CLS Language Certificate of Proficiency

The Centre awards Certificates of Proficiency at the Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Levels. Eligible NUS and exchange students who have successfully completed the qualifying CLS courses (i.e. the highest course listed for each of the three or four levels) in the table below.
The qualifying courses must be read in the CLS. With effect from AY2012-2013, students must have a minimum grade of “C” or “Satisfactory” to qualify for the certificates.
Table of Proficiency Levels in the Individual Language Programmes
(With effect from AY2020-2021 semester 2. For table on AY2020-2021 semester 1 and before, refer here)
Arabic | LAR1201 Arabic 1 & LAR2201 Arabic 2 |
LAR3201 Arabic 3 & LAR3202 Arabic 4 |
LAR4201 Arabic 5 & LAR4202 Arabic 6 |
N.A. |
Bahasa Indonesia | LAB1201 Bahasa Indonesia 1 & LAB2201 Bahasa Indonesia 2 |
LAB3201 Bahasa Indonesia 3 & LAB3202 Bahasa Indonesia 4 |
LAB4201 Bahasa Indonesia 5, & LAB4202 Bahasa Indonesia 6 |
N.A. |
Chinese | LAC1201 Chinese 1 & LAC2201 Chinese 2 |
LAC3201 Chinese 3 & LAC3202 Chinese 4 |
LAC4201 Chinese 5 & LAC4202 Chinese 6 |
N.A. |
French | LAF1201 French 1 & LAF2201 French 2 |
LAF3201 French 3 & LAF3202 French 4or LAF3201 French 3 & LAF3203 French for Academic Purposes |
LAF4201 French 5 & LAF4202 French 6 |
LAF4203 French Language and Society,
& LAF4204 Francophone Studies in Context |
German | LAG1201 German 1 & LAG2201 German 2 |
LAG3201 German 3 & LAG3202 German 4or LAG3201 German 3 & LAG3203 German for Academic Purposes |
LAG4201 German 5 & LAG4202 German 6 |
LAG4203 German Studies 1, & LAG4204 German Studies 2 |
Hindi | LAH1201 Hindi 1 & LAH2201 Hindi 2 |
LAH3201 Hindi 3 & LAH3202 Hindi 4 |
LAH4201 Hindi 5 & LAH4202 Hindi 6 |
N.A. |
Japanese | LAJ1201 Japanese 1 & LAJ2201 Japanese 2 |
LAJ2202 Japanese 3 & LAJ2203 Japanese 4 & LAJ3201 Japanese 5or LAJ2202 Japanese 3 & LAJ2203 Japanese 4 & LAJ3203 Business Japanese 1 |
LAJ3202 Japanese 6 or LAJ3204 Business Japanese 2 or LAJ3205 Media Japanese |
LAJ4203 Newspaper Reading & LAJ4205 Expository Writing & Public Speaking |
Korean | LAK1201 Korean 1 & LAK2201 Korean 2 |
LAK3201 Korean 3 & LAK3202 Korean 4or LAK3201 Korean 3 & LAK3203 Korean for Academic Purposes |
LAK4201 Korean 5 & LAK4202 Korean 6 |
LAK4203 Korean 7 & LAK4204 Korean 8 |
Malay | LAM1201 Malay 1 & LAM2201 Malay 2 |
LAM3201 Malay 3 & LAM3202 Malay 4 |
LAM 4201 Malay 5 & LAM4202 Malay 6 |
N.A. |
Spanish | LAS1201 Spanish 1 & LAS2201 Spanish 2 |
LAS3201 Spanish 3 & LAS3202 Spanish 4 |
LAS4201 Spanish 5 & LAS4202 Spanish 6 |
LAS4203 Spanish 7 & LAS4204 Spanish 8 |
Tamil | LAL1201 Tamil 1 & LAL2201 Tamil 2 |
N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
Thai | LAT1201 Thai 1 & LAT2201 Thai 2 |
LAT3201 Thai 3 & LAT3202 Thai 4 |
LAT4201 Thai 5 & LAT4202 Thai 6 |
LAT4203 Analysing Thai Media & LAT4204 Thai for Academic Purposes |
Vietnamese | LAV1201 Vietnamese 1 & LAV2201 Vietnamese 2 |
LAV3201 Vietnamese 3 & LAV3202 Vietnamese 4 |
LAV4201 Vietnamese 5 & LAV4202 Vietnamese 6 |
N.A. |
*Offer of courses is subjected to Centre for Language Studies’ discretion.
A sample of the certificate can be found here.
Issuance of digital badges and e-certificates
With effect from AY2019-2020 semester 1, students who are eligible for the CLS Language Certificates of Proficiency will be issued digital badges and are able to print e-certificates from Accredible. Credentials issued on Accredible will be for life.
Automated email will be sent to students’ NUS email accounts ( ) with a URL link in the email that the recipient can click on to access his/her credential. Students are required to sign up for an Accredible account if they do not have any.
Semester 1 digital badges and e-certificate will be available on second week of January and Semester 2 digital badges and e-certificate will be available on second week of July. For more information, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions
Collection of certificates for completion of eligible courses prior to AY2019-2020 semester 1
Hard copy certificates issued by Centre for Language Studies are only available for students who completed the eligible course prior to AY2019-2020 semester 1.
Students are required to present their Student Id for collection. In the event that students are unable to collect the certificate personally, they can send an email to the administrative staff supporting the language programmes to inform the name and identification number (*provide only the last 3 numerical digit and checksum. E.g. Student Id number: AXXXX123B, NRIC number: SXXXX123A) of the person who is collecting the certificate on their behalf. Proof of identification has to be shown upon collection.
If you are a student currently studying at NUS, you may collect the certificate when it is ready from Week 4 to 13, on every Tuesday and Wednesday during the semester from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (closed for lunch from 1:00-2:00 p.m.).
If you are an exchange student or have graduated and unable to collect the certificate from our office, you may request for the certificate to be posted to you. However, you will need to send us a pre-paid self-addressed envelope which should be able to hold an A4 sized paper. Please ensure to have the correct value of the stamp for either local or overseas address. Our postal address is
Centre for Language Studies
National University of Singapore
9 Arts Link, AS4/0205
Singapore 117570
N.B. Please note that we can only accede to your request if you have requested for a certificate and have fulfilled the requirement for the course.