Student Events
Bahasa Indonesia courses includes:
- Cultural projects: Bahasa Indonesia programme has since 1995, encouraged its students to explore many different aspects of Indonesian culture through various task-based projects. The purpose of these projects has been to stimulate students' interest in and appreciation of Indonesia's diverse culture. For further information, click here.
- Bahasa Indonesia/Thai/Vietnamese Study Abroad courses:
A language immersion-cum-study tour in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand, which constitutes a course, is organized every year in co-operation with the Southeast Asian Studies Programme, for students who read Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Thai respectively. The length of the course is four weeks during which students will attend language classes as well as lectures and workshops on the cultural and socio-historical aspects of the country. In most cases, students will get the opportunity to stay with local families to enhance their language exposure. This language abroad course normally takes place immediately after the end of semester 1. Students are allowed to read this course after they have passed LAB2201/LAT2201/LAV2201. For further information please contact the Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Thai Language Programs.
- CLS Language Immersion Programme
Our Immersion is organized every year in a French Language School or University for a period of three consecutive weeks. In the recent years, the cities chosen were Montpellier and Brest. To allow more students to join our immersion, we organize several small groups at different dates during May, June and July. Students are placed in a French family selected by the school. They have to pass a placement test before starting their lessons which are conducted from Monday to Friday. There are language lessons in the mornings, civilization/culture lectures and activities in the afternoon. During weekends, the school organizes different excursions to places of interest in the region.
- CLS Language Immersion Programme: The CLS language immersion programme caters to students who completed LAG2201 German 2 and wish to strengthen and further their knowledge of the German language and culture. During the entire immersion which lasts 3 weeks, students live with German host families, attend German language classes and take part in hands-on project work and a host of interesting activities as well as some short trips to nearby cities, regions and attractions. Since 2000, the CLS immersion is carried out at the Language Centre at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster.
- Student Exchange Programme (SEP): Since this programme was initiated as part of a global education at NUS in 1999, a steadily increasing number of students from the SEP language preparation programme have been selected for the Language Immersion Award, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Technical University of Darmstadt and NUS. All recipients take part in a four weeks long language immersion programme after their first year of study. In 2004, 30 students from different faculties were selected to participate in the language immersion programmes at the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg and the Technical University of Darmstadt.All students who take part in this immersion programme are required to take another 2 semesters of German language courses in the CLS before they are eligible to apply to go on exchange to a German university for 1 semester or 1 year during their third year of study. Over the past years, SEP students from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences have been studying at the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, the Rupert-Karl University of Heidelberg and the University of Konstanz . Students from the other faculties studied at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, the University of Stuttgart, the Technical University of Berlin, the Technical University of Darmstadt, the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, the Rupert-Karl University of Heidelberg, the University of Karlsruhe, the University of Wuppertal, the University of Duisburg-Essen, the European Business School, the Bucerius Law School, and the Otto Beinzheim Graduate School of Management.For further information on the Student Exchange Programme please contact the International Relations Office (IRO).
NUS Students' German Language Group
The "Deutsche Sphäre" was officially founded as a NUS Students' of German Language Interest Group in the academic year of 2003/2004. The club intends to encourage the extended usage of the German language outside of the classroom and in the community, while promoting and encouraging lasting interest, knowledge and appreciation of the German language and culture through social activities, cultural events, excursions and other activities. Furthermore, it aims to promote university togetherness and awareness of the German language, culture and history. The German Club is open to all students with an interest in these areas.
The "Deutsche Sphäre" welcomes new members. All NUS students of the German language are most welcome to join. If you are interested, please check this website.
In-country Vietnamese language program at the Hanoi University of Foreign Languages:
This immersion program allows students to enhance their language skills through practice on an on-going, day-to-day basis through classroom instruction and social interaction. Activities also include seminars, excursions to historic sites in and beyond the capital of Vietnam and to surrounding villages in the countryside in order to broaden students' understanding of Vietnamese culture and society.
- During the semester:
- Meetings with students from Vietnam on campus to practise the language.
- Outings with students to taste Vietnamese food.
- Vietnamese films shows.