Seminars and Workshops
The Centre encourages academics to present and share their research and knowledge with colleagues and students on a variety of topics encompassing the nine languages under it.
Date: | 06.12.2016 |
Presenter: | Professor Hermann Funk |
Whereas Competence Testing is part of every Teacher Training Curriculum, all forms of Continuous assessment and evaluation are hardly ever on anyone’s agenda. In my workshop, I would concentrate on informal ways of continuous assessment in media-based, textbook-based and in-class scenarios rather than formal and standardized forms of language assessment. Targets (teachers, students, peers), methods (different degrees of formality), media use and goals of informal assessment will be discussed and practised. Adaptable examples will be primarily in English and German
Hermann Funk is Full Professor of German-as-Foreign-Language at University of Jena. He was Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy (2011- 2014) and President of the German Foreign Language Teacher Association (2009-2011). He is head of the advisory board of the German Government’s International Schools and held teaching positions at University of Kassel, University of Leipzig (Herder Institute), University of Riga and Middlebury College, Vermont, USA.
He researches on German for professional purposes, design of learning media and focus-on-form, author of numerous German- Textbook-Series. His publications include Grammar in FL-classrooms Quality Management of Language Teaching Materials (2010), German-as-a-foreign-language in professional contexts (2010,2011), FL-Teaching Methods (2012).
Date: | 05.12.2016 |
Presenter: | Professor Glenn Stockwell |
This workshop is designed to assist participants in understanding how technology can be used effectively and appropriately in second language teaching and learning environments. There are three parts to the workshop. The first part outlines how the technological affordances of various devices affect the ways in which they are used to achieve specific goals. It then describes the interrelationship between technology, research, practice, and theory. It outlines the evolution of learning technologies and emphasises the importance of moving from affordance-based practice through to pedagogy-based practice as technologies move through the hype cycle (cf. Gartner, 2008). The second part explores the shifting paradigms in language teaching and learning, looking at the impact technology is having on the roles of the teachers, of learners, and even of the technologies themselves. The final part will examine the varied types of learning environments that technology may be used in, specifically face-to-face, blended, flipped and distance learning environments. The role of technology in each of these categories is described, along with recent relevant examples from the literature describing how technology can be utilised. Through the workshop, participants will also work together to consider hypothetical learning environments using technology, and compile concrete examples of how technology may be used.
Professor Glenn Stockwell (Ph.D., University of Queensland) is Professor at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. His research interests include designing language learning environments through technology, motivation in language teaching and learning, mobile learning, and the development of learner autonomy. He is the author of two books on Computer Assisted Language Learning, and has also published numerous book chapters and articles in the field.
He is Editor-in-Chief of The JALT CALL Journal, Associate Editor of Computer Assisted Language Learning, Language Learning & Technology, and is on the editorial boards of ReCALL, System and CALICO Journal.
Date: | 08.12.2014 |
Presenter: | Prof Michael Levy |
This workshop begins with a reflection upon the essentials of an effective language-learning curriculum. The audience will be well aware of basic principles and priorities so the talk will consider areas where technology might play a role through extension and/or enrichment. Being open to the possibility of reconceptualising the core curriculum is also entertained. The latter is important because the roles that technologies are designed to play so often assume a rigid, inflexible curricula base that is pre-set and inviolate. Nonetheless, there is much evidence to suggest this view is being challenged by such technologically-mediated approaches as the flipped classroom and mobile learning.
The role or roles of technology-mediation will be explored by reflecting upon the goals, the time available, the need for flexibility within a structure, the relationship between in-class and out-of-class activity, and teacher and learner perceptions, skills and expectations. A wide range of technologies that may in different ways enrich or enhance the process will also be considered, involving but not limited to mobile learning strategies and the flipped classroom. As far as possible, real examples of these ideas in practice at my own university will be used to support the arguments.
Mike LEVY is Professor of Second Language Studies in the School of Languages & Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. His main area of research and teaching interest is Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) (e.g., electronic dictionaries). His publications include WorldCALL and CALL Dimensions.
Date: | 13.10.2014 |
Presenter: | Prof Dr Hermann Funk |
For more than a century, teachers all over the world have relied heavily on textbooks as their main resource for foreign language (FL) teaching. Although we all feel that era is ending soon, we are still uncertain of what is to come and how future classroom media will change the ways of teaching and learning. Moreover, the life span of some hailed new media such as interactive whiteboards may prove shorter than some people expected. In times of quick technological changes, it may be wiser to remember principles of good teaching and effective learning, and subsequently ask how technology can fit in, rather than designing scenarios for the use of media which disregards theoretical frameworks of FL teaching. In my talk, I will explore some of the media already in use as well as some future options. The teaspoon metaphor is to illustrate how fundamental the re-thinking process might be.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Hermann Funk is Full Professor of German-as-Foreign-Language at the University of Jena. He was Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy (2011-2014) and President of the German Foreign Language Teacher Association (2009-2011). He is currently serving as Head of the Advisory Board of the German Government’s International Schools. He had held teaching positions at the University of Kassel, University of Leipzig (Herder Institute,) University of Riga, and Middlebury College, Vermont, USA. His research focuses on German for professional purposes, the design of learning media and focus-on-form. He is the author of numerous German textbook series and publications on grammar in foreign language classrooms. Some of his latest works are Quality Management of Language Teaching Materials (2010), German-as-a-foreign-language in professional contexts (2010, 2011), and Foreign Language Teaching Methods (2012).
Date: | 17.09.2014 |
Presenter: | Prof Dr. Hiroyuki Obari |
A longitudinal study conducted from April 2013 to January 2014 sought to ascertain whether a blended learning (BL) environment incorporating m-learning could help Japanese undergraduates improve their English language skills. The study focused on examining the use of emerging elearning and m-learning technologies and activities, ranging from speech recognition to web-based learning both in and out of the classroom, in order to determine their effectiveness in improving the English proficiency of non-native learners. A comparison of pre- and post-training TOEIC scores revealed that the BL activities had a positive effect on the students’ overall English proficiency.
In this presentation, various emerging technologies (including Globalvoice English, ATR CALL Brix, the mobile learning-oriented TOEIC Practice Kit, Course Power, Digital textbooks, COOORI, Optic computer assessment), as well as online materials (MOOCs, TED Talks, top 10 most popular educational web tools) used in BL will be demonstrated. In addition, I will discuss how the worldviews based upon science and theology should be integrated into EFL teaching with mobile technologies such as the iPad and smartphones. Keywords: MOOCS, TED Talks, ATR CALL Brix, Globalvoice English, Blended Learning, Mobile Technologies, e-books, iPad, Optic computer assessment, Flipped lesson.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Hiroyuki Obari is a Professor in the College of Economics at Aoyama Gakuin University and teaches part-time in the Graduate School at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He obtained his M.A. in TESOL from Columbia University and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Tsukuba. He has presented at major international conferences such as EuroCALL, GLoCALL, e-Learn, EdMedia, AILA, EduLearn, World CALL, ASIA CALL, and ASIA TEFL. He was previously a visiting research fellow at the University of Oxford (1998-1999, 2007-2008).
