Entry Requirements

Each individual language concentration has a different set of entry requirements and eligibility conditions. They are depicted below in order of their language concentrations.
Students with previous knowledge of the language that they intend to study must declare this. They are required to take a test for advance placement and may be admitted into a course at a higher level. Students may contact the CLS for further information on the placement tests.
*Click on the specific language to view admission requirements and eligibility conditions.
There are no entry requirements for the Arabic Language courses. That is, all NUS students, irrespective of their major and faculty, can take Arabic. However, to ensure equal learning opportunities/experiences, students with prior knowledge of Arabic, whether acquired formally or informally, should take the placement test—normally conducted two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. Students with no prior knowledge in Arabic can enroll in LAR1201 Arabic 1. For all other Arabic courses, Arabic 2-Arabic 6, students may enroll if they fulfil the respective pre-requisites or a written and oral placement test.
Entry Requirements:
There are no pre-requisites for students who wish to enroll in the following elementary courses: LAB1201, LAM1201, LAT1201 and LAV1201. These courses are intended for complete beginners.
To be eligible to read Bahasa Indonesia/Thai/Vietnamese courses, students can be:
- Undergraduate students reading the course(s) as compulsory, unrestricted elective outside major or breadth course.
- FASS and Cross-faculty postgraduate students can apply to take language courses by filling in the application form FASS-G185/02. Please note that the units obtained cannot be counted towards graduation requirements.
Entry Requirements:
Students who have not received any formal education in Chinese before can enroll in LAC1201 Chinese 1. LAC1201 is a pre-requisite for LAC2201 and LAC2201 is a pre-requisite for LAC3201. The pre-requisite for LAC3203 Chinese for Science and Technology and Chinese for Business and Industry (jointly offered by CLS and Department of Chinese Studies) is 'AO' Level Chinese, Higher Chinese at 'O' Level or equivalent.
The Centre for Language Studies currently offers a number of French and German language courses from elementary to advanced levels.
European Studies major students should refer to the European Studies website for the language requirements for European Studies.
Students on the SEP French/German language preparation programme (LPP) run by CLS for the International Relations Office will read 4 courses, either LAF1201, LAF2201, LAF3201 and LAF3203 (French) or LAG1201, LAG2201, LAG3201 and LAG3203 (German).
Only freshmen who have just been accepted into the university may apply to the International Relations Office in June/July for admission into the SEP language preparation programme. All other interested students may wish to direct their enquiries to the CLS.
Entry Requirements:
There are no pre-requisites for students who wish to enroll in LAF1201 French 1/LAG1201 German 1. However, these courses are meant for complete beginners who have not learned French/German previously. Students with previously acquired knowledge of French/German may be admitted into a course at a higher level, subject to a placement test. European Studies major students may be exempted from one to two courses if they have the appropriate level of proficiency. Students may contact the CLS for further information on the placement tests.
Entry Requirements:
The Centre currently offers a number of Japanese language courses from elementary to advanced levels, and welcomes students who show a keen interest in the language. All the Japanese language courses will require student attendance and participation in 6 instructional hours a week (2 lecture hours + 4 tutorial hours).
There are no pre-requisites or qualifying tests for students who wish to enroll in LAJ1201 Japanese 1. This course is meant only for complete beginners who have not learned Japanese previously. Students with acquired knowledge must take placement tests to be placed in the appropriate level. Students are also to declare any previously attained language qualification such as Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT, a test administered internationally by the Japan Foundation and the Association of International Education of Japan). Students may contact the Centre for further information on the placement test.
All Japanese language courses count towards Japanese Studies graduation requirements for JS major students. JS major students should refer to the Japanese Studies section in this handbook for language requirements.
Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for students who wish to enrol in LAK1201 Korean 1. Students with previously acquired knowledge of Korean may be admitted into a course at a higher level which will be offered from Semester 2 AY2008/2009, subject to a placement test. Students may contact the Centre for Language Studies for further information on the placement tests.
The SEP language preparation programme will be offered only to freshmen who have just been accepted into the university. They may apply to the International Relations Office in June/July for admission into the programme. All other interested students may wish to direct their enquiries to the International Relations Office.
Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for students who wish to enrol in the following elementary Hindi and Tamil courses: LAH1201 Hindi 1 and LAL1201 Tamil 1. These courses are intended for complete beginners. Students who have received any formal education in Hindi or Tamil previously or have prior knowledge in Hindi or Tamil cannot enrol in LAH1201 Hindi 1 or LAL 1201 Tamil 1 and are required to take a placement test in order to be placed at an appropriate level. LAH1201 and LAL 1201 are the prerequisites for LAH2201 Hindi2 and LAL 2201 Tamil 2 respectively.
Hindi and Tamil may be read to fulfil graduation requirements for the South Asian Studies Programme. South Asian Studies major students should refer to the South Asian Studies Programme Degree.