Assoc Prof Chan, Wai Meng

Associate Professor

Office: AS4/03-07


Tel: 6516 6715

Fax: 6777 7736



Assoc Prof Chan, Wai Meng
Assoc Prof Chan, Wai Meng
Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction

I am Associate Professor in the Centre for Language Studies, which I joined in 2001. From 1992 to 2001, I was a member of the faculty of the European Studies Programme. I coordinated the German language modules in European Studies and at the CLS between 1994 and 2002. From 2002 to 2005, I was appointed as Deputy Director of the Centre for Language Studies. Subsequent to that, from 2005 to 2015, I served as Director of the Centre.

I did my undergraduate and Masters studies in German Language and Literature at the University of Würzburg and received my doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the University of Kassel. Both universities are in Germany.

I've been active in theoretical and applied research in the area of Foreign Language Education and co-authored two German language syllabi for the Ministry of Education. I also led a team of German lecturers at the NUS to create a comprehensive virtual self-access centre for German as a Foreign Language ("e-daf"). I have been invited to give over 25 keynote/plenary/guest lectures and to conduct numerous seminars/workshops at conferences/universities in Singapore, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Australia and Germany.

Other appointments/memberships which I held or am currently holding include:

  • Emeritus Editor-in-Chiefe-FLT, Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (URL:
  • Member, ESP International Journal (Taiwan ESP Association)
  • Editor, Studies on Second and Foreign Language Education, De Gruyter Mouton, Boston and Berlin
  • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching
  • Member, International Advisory Board, Journal "Neue Beiträge zur Germanistik" (Japanese Society for German Language and Literature)
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal "Multilingualism" (De Gruyter)
  • Overseas Editor, Journal "New Studies in English Language and Literature" (New Association of English Language and Literature, South Korea)
  • International Director for Research for th 13th, 17th, 18th & 19th Executive Committee of the International Association for Korean Language Education

View my full CV

Teaching Areas
Current Research
Research Interests