Date: | 27.02.2013 |
Presenter: | Dr Satoshi Miyazaki |
The aim of the talk is to explain the relationship between language learning strategies adopted by professional foreign sumo wrestlers (FSW) with learner autonomy as well as briefly introducing sumo society. It has been recognized that FSW acquire Japanese successfully in a short period of time in comparison with other Japanese language learners. However, their acquisition process has not yet been systematically identified and a longitudinal empirical research on such issue is to be explored. The talk will clarify their second language acquisition process and also convey pedagogical suggestions to the field of Japanese as a second/foreign language education, particularly in terms of the understanding and the actual practice of learner autonomy.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Satoshi Miyazaki is Professor and Associate Dean at the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics and Director of Institute of Australian Studies, Waseda University, Japan. He obtained his Ph.D in Japanese Applied Linguistic from Monash University in 1997. He is the author of “Why is the Japanese of foreign sumo Wrestlers so Good?” Tokyo, Meiji Shoin, 2006.
Date: | 08.03.2013 |
Presenter: | Miss Hélène Girard-Virasolvit |
In linguistics studies, linguistic distances are measured according to the level of mutual intelligibility between two languages. It has been shown that “low distance language acquisition requires significantly lesser investment than high distance language acquisition.” (Robert, 2004) and the field of contrastive studies receives a lot of attention.
In teaching and learning, there are a variety of distance factors, not all linguistic, that need to be identified, whether it is to make use of or overcome them. During my academic talk to NUS, I would like to briefly explore three – not predominantly linguistic – distance factors in teaching and learning a foreign language, taken from both my recent publications and current class practices. I wish to show how understanding distance factors has become one of my areas of interest while teaching undergraduate students in South-East Asia. The first case explores how identifying a gap between teaching and learning cultural habits helped me adjust aspects of my practice successfully.
In a second case, investigating non-specialist students learning habits led to identifying and attempting to bridge a digital literacy gap that hindered my students’ learning autonomy. Finally, I will address the cultural gap, showing how a cross-cultural approach to teaching and learning culture in the foreign language class translates in my own class practice. This aims to show an array of my work in one area of research I intend to continue exploring while teaching in the context of higher education in the region.
Date: | 21.03.2012 |
Presenter: | Ms Rungnapa Kitiarsa National University of Singapore |
Teaching Thai as a foreign language (TFL) to international students outside Thailand is always a daunting challenge. As Thai has become one of popular Asian language courses across major university campuses in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America, TFL as a pedagogical model and experience needs to be rethought and shared among professional instructors and lecturers, who are predominantly Thai-speaking natives. How and why could a TFL course/program be taught effectively? Under what contexts and conditions a TFL course/program could be designed in order to attract more students and turn them into active learners? What are components contributing to a successful TFL program? Based on my years of TFL experience in Thailand, Singapore, and U.S.A, I argue that an effective TFL course begins with and from effective and committed instructors. TFL teachers have multiple vital roles as highly motivated teachers and active cultural ambassadors to help students acquire both linguistic skills and national cultural knowledge. The instructors’ vision, dedication, and agency are extremely important to administer an effect TFL course/program. In my talk, I will discuss some crucial roles of TFL instructors, key components of effective TFL program, and favourable contexts, which have contributed to the sustainable growth of many Thai Language Programs, including the one that runs by CLS. My reflections will be made from my first-hand TFL experience and some personal observations.
About the speaker:
Rungnapa Kitiarsa is currently a part-time tutor of Thai language at Centre for Language Studies (CLS), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. She holds two professional master degrees: (1) M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL), University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A (1999) and (2) M.Sc. in Social Development, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, the Philippines (1992). Before joining the Thai Language Programme at CLS in early 2005, she was a lecturer at School of English, Institute of Social Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Northeastern Thailand (1999-2004). She also had teaching experience in TFL at the University of Washington when she took M.A. She considers herself an experienced language teacher/instructor, specializing in teaching both English and Thai as foreign languages to college students from diverse national and ethnocultural backgrounds.
Date: | 11.06.2012 |
Presenter: | Professor Masami Kadokura Yokohama National University |
日本留学試験のシラバスが「アカデミック・ジャパニーズ」というコンセプトを提起してから約10 年が経った。AJの教育研究のこれまでの流れと、今後の展望について、私感を述べたい。 「教養教育としてのAJ」「日本語表現法としてのAJ」「多読・速読へ」「メディア・リテラシー」などが キーワードとなるだろう。
About the speaker:
1977年 東北大学文学研究科(哲学専攻)博士課程中退
1979年~1993年 山口大学教養部で哲学を教える
1993年~現在 横浜国立大学留学生センターで日本語を教える
2004年4月~ アカデミック・ジャパニーズ・グループ代表幹事
2009年6月~ 日本語教育学会副会長
Date: | 10.02.2012 |
Presenter: | Professor Michael Byram, Durham University |
My purpose in this lecture will be to illustrate how foreign language teachers can (and should) include in their goals the development of intercultural competence as part of an ability to communicate but also as part of the educational aims of all teaching. In universities in particular, education should create learners who reflect critically on their subject, their lives and the society in which they live – national and international. I will use an example from a European context to show the elements of intercultural competence in a series of lessons and the principles which can be drawn from this.
I will then introduce the notion of ‘intercultural citizenship’ and how this might/should become a further element in foreign language teaching. All education is however a product of its environment as well as a critique of its environment and I hope that this ‘lecture’ might also lead to a ‘seminar’ discussion of the implications of a European perspective for Singapore and for the teaching of languages in the complex linguistic context which Singapore provides.
About the speaker:
Michael Byram ‘read’ languages at Cambridge, taught French and German in secondary and adult education. At Durham University since 1980, now Professor Emeritus, he has trained teachers and researched linguistic minorities and foreign language education. His most recent book is From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship.
Date: | 10.12.2012 |
Presenter: | Dr Erlin Barnard, University of Wisconsin |
As teachers continue to develop in their pedagogical journey, they often find that the textbooks they use are not always suitable for their students and local contexts. Hence, many teachers feel compelled to adapt materials to various extents; for example, by changing the sequence of the activities, omitting steps, adding tasks, etc. Some even develop supplementary materials; and those having written a substantial amount of material may be ready to produce their own textbook. All of these activities are excellent indicators of pedagogical growth in teachers, demonstrating the practice of reflective teaching crucial in our profession. Jolly and Bolitho (1998:111) stated that, “The process of materials writing raises almost every issue which is important in learning to teach: the selection and grading of language, awareness of language, knowledge of learning theories, socio-cultural appropriacy, etc…” It is therefore, important for teachers to have a fundamental grounding in materials development where they can write and evaluate materials following an overt specification of objectives, principles and procedures, rather than their own intuitions (Tomlinson, 1998).
This workshop will introduce attendees to the basic principles of materials development by: 1) giving CLS faculty members an understanding of the key principles behind the design of textbooks that conform to best practices in the field of foreign language teaching; and 2) providing guidelines for textbook development, in particular for thematic and grammatical progression, selection and adaptation of materials, and the planning and creation of tasks and activities in the development of the modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal and presentational.
About the speaker:
Dr. Erlin Barnard is Pedagogy Coordinator at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. She supervises lecturers and instructors who teach a variety of languages, helping them to develop appropriate teaching approaches and materials. She has also conducted a number of program and curriculum reviews as well as materials development.
Date: | 11.12.2012 |
Presenter: | Dr Daneil Chan Kwang Guan |
The advent of Web 2.0 has led to an abundance of social media sites, through which Internet users can interact with each other to create and share content, news, opinion, and more generally to communicate with each other. In this presentation, we will consider the various types of social media (including blogging, micro-blogging, podcasting, media-sharing, collaborative production and social networking) and examine how each of these social media platforms can be a powerful tool for language learning and teaching.
