Dr Cheong, Lee Peng

Senior Lecturer

Convenor for the Chinese Language Programme

Office: AS4/02-02

Email: clsclp@nus.edu.sg

Tel: 6516 3330

Dr Cheong, Lee Peng
Dr Cheong, Lee Peng
Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction

Dr Cheong Lee Peng gained her B.A. (Good Hons) , M.A. and Ph.D degrees from the National University of Singapore.

She joined the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation’s Current Affairs Unit as a programme researcher. In 1991, she was appointed Producer/Presenter at the Chinese News and Information Station FM95.8, and was promoted to Head of Reporting Unit in 1993 and Programme Director in 1995. During her Broadcasting Career, Dr Cheong has attended regional broadcasting seminars and has been awarded Commonwealth Foundation Fellowship in Jan 1996.

She is teaching Chinese language at the NUS since she joined the Chinese Language Proficiency Centre as a Fellow in Dec 1996. She became a lecturer in 1998 and was transferred to the Centre for Language Studies, (CLS) in 2001.

She has been awarded Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2012 and 2013.

Teaching Areas
Current Research
Research Interests