

Course Registration

    • All undergraduate and postgraduate students are to register online through Course Registration @Education System (CourseReg@EduRec) during the registration period at the beginning of each semester.
    • Students may add or drop courses online during this period.
    • Students with prior knowledge of the language are required to sit for placement test. They can only select the courses through CourseReg@EduRec after the placement test is known. Please visit Centre for Language Studies (CLS) Homepage here for more information on placement tests.
    • For more information on CourseReg@EduRec and schedule for courses selection, please refer here.

*Please note that students are responsible to ensure that there are no Lecture and Tutorial time-table clashes.

Tutorial Registration

    • All students need to select tutorials through CourseReg@EduRec at the Select Tutorial rounds.
    • Add/Swap Tutorials should also be done during the Select Tutorial rounds
    • At the end of tutorial registration, a student who is still not enrolled in a tutorial due to timetable clashes may be allowed to drop the course. Do take note of the effective dates of ‘W’/'F' grade for dropping of course.
    • For more information, please refer to CourseReg@EduRec website

*Please note that students are responsible to ensure that there are no Lecture and Tutorial time-table clashes.

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