About the speaker:
Daniel Chan has taught French full-time at the MOE Language Centre from 2003 to 2012, and part-time at the Centre for Language Studies since 2006. He received both his Masters and PhD in Linguistics at the Université Paris Diderot, France. His linguistics doctoral dissertation was on “Negation and Polarity Items”.
Date: | 21.04.2011 |
Presenter: | Professor Rod Ellis University of Auckland |
This talk will examine a number of objections that have been levelled against TBLT and argue that these are based on fundamental misunderstandings and/or misrepresentations of its principles and methodology. Sheen (1994) and Swan (2005) have criticized TBLT on the grounds that there is no evidence to show that it works or works better than a more traditional form-focused approach to language teaching. The assumptions underlying their criticisms will be examined and a response provided.Prof Ellis will address a number of more substantial problems with implementing TBLT in different instructional contexts, especially foreign language contexts. He will also suggest a number of possible solutions to these problems.
Rod Ellis is Professor of Applied Language Studies in the University of Auckland, and also Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). His published work includes articles and books on second language acquisition, language teaching and teacher education. He is currently editor of the journal Language Teaching Research.
Date: | 29.11.2011 |
Presenter: | Dr Andrew Littlejohn University of Auckland |
It is a sad, but nonetheless true fact that language teaching is one of the least efficient branches of education. Globally, children ‘suffer’ for years as ‘victims’ of teaching but leave school with precious little to show for it. In tertiary education, the picture is not much different. Drop‐out rates are extraordinarily high, and at university level outcomes are at best very uneven across the four skills.
What role does materials design have in this? The basic premise of this workshop is that materials frequently frame failure by prioritising language analysis and language presentation and by ignoring some fundamental concepts from educational psychology, natural language acquisition and educational philosophy. Materials are frequently ‘thin’ in content, play havoc with the self‐image of the learner as competent, and emphasise form and low level mental processes over more engaging and motivating ones.
In this workshop, we will first explore ‘typical’ materials through materials analysis. Next, we will examine some concepts in the development of ‘rich materials’ and analyse samples of materials and tasks which illustrate this. Finally, participants will develop outlines of tasks or materials, drawing on the themes of the workshop. This will be a very ‘hands on’, interactive workshop, so come ready to discuss, challenge, develop ideas, present and give constructive feedback.
Date: | 11.10.2010 |
Presenter: | Dr Thomas S.C.Farell Brock University , Canada |
Being a second language teacher is a matter of being seen as a teacher by himself or herself and of being seen as a teacher by others (Coldron & Smith 1999). This talk explores the professional role identity of second language teachers and attempts to answer the question: When second language teachers reflect on their practice, what do they communicate (either explicitly or implicitly) about their role identity as second language teachers?
About the speaker:
Thomas S.C. Farrell is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. His pr11 October, 2010Teacher Education and Development. He has been a language teacher and language teacher educator since 1978 and has worked in Korea, Singapore and Canada. He is series editor for TESOL's Language Teacher Research six volume series. His recent books include Reflective Language Teaching: From Research to Practice (2008, Continuum Press); Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: A Reflective Approach (2008, Thousand Oaks, Ca: Corwin Press); Talking, Listening and Teaching. A Guide to Classroom Communication (2009, Thousand Oaks, Ca: Corwin Press); Essentials in Language Teaching (2010, London: Continuum Press; with George Jacobs).
Date: | 01.06.2009 |
Presenter: | Mr. Yannick Appriou, Part-Time Tutor, National University of Singapore |
The rapid development of Internet technologies over the last 20 years has led to a growing attention on e-learning activities. Recognition of the Internet's valuable potential as learning and teaching tool has given rise to the continuing evolution of e-learning platforms or learning management systems (LMS). The connectivity and ready access of the Internet, its user friendliness, its media rich content, and its communicative and interactive capabilities provide unequalled multidimensional opportunities to complement traditional methods in education. These include effectively engaging the students, motivating them and facilitating their acquisition of skills in critical thinking and synthesis. In my presentation, I will illustrate the above with examples of effective strategies that exploit available online resources and capabilities, which can be incorporated into the teaching of languages. Teaching and learning formats, student assessment will be discussed.
About the speaker:
Yannick Appriou holds a Master's degree in French as a Foreign Language from the Stendhal University in Grenoble (France) and a Degree in Languages from the University of Haute Bretagne in Rennes (France). He has over 19 years of experience in teaching French as a foreign language in South East Asia at all levels, from beginner to advanced. In Singapore, he has taught at various institutions for the last 11 years including Nanyang Polytechnic, Nanyang Technological University, the Alliance Française de Singapour and the National University of Singapore, where he has been teaching on a part time basis at the Centre for Language Studies since January 2002.
Date: | 29.06.2009 |
Presenter: | Osamu Amazaki Instructor, National University of Singapore |
This presentation reports an action research study on blog reading in Japanese language learning and discusses how course activities can be developed to independent language learning. This project was aimed at motivating students to make use of authentic environments outside of the classroom and to get accustomed to reading texts written in the target language. Data were collected from learners through their writing assignments in the course and a questionnaire conducted at the end of the course. Findings suggest that the benefits learners perceived include increased interest, motivation, and confidence to read authentic Japanese text. The findings also suggest that most learners may get accustomed to reading Japanese blogs since most students were interested in continuing to read their blogs after the course was over. In the presentation these benefits as well as pitfalls of this project will be further discussed.
About the speaker:
Dr Amazaki joined the Centre for Language Studies in June 2006. He received a BA in Japanese Language and Culture and an MA in Area Studies from University of Tsukuba, Japan, and an MA and a Ph.D in Linguistics from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He taught Japanese language and Japanese Studies modules at the department of Japanese Studies, NUS, before joining CLS. His research interests are functional linguistics and first and second language acquisition.
Date: | 11.08.2009 |
Presenter: | Mr Seah Thian Ming, Terence |
This presentation will give an overall introduction to the original multilingual web-based educational materials for learners of the 18 foreign languages offered at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. The language modules are made available to the public and enables students to study the language anytime and anywhere as long as they have access to the Internet. The presentation will focus on the Japanese Language Module, which is created for students who can understand English, French, Chinese, Mongolian, Korean or Turkish and consists of pronunciation and useful dialogue materials, and the Chinese Language Module, which offers materials geared for businessmen and consists of dialogues made in the Peking, Suzhou and Taiwanese Mandarin accents. The second part of the presentation will focus on the learners' corpus collated under the Global Center of Excellence (GCOE) program and the Japanese Studies Department. These projects are carried out under the auspices of the ‘Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education' (CbLLE) program at TUFS which aims to emphasize the empirical (particularly corpus-based) study of language structure and language education. The presentation will present the errors made by learners of Japanese in the two projects and the analysis carried out on these errors.
About the speaker:
Seah Thian Ming Terence is a Japanese Monbukagakusho Scholarship holder currently pursuing his doctoral degree in Linguistics at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. His major is comparative linguistics, and he specializes in the comparison of verbs, in particular verb semantics. He holds a Masters in Linguistics from the same university and is also a part-time lecturer there teaching English to Japanese and foreign students. Prior to coming to Japan, Terence taught Japanese to secondary school students at the Ministry of Education Language Center before he was seconded to the Planning Division at Ministry Of Education, Singapore. After his two and a half year stint at Headquarters, Terence was posted out as HOD/English in a secondary school.
