arts Link                                                     Office opening hours:
AS4/02-05                                                     Monday - Thursday    8.30am - 6.00pm 
Singapore 117570                                         Friday                          8.30am - 5.30pm
                                                                      (Closed for lunch 1.00 pm - 2.00pm)


Designation Language Programmes
(Undergraduates, graduates and exchange students)
Name Telephone Profile/Email
Associate Director Ms Susanna Lam  
Executive / Secretary Chinese Ms Tung Hsuan 6516 6346
Asst Manager French, German, Korean Ms Mas Minarni Binte Masjumi 6516 6456  
Senior Executive Arabic, Hindi, & Tamil Ms Lela Kaur 6516 5152  
Executive Bahasa Indonesia, Malay, Spanish, Thai & Vietnamese Mr James Elliot Grosse 6601 1067
Management Assistant Officer Japanese Ms Tiew Chieu Lin 6516 6612


Lifelong Learning - External Language Programme Telephone Email
Mr James Elliot Grosse
(Public, Corporate, & L3 courses)
6601 1067
Ms Tung Hsuan
(Public courses)
6516 6346
Ms Tiew Chieu Lin
(Public courses)
6516 6612



For support on matters concerning sexual misconduct, harassment and bullying, both on and off campus, please contact the NUS Care Unit by phone (6601 4000) or email (

Centre for Language Studies' Student Support Officers / First Responders 

Officers Email Address Telephone
Dr Daniel Chan 65164769
Dr. Chi Seowon 65166813
Ms. Yoko Morikawa 65164461

Centre for Language Studies' First Aiders

Officers Email Address Telephone
Ms. Tiew Chieu Lin 65166612
Ms. Tung Hsuan 65166346

Lifeline NUS (for life threatening psychological emergencies)

(65) 65167777

Medical Emergency

Office Hours: University Health Centre

(65) 66015035

After Office Hours: NUH Emergency Unit

(65) 67725000


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