Date: | 05.03.2008 |
Presenter: | Sew Jyh Wee Centre for Language Studies, NUS |
In the age of globalisation Malay learning should be useful for new possibilities. A robust Malay lexicon that contains the vocabulary of modern and futuristic references not only prepares the speaker to function with currency but enables the learner to interact intelligently in a global world of rapid knowledge making. The repertoire of the evolving Malay society replaces the peripherals of a collective memory of ancient cultural artifact that the native speakers are fast leaving behind. Interesting terms of Malay artifacts such as stone pestle (antan), rattan sieve (nyiru), for example, escape even the remote farming family of Mat Isa in TIVI (television), a novel by Shahnon Ahmad. This paper suggests for a current outlook in learning Malay in line with the spirit of knowledge economy, incorporating the recent National Day Speech Rally by the Prime Minister of Singapore in 2007 that favors the acquisition of Malay as a third language in school. The discussion includes the linguistic bipartite of the synoptic and iterative forces performed by a language that result in the development of grammatical taxonomies, for example, tense and aspect to fully describe time (Halliday 2000: 231). Along the vein of iterative usage this discussion emphasizes on the need for Malay learning to be in sync with the relevance of current time.
About the Speaker:
Mr Sew Jyh Wee (MA with credits Otago, MA NUS, BA Ed Hons. USM) is the author of Reduplicating Nouns and Verbs in Malay (KL: UM Academic Press, 2007), as well as articles in the Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Language Sciences, Dewan Bahasa, Pemikir, California Linguistics Notes; with book and theatre reviews in Intersections, Pragmatics and Cognition, Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse & Society. Mr. Sew has joined the CLS in 2007 is now teaching Malay.
Date: | 14.05.2008 |
Presenter: | Nagami Masanori Centre for Language Studies, NUS |
This presentation reports a case study of how conversations between first language (L1) user and second language (L2) user are conducted outside classroom, and how the setting is perceived by the participants. Consecutive conversation sessions (6 sessions over 6 months) between a pair of L1 user and L2 user of Japanese were audio-recorded. Interviews were also conducted to find out how they perceived their sessions. Analysis of interview data revealed that both L1 and L2 users had difficulties regarding ‘correction.' This is attributable to their different perceptions of the setting and interlocutors' roles. Analysis of conversation data showed that frequency of L1 user's corrections of L2 user's errors was low, and errors on particles or copula were less corrected as meaning and conversation flow are preferred in conversation. It is also revealed that L1 user assisted L2 user's utterances in various ways by responding to L2 user's cues. However, the assistance was mainly in the use of vocabulary. This presentation concludes that perception of setting among participants affect the nature of conversation and a latent dilemma in ‘conversation with a friend' and ‘second language learning' exists in conversation between L1 users and L2 users, and suggests that an understanding of setting and roles among participants is crucial in coordinating conversation programs.
About the Speaker:
Mr. Nagami joined the Centre for Language Studies in August, 2005. He received his B.A. and M.A. in Japanese Linguistics from Osaka University (Japan). He taught Japanese and computer literacy at the International Student Centre, Osaka University, and the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai. He had also worked as an assistant coordinator for pre-service Japanese teacher practicum course at Department of Japanese Linguistics, Osaka University. His research interests are in second language learning and second language teaching, focusing especially on second language conversation.
Date: | 06.08.2008 |
Presenter: | Peter Gerard Friedlander Centre for Language Studies, NUS |
This seminar focuses on issues encountered in developing and using online Hindi teaching materials over the last ten years. Using examples from materials developed by the speaker and implemented at different times, it will be shown how initial problems, such as how to even show Hindi script online, are now no longer issues due to the development over the last five years of standardized handling of non-roman scripts on the web. Online multi-media materials for script and vocabulary learning developed by the speaker will also be discussed. Ways in which it is hoped to incorporate similar materials into Hindi language modules at NUS will be shown. The paper concludes by introducing a discussion about the prospects and problems with incorporating online multi-media materials into assessment activities within teaching.
About the Speaker:
Dr Peter Gerard Friedlander (BA PhD, London University) has been teaching and doing research on Hindi, and South Asian languages, religions and cultures since 1990. In 1996 he took part in the establishment of an Australian National Distance education program in Hindi language which he ran until 2008. His recent publications include 'Dhammapada: Translations and Recreations' in One Word, Many Versions Palapathwala, R (ed), (Tiruvalla: Marthoma Centre for Dialogue, 2007), 'Buddhism and Politics' in The Politics of Religion, Haynes, J. (ed.), (London, Routledge, 2006) and (with Harry Aveling) The Songs of Daya Bai, Prestige Books: Delhi, 2005.
Date: | 22.08.2008 |
- The threat of nuclear weapons and our challenges in building a peaceful world
Presenter: Mr. Hideaki Ishiei and Ms. Shiki Matsuo,
Peace Wing Nagasaki, JapanPresentation 1 content
- Brief introduction of Nagasaki
- The reality of the damages by the atomic bombing
- Present situation of nuclear weapons
- Our challenges in promoting and realizing peace
- The threat of nuclear weapons and our challenges in building a peaceful world
- Solution of our challenges (Proposals for establishment of a network by Asian youth)
Presenter: Ms. Yurina Sakae, Ms. Chie Tanaka and Ms. Chieko Taneda,
Peace Wing Nagasaki, JapanPresentation 2 content
- A solution to our challenges in promoting and realizing peace in response to the presentation 1
- A suggestion on networking by Asian youth as an organization to build a peaceful world
Date: | 22.09.2008 |
Presenter: | Professor Brian Tomlinson Visiting Scholar, Leeds Metropolitan University |
"Materials development should not be ad hoc and intuitive but should be principled and systematic." In this workshop we will explore through demonstration and discussion the main principles and procedures of materials evaluation, materials adaptation and materials writing. I will demonstrate approaches to the three main aspects of materials development itemised above and then invite responses and discussion. I will also provide opportunities for the participants to develop and apply principles for themselves.
About the Speaker:
Brian Tomlinson is the Founder and President of MATSDA (the Materials Development Association) and was Head of the Post-Graduate, Research and Consultancy Team in the School of languages at Leeds Metropolitan University where he is now a Visiting Scholar. He also used to be a Visiting Scholar at NUS. He has worked in Africa and Asia (including Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia), has given conference presentations in over sixty countries and has published numerous articles and books (including "Discover English", "Openings", "Materials Development in Language Teaching" and "Developing Materials for Language Teaching").
Date: | 23.09.2008 |
Presenter: | Professor Brian Tomlinson Visiting Scholar, Leeds Metropolitan University |
"Whenever we assess learners we should be providing them with learning opportunities." In this workshop we will explore principles and procedures for assessing the learners' ability to use the target language accurately, fluently, appropriately and effectively. I will advocate my principles for language testing and invite responses and discussion. And I will also provide opportunities for the participants to develop instruments of evaluation for themselves.
About the Speaker:
Brian Tomlinson is the Founder and President of MATSDA (the Materials Development Association) and was Head of the Post-Graduate, Research and Consultancy Team in the School of languages at Leeds Metropolitan University where he is now a Visiting Scholar. He also used to be a Visiting Scholar at NUS. He has worked in Africa and Asia (including Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia), has given conference presentations in over sixty countries and has published numerous articles and books (including "Discover English", "Openings", "Materials Development in Language Teaching" and "Developing Materials for Language Teaching").
Date: | 24.01.2007 |
Presenter: | Dr. Thomas S.C. Farrell Brock University, Canada |
Reflective teaching generally refers to teachers learning to subject their own beliefs of teaching and learning to a critical analysis, and thus, take more responsibility for their actions in the language classroom. Reflective teaching frees teachers from impulsive and routine activity and enables them to act in a more deliberate and intentional manner. Experience as a teacher is not enough, for we do not learn much from experience as much as we learn from reflecting on that experience; experience combined with reflections leads to growth and this is how we become more effective teachers. Participants in the workshop will undergo a reflective analysis of their own practice by examining their beliefs, values and principles of teaching and learning.
Workshop schedule:
Reflective Practice: Setting the Scene
- Introduction overview of workshop
- Reflective Practice
- Defining Reflective Practice
- Levels of reflection
- Reflective practice Framework
- Practicing What We Preach
- Investigating evidence of Student Learning
Reflective Practice in Action
- Reflecting on Classroom Communication
- Attributes of Effective Language Teaching
About the speaker:
Thomas S.C. Farrell PhD teaches Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. His research interests include Second Language Teacher Education/Development, and Reflective Language Teaching. He is series editor for Language Teacher Research for TESOL Publications covering language teacher research in Asia, Americas, Europe, Middle East, Australia / New Zealand and Africa. His recent books include: Reflective Practice in Action (2004) Sage Publications. Reflecting on Classroom Communication in Asia (2004) Longman. Professional Development For Language Teachers (with Jack Richards, 2005). Cambridge University Press. Succeeding with English Language Learners: A guide for beginning teachers. (2006) Sage Publications. Language Teacher Research in Asia (2006) TESOL Publications.
Date: | 12.02.2007 |
Presenter: | Dr Yanagisawa Miwako Tokyo Christian University, Chiba, Japan |
This seminar will discuss how language instructors will benefit from discourse analysis. One of the goals of language teaching is “transfer of learning” (Nunan 1988), that is, encouraging learners to transfer what they have learned in the classroom to the real world. In order to do so, materials should reflect the outside world. Comparing textbook dialogues and naturally-occurring discourse, the speaker will show how simple discourse analysis will help language instructors' awareness-raising, i.e., to see what is actually going on in real-world authentic interaction.
About the speaker:
Dr. Miwako YANAGISAWA specializes in sociolinguistics and language pedagogy. She currently teaches at Tokyo Christian University, Chiba, Japan, as associate professor. She holds a Ph.D. (East Asian Language & Literatures (Japanese)) from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, an MS (applied linguistics) from Georgetown University, Washington D.C., and an MA (English linguistics) from Waseda University, Tokyo. Her current research project is L2 socializaiton of JSL learners.
Date: | 14.03.2007 |
Presenter: | Dr Yanagisawa Miwako Tokyo Christian University, Chiba, Japan |
日本語を教える時、 authentic/real-world language --- 生きた日本語 --- を 教えたいと思う反面、 pedagogical grammar とのバランスが難しいというのは、どな たも経験されていることだと思います。でもどんな小さな表現にも文化は現れるも の。言葉は文化の一部であるという社会言語学的観点から、日本語の特徴を見直して みたいと思います。実際に使われている教科書からの例も引用します。
About the speaker:
早稲田大学修士 ( 英語学 ) ・ジョージタウン大学修士 (MS in applied linguistics) ・ハワイ大学博士 ( Ph.D. in East Asian Language & Literatures (Japanese))。現在東京基督(きりすと)教大学助教授。専門は社会言語学(特に Discourse analysis)、日本語教授法。現在L2 socializationについてリサーチを進 めている。
Date: | 17.04.2007 |
Presenter: | Professor Hermann Funk University of Jena, Germany |
Modern language learning materials usually contain a variety of authentic texts and well designed exercises and activities. In all languages, however, practitioners are seemingly faced with problems of the same kind. Fill-in-the-gap exercises are very popular with students. However research indicates they may not be very effective. Activities in standard textbooks tend to favor specific approaches. This does sometimes pose a problem to the necessary variety of language processing procedures of the brain. The question arises: Is there such a thing as brain-compatible teaching? Presently the chaining of activities of various approaches seems one promising road to language learning success. The workshop will start off with theoretical reflections on "brain-compatible" teaching and the general state of the art in language teaching and learning research. We will then discuss a model of a textbook design, taking into account these reflections. Subsequently we will try to model training sequences and chains of activities in the various languages in the seminar. Participants are encouraged to bring texts for materials you would like prepare for classroom use.
About the speaker:
Hermann Funk is Professor at the Institute of German as a Foreign Language as well as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Jena . He was formerly at the Universities of Kassel and Leipzig . He was visiting Professor at the University of Riga in Latvia , and at Middlebury College in Vermont . He is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the Goethe-Institute, President of the German Teachers' Association of Germany, and author of numerous textbooks for German.
Date: | 17.04.2007 |
Presenter: | Associate Professor Mari Noda> Ohio State University, USA |
Performance-Based Pedagogy (PBP) is based on the idea that language learning is expanding one's repertoire of performances in the culture where the target language is used. Language learning is viewed as a way of culture learning. Performance is defined as a situated event characterized by specific roles that performers assume, a specified time (instance) a specified place, acknowledged audience, if any, and the appropriate script (a program of action). Thus, conversations in PBP are a collection of oral performance scripts for learners to study in their effort to expand their performance repertoire. In this workshop, I will elaborate on the notions of performance and PBP and suggest ways to utilize them in creating performance scripts. Participants will have the hands-on experience of creating performance scripts in their languages of specialization.
About the speaker:
Native of Tokyo, Japan, Mari Noda has an extensive experience in teacher training in East Asian languages as well as teaching Japanese as a foreign language. She holds an MA and a Ph.D., both in linguistics, from Cornell University. She is currently Associate Professor of Japanese and Chair in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the Ohio State University, where she has been practicing Performance-Based Pedagogy. Among her publication are Japanese: The Spoken Language series (with Eleanor H. Jorden, 1987-1990, Yale University Press), Japanese: The Spoken Language (Part 1) Interactive CD-ROM Program (1998, Yale University Press), Acts of Reading: Exploring Connections in Pedagogy of Japanese (with Hiroshi Nara, 2002, University of Hawaii Press); and A Performance-based Pedagogy for Communicating in Cultures: Training Teachers for East Asian languages (with Matthew Christensen, 2002, OSU Foreign Language Publications). She currently serves as President-elect of the Association of Teachers of Japanese in the US.
Date: | 17.05.2007 |
Presenter: | Jyh Wee Sew Singapore |
The concept of Multiple Intelligences (Smith 2002) is invoked as the foundation behind the need to activate multimodalities in learning. These multimodalities refer to various intelligences that lead to varying learning styles. This discussion suggests that dramatics as a learning strategy exploits the multimodalities holistically. Dramatics refers to the use of dramatisation, which offers a rich learning experience that may enhance the rate of second language acquisition (SLA). Studies in psycholinguistics are used as the basis to introduce dramatics for second language acquisition (SLA). This discussion points to the significance of task motivation in acquiring L2 and offers dramatics as a means of achieving cooperative collaboration in SLA. Integrating fun into learning by means of dramatics increases the confidence of learners to explore new ideas and expands knowledge boundary (Smith 2006). Dramatics is useful when the attention span of the students shortens and the level of positive energy dips. The interaction in dramatics keeps the students engaged in active participation of SLA activities. Classroom examples are used to show dramatics as the motivating factor behind Malay literary appreciation as well as Malay lexical comprehension (Sew 2006).Performance' in language class: In the case of conversation classes
About the speaker:
Mr Jyh Wee Sew (MA with credits Otago, MA NUS, BA Ed Hons. USM) is the author of Reduplicating Nouns and Verbs in Malay (KL: UM Academic Press, 2007), as well as articles in the Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Language Sciences, Dewan Bahasa, Pemikir, California Linguistics Notes; with book and theatre reviews in Intersections, Pragmatics and Cognition, Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse & Society.
Date: | 22.05.2007 |
Presenter: | Ms Harumi Horie Centre for Language Studies, NUS |
Language is for communication. Obviously there are other purposes; nonetheless this comes first in a daily life situation where language is actually used. If the classroom is the place where the students simply recite whatever they memorised beforehand, they will probably forget the contents right after they leave the classroom. Even if they do remember, their knowledge may not relate to the real life situation and they may not be certain of which item/pattern they can use when they encounter a particular situation later. To avoid this catastrophic language learning, and for the students to build up their knowledge of Japanese, I have applied the idea of ‘performance' into my classroom teaching – the idea based on ‘Performance-Based Pedagogy' (Christensen & Noda 2002). Students are performers in my class and they are expected to play their own roles under a given situation created by the teacher. Some video clips of my own teaching will be shown to illustrate how we can bring ‘performance' into classroom teaching.
About the speaker:
Ms Harumi Horie joined the Centre for Language Studies as an instructor in Japanese Language in August 2004. She has obtained her M.A. in Applied Linguistics at the University of Essex (U.K.). Prior to joining NUS, she has taught Japanese at the University of Limerick ( Ireland ) as well as in U.K. Currently she is a committee member for the Japanese Language Teachers' Association in Singapore. Her current research interests are Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Methodology.
Date: | 24.05.2007 |
Presenter: | The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that "thoughts and behavior are determined by language". Native speakers in a given society are known to be ruled by the particular language and culture which have become the means of their expression. However, for language learners, it is sometimes hard to imagine the language they learn being used for real life situations. Although teaching methods introduce documents and videos to promote natural expression and show cultural behaviors, they may become monotonous and predictable, especially at the beginner level. Additional materials where native speakers use the target language meaningfully help students relate the abstract sounds and pictures that they already know to everyday life, people and places. During my seminar I will discuss the importance of meaningful language and cultural learning, showing some video materials that I have created in order to introduce the above aspects in class and sustain the interest of learners of FrenchMalwina Baranska Centre for Language Studies, NUS |
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that "thoughts and behavior are determined by language". Native speakers in a given society are known to be ruled by the particular language and culture which have become the means of their expression. However, for language learners, it is sometimes hard to imagine the language they learn being used for real life situations. Although teaching methods introduce documents and videos to promote natural expression and show cultural behaviors, they may become monotonous and predictable, especially at the beginner level. Additional materials where native speakers use the target language meaningfully help students relate the abstract sounds and pictures that they already know to everyday life, people and places. During my seminar I will discuss the importance of meaningful language and cultural learning, showing some video materials that I have created in order to introduce the above aspects in class and sustain the interest of learners of French
About the speaker:
Ms Baranska obtained her Master's degree in French as a Foreign Language at the University of Franche-Comté of Besançon, France . She completed her teaching internship in Alliance française of Singapore in 2002 and later worked at the Centre of Applied Linguistics (CLA) in Besançon, where she also remains a member of a research group which explores innovative teaching methods. Ms Baranska joined the Centre for Language Studies as Instructor of French in August 2004.
Date: | 04.06.2007 |
Presenter: | Francesca Manganelli-Leng Centre for Language Studies, NUS |
In the 19th century, French writer Paul Verlaine was placing "Music before everything else". It could certainly hold true with young people nowadays where music plays an important part of their life.If music is popular, video clip is even more popular. Technology made it possible to add images and movements to words. Similarly to advertisement it is a very powerful way to capture attention and interest from a large audience as witnessed by the recent success of the iPod or websites like YouTube. Songs and video clips hence constitute very interesting means that a teacher could leverage. During my seminar I will discuss through specific examples on the advantage of using songs and video clips to improve the overall experience of learning French. I will highlight in particular how it connects with the cultural dimension of the French modern society and how it can make learning French a very enjoyable, creative and rewarding experience
About the speaker:
Francesca holds a Master's degree in French as Foreign Languages and a D.E.A. in Art History, from the Sorbonne University of Paris. She has over 12 years of experience teaching French to a wide range of students from high school to university students and business executives. As head teacher in the foreign-language department at the American School in Paris , Francesca designed and taught an innovative variety of French-language courses with an emphasis on helping students assimilate into French culture and business. Before coming to Singapore she has been teaching French language and civilization at Shanghai Normal University for 4 years. There she also created a French-business class helping graduates to find positions in French companies. She joined the Centre for Language Studies of NUS as Tutor of French in August 2006.
Date: | 07.11.2007 |
Presenter: | Dr Ulrich Kozok University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Professor Kozok from the University of Hawaii at Manoa has recently completed a textbook for upper-intermediate/ advanced Indonesian using a combined online-offline approach. The textbook is based on authentic "texts" mainly from the contemporary media (newspaper articles, radio broadcast) plus some materials from other genres (short stories, letters, advertisements etc.) complemented with related listening comprehension activities. In this presentation Dr Kozok will show how the combined online-offline approach has been successfully implemented in third year Indonesian language acquisition at the University of Hawaii. The presentation will focus on both technical as well as methodological aspects of the hybrid "online-offline" approach.
About the speaker:
Professor Kozok is an Associate Professor with the Department of Hawaiian and Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, U.S.A. He obtained his MA in 1989, University of Hamburg, Seminar für Indonesische und Südseesprachen and completed his PhD (Magna cum laude) in Batak languages and literatures, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Department of Austronesian Languages and Cultures, University of Hamburg in 1994.
Date: | 19.04.2005 |
Presenter: | Prof Fujimura Tomoko Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Mr Shibano Kohji Director of the Centre for Information Technology, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
A Summary on the Web-learning materials developed by TUFS
- Free access to contents pertaining to Elementary Japanese (e.g. contents of textbooks, listening practice, grammar explanations, reading comprehension, etc)
- Access to contents pertaining to Intermediate Japanese (Tentative) (e.g. contents of textbooks, vocabulary and sentence structures, listening practice, etc)
A Report on the actual application of E-Learning in the classroom
- listening practice, grammar instructions
- execution of oral test
Date: | 31.03.2006 |
Presenter: | Associate Professor Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson University of New South Wales, Australia |
Learner autonomy can be understood as a mode of learning in which learners take initiative and control. The importance of the promotion of learner autonomy in language programs has long been recognised although the recognition did not necessarily resulted in practice. One place where teachers and learners can participate in decision making is on classroom learning tasks. In this presentation, I would discuss the basic understandings of learner autonomy. Using learn autonomy in classroom learning tasks as an example, I will further discuss common classroom tasks and ways to make small changes in order to promote learner autonomy. The discussion will focus on teacher roles, learner roles, and learning resources in order to see the shift in the control in the classrooms. If time allows, I would like to invite participants to create their own changes to the tasks they regularly use in their classrooms.
About the speaker:
Dr Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson is Associate Professor of Japanese Studies at the University of New South Wales in Sydney Australia. Prior to UNSW, she taught at NUS for four years. Her research interest includes learner autonomy in language learning, gender and Japanese langauge education and teacher training. She has published widely in such journals as Foreign Language Annals, Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, Sekai No Nihongo Kyouiku and other refereed journals. She is the Language and Linguistics Editor of Japanese Studies, a journal of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia.World of Shapes and Imagination Teaching Chinese Characters
Date: | 31.03.2006 |
Presenter: | Ms Lin Chiung Yao Centre for Language Studies, NUS |
Teaching Chinese Characters, a subject which has 3000 years of history and still under constant renovations in its methodologies, has been quite a challenge in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The writing system of Chinese characters is very different from alphabetical languages. The uniqueness of the characters is often seen as an obstacle and the most difficult part to foreign learners. It is, however, possible to make Characters an attraction and a door to Chinese culture to foreign learners, given a more organized way of teaching. Starting with an introduction of Chinese character strokes, parts, and origins which equip learners with basic decoding methods, and applying the teaching sequence of shape (?) and meaning (?) first, followed by sound (?) , learning characters can be easier. This method also suggests a possibility for systematization of character learning, which will make Chinese character learning relatively scientific when developed fully. It implies that the acquisition of new characters can be easy and efficient, and the memorization of character shapes long lasting. Characters are the basis for Chinese language, from where phrases and sentences can be built, and finally formulate the language as a whole. I would like to share with people from the same field some of my interesting experiences and findings in teaching Chinese characters.
About the speaker:
Ms Lin Chiung Yao joined National University of Singapore in 2000 as an Instructor in the Chinese Language Proficiency Centre and continued to teach Chinese at the Centre for Language Studies since its formation in July 2001. Before joining NUS, she was a research writer and an anchor editor at Television Corporation of Singapore for 5 years and a teacher and curriculum planner at Kid Castle Language Center in Taiwan for 1 year. Her current research interests are Chinese character teaching methodology, metaphors and language teaching, and IT-aided Chinese teaching.
Date: | 27.04.2006 |
Presenter: | Dr J. Bismoko Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia |
The Post-Method Era in language education has been conceptualized and implemented in different ways. Richard and Rodgers believe in the continued role of approaches and methods (2001: 250), Brown in the “Principled Approach” (in Richards and Renandya, 2001: 11), and the Indonesian Ministry of Education in the Competence-Based Curriculum (Curriculum 2004). In terms of current thoughts in the present postmodernism, we believe, that language learning as part of human development is to be more clearly structured conceptually and operationally beyond the mere systemic structure of science and technology. Reflective Language Learning is one of the probable models, which may help us to stay consistent with higher levels of relevant concepts, thus becoming more productive in terms of human development. The concept-operation structure of Reflective Language Learning includes its philosophy, approach, design, and procedure. In this presentation I will elaborate the rationale for adopting this model, its concept structure, and a brief report on how it is beginning to set in motion at Sanata Dharma University.
About the speaker:
J Bismoko (Dr) is lecturer of the Graduate Program of English Studies, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He is also the current Director of the Language Institute of the same University. He earned his Dip TESL (NZ) in 1971, ESOL Educators Certificate (EWC) in 1977, and Doctorate degree (Jakarta State University, sandwiched SUNY Albany) in 1989.
Date: | 18.05.2006 |
Presenter: | Mr Makoto Takeda Centre for Language Studies, NUS |
Project work that involves conversational interactions with other target language speakers (except teachers and peer learners) can provide foreign language learners with ample opportunities to develop and improve their conversational skills. Development and/or improvement of these skills, however, may not emerge automatically as a result of the learners' participation in the conversational interactions with the target language speakers. In order for the learning of these conversational skills to take place, some pedagogical interventions are indispensable. In this seminar I will first introduce an application of “visitor session” as an approach to foster learners' conversational skills, whose organisation is finely structured to enhance learning. Second, I will briefly report on a visitor session conducted in an upper-elementary level Japanese language module, which aimed at development of the learners' skills as a “good listener” in Japanese conversational interaction.
About the speaker:
Mr Takeda Makoto is an Instructor in Japanese at the Centre for Language Studies, National University of Singapore (NUS). Since he joined NUS as a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Japanese Studies in 2000, he has taught Japanese language modules at various levels. He is currently interested in the analysis of conversational interactions involving a non-native speaker of Japanese and its application to Japanese language teaching, as well as cognitive aspects of second/foreign language acquisition/learning.
Date: | 07.11.2006 |
Presenter: | Miss Walee Khanthuwan Khon Kaen University , Thailand |
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between knowledge of Thai culture and academic achievement in studying Thai as a foreign language. The research surveyed 61 respondents using questionnaires. The data was analyzed by inferential statistics and correlation using a Statistical Package for Social Science, SPSS for Windows. The expected benefits are a better understanding of the relationships between knowledge in Thai culture and academic achievement in studying Thai as a foreign language, and effective improvements to the curriculum for teaching Thai to foreigners. The data will be analyzed with inferential statistics and correlation. The results of the analysis and descriptive interpretations will be available by December 2006. In this seminar, the speaker will discuss the background, objectives and methodology of her study.
About the speaker:
Walee Khanthuwan is a lecturer of Thai language at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University , Thailand . She received her M.A. degree in Journalism from Chulalongkorn University , Thailand in 1998. At Khon Kaen University , she has been teaching various Thai courses since 1999. Her research interests are in Thai language and communication culture.
Date: | 16.02.2005 |
Presenter: | Mr Melvyn Song Kian Guan |
Being a second language teacher is a matter of being seen as a teacher by himself or herself and of being seen as a teacher by others (Coldron & Smith 1999). This talk explores the professional role identity of second language teachers and attempts to answer the question: When second language teachers reflect on their practice, what do they communicate (either explicitly or implicitly) about their role identity as second language teachers?
Macromedia Breeze – enhancing your PowerPoint presentation
Macromedia Breeze allows you to enhance your PowerPoint presentations by adding multimedia objects to slides such as audio narration and animation. With Breeze, you can create engaging e-learning in the comfort and convenience of your own office.Breeze is ideal in situations where there is little or no need for interaction, for example when:
- you need to convey facts, statistics and figures effectively
- you need to conduct a one-way self-explanatory presentation
- you need to supplement your lecture with additional interactive materials
- you are unable to deliver your lectures or presentation personally
- you need to do online simulation or demonstration to a large audience.
A general working knowledge of the Windows operating system is helpful.
Learning Outcome
At the end of this session, you should be able to
- Create a Breeze presentation using any existing PowerPoint Slide
- Add multimedia objects such as Animations and voice narration
- Publish & distribute your e-learning material
- Add interactivity by adding questions and survey to your Breeze Presentations
Macromedia FlashPaper – Disseminating Information Effectively Through The Web
Macromedia FlashPaper allows you to distribute information effectively through the web. With a single click, this program converts printable documents into Flash (.swf) files which can then be viewed on most - 98% according to Macromedia - web browsers. FlashPaper can also create PDF files. FlashPaper is a fast way to capture specialized reports, presentations and spreadsheets for full display on the web without having the hassles of extra plug-in. Flash Paper is ideal for situation where you need to display documents, spreadsheets, presentations online.
About the speaker:
Melvyn is a Systems Engineer from the Centre for Instructional Technology. He has been invited to present at local and international conferences for e-learning and Macromedia Technologies. He was responsible for the implementation of Rapid e-Learning at NUS and the implementation of several key Macromedia Technologies across campus. Melvyn has also created several awards winning e-learning courseware.
Date: | 19.04.2005 |
Presenter: | Assoc Prof Koh Soo Ling |
The multi-ethnic English language classroom is the perfect place to unlock a variety of cultures, beliefs and values. The presence of different races and the cultures they bring with them into the classroom is ready material for language exploration and language learning. Language and culture are interrelated and there is a need to inculcate cultural awareness among our students. Teaching and learning practices when profitably associated with varied cultures become relevant and meaningful. Students become motivated as such resources will represent their lifestyle and culture. This paper is based on classroom research carried out among students in Universiti Teknologi MARA. It will highlight the incorporation of the values and cultures of the three main races i.e. Malays, Chinese and Indians in the teaching and learning of the English language. It will demonstrate how cross-cultural differences can be used to enhance English language teaching and how teaching aids can be tailored to meet the real needs of the learner. It will also explain how the task-based teaching technique involves the learner in the production of materials and allows other ESL instructors to adapt the resources for their own classes. Finally this paper will demonstrate how other ESL instructors can apply the task-based teaching technique to their own individual teaching situations and how learners need to be stimulated to improve their communication skills through language use.
About the speaker:
Assoc. Prof Koh Soo Ling is an associate of the Office of Academic Affairs. She is attached to the Academy of Language Studies , Universiti Teknologi MARA. She is a weekly writer for Learning Curve and MUET Moments in the New Straits Times. She has also written air-time scripts for Radio Selangor, Malaysia. She is the author of several books and has received 4 awards for teaching methodology from Universiti Malaya and the Malaysian Schools' Inspectorate. She is actively involved with the JPA Matriculation programme, the SMART school project and MUET. Her areas of interest are classroom strategies, writing and public speaking. The classroom is the heart of Asia . How much of this is myth or fact? Based on classroom research, this paper explores the use of different local culturesto encourage students to communicate.
Date: | 03.08.2005 |
Presenter: | Professor Yoshiko KAWAMURA |
As language education moves from the teacher-centred model to the student-centred model, devising teaching methods which help develop learner autonomy have become imperative. The IT environment allows for both individualization of instruction and independence, and the i nternet provides an excellent way to implement this new model. This workshop reports the results of a Japanese Project Workshop Course which made extensive use of the internet, and discusses the features as well as uses of the Website designed for the course. Additionally, the presenter will examine the role of the Japanese language class in the IT era. This workshop will be held in a hands-on style where the audience can meet the presenter interactively.
About the speaker:
Professor Yoshiko KAWAMURA is the Departmental Dean of the School of Language Communication, Tokyo International University, Japan. She graduated from Tsuda College, Japan and obtained her MA, followed by the completion of her Ph.D from University of Tokyo, Japan. She was a visiting professor at the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna from 2000 to 2002. She developed a Japanese Language Reading Tutorial System, “Reading Tutor”, which is known to be one of the best IT tools for Japanese learners, with Tatsuya KITAMURA. “Reading Tutor” has been rewarded for the best prize of ThinkQuest@Japan'99 in the University students/Business category. Prof. Kawamura has been invited by numerous Japanese t eaching language associations and institutions from all over the world to give seminars and workshops.
Date: | 18.08.2005 |
Presenter: | Ms Fanny Loe Nie Fong |
In a community, language and culture are inseparable. In my teaching experience, it has been observed that the incorporation of learning objectives into cultural contexts can significantly enrich students' learning experiences. In addition, it has resulted in enhancing learners' comprehension of the target language usage and providing more exposure to the language. Students have also shown interest, motivation and give positive feedback. In this seminar, I will share some of the instructional strategies in integrating language teaching with cultural contexts in Bahasa Indonesia language courses. It mainly seeks to discuss how the cultural teaching can be implicitly integrated into the language classroom activities. Furthermore, I will demonstrate how we have provided the students with more exposure through cultural activities. Some practical examples will be drawn from students' term projects, for example, Batik painting, Indonesian food, students' presentation, interviewing native speaker etc.
About the speaker:
Fanny Loe Nie Fong is a visiting lecturer at the Centre for Languages Studies, Faculty of Art and Social Sciences, NUS. She received her sarjana/Dra (Master's degree) from Gadjah Mada University in Jogyakarta, Indonesia in 1982. She has been teaching Bahasa Indonesia at the NUS since 1994 – first joined as a part-time tutor and then as a Visiting Lecturer from January 2001. In summer 2000 and 2002, she had the opportunities to teach Indonesian with the Southeast Asia Summer Studies Institute (SEASSI) at the University of Wisconsin, USA.
Date: | 29.11.2005 |
Presenter: | Associate Professor Jouji MIWA |
We have developed an integrated campus system using advanced multimedia processing in a ubiquitous society. A URL of the system is "http://icampusj.net". The system is web-based, therefore any learner for Japanese language can freely use in anytime and at anywhere on their convenience. In the system, teaching materials such as documents, speech sounds and videos, assessment reports, and examination results are managed by using a relational database. So the weak points in learning are properly feedback to the learners. In this seminar, new Japanese teaching methodologies in e-Learning era will be discussed.
About the speaker:
Jouji MIWA is an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Iwate University, Japan. He received the B. E. degree from the University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, and the M. E. and the Ph. D. degrees from Tohoku University, Japan in 1974, 1976 and 1979, respectively. He has been engaged in study on spoken language processing, multimedia signal processing and information technology. He developed a Language Education System for Spoken Japanese on an On-demand Network (LESSON/J) in 1997. The "LESSON/J" has been awarded in Java Conference Grand P rix '98. He also developed an e-Learning system of Integrated Campus using Advanced Multimedia Processing in a Ubiquitous Society (ICAMPUS) for Japanese Teaching in 2004. The systems of "LESSON/J" and "ICAMPUS" are freely accessed from http://www.sp.cis.iwate-u.ac.jp/sp/lesson/j/ and http://www.sp.cis.iwate-u.ac.jp/icampus/, respectively
2004 and before
- Loanwords in Thai
- New Approach in Teaching Indonesian as a Second Language.
- On Your Marks, Get Set, Go: Measuring the Entry Levels and Progress Rates of a Group of German Language Undergraduates at a U.K. University.
- Instructional Technology and Courseware Development at Ohio University.
- Integrating Information Technology into Japanese Language Classrooms.
- A Study of the Japanese 'kedo': Discourse Functions taken from a Study of a Japanese-English Bilingual Comic.
- A Study of Instructional Methods Used in The Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language.
- Developing Interactive Materials for a Network-based Self-access Language Learning Environment.
- Media Language and Language Policy in Singapore (1942-1945).
- Theory and Pracitice of ‘Performative Exercises' (1st LAJ Workshop).
- How can we use drills most effectively? (2nd LAJ Workshop).
- The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI).
- Project-based Learning in Indonesian Instruction
- Interactive Multimedia Courseware for Bahasa Indonesia
- Interactive Situation Simulation: Applying Internet and Multimedia Technologies to Situation-based foreign language learning
- Differentiation in the Design of Web-based Tasks and Exercises
- Integrating Skills in Thai Language Teaching
- Motivation and Japanese as a Foreign Language
- Creating Web-based Tasks and Exercises for German as a Foreign Language
- Technology in the service to language; lessons learned at the University of Hawaii.
- Authoring and Delivering Interactive Language Exercises.
- Integration of Eurolingua Multimedia CD-ROMs and textbooks.
- The Contradiction of IT and the Learning of Chinese Language 《电脑网页与华文写作教学的矛盾》.