Dr Daniel K.G. Chan

Deputy Director of Centre

Senior Lecturer

Office: AS4/03-05

Email: daniel.chan@nus.edu.sg

Tel: 6516 4769 (DID)

Dr Daniel K.G. Chan
Dr Daniel K.G. Chan
Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction

Daniel Chan is deputy director and a senior lecturer of French at the NUS Centre for Language Studies, as well as assistant dean of undergraduate studies at the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. His international activities include that of being the co-convenor for a Research Network of AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée), and an associate member of the research group PLIDAM (Plurality of Languages and IDentifies in language Acquisiton and Mediation), at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INaLCO), Paris.

He has been the founding chair of the Committee for Technology Enhanced Language Learning (ComTELL) at the NUS Centre for Language Studies, the Editor in Chief of the peer-reviewed Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, and an office bearer of the ApfS (Association des professeurs de français à Singapour / Association of French Language Teachers) in Singapore. Formerly a recipient of prestiguous scholarships from the Public Service Commission and the French governement, he completed his undergraduate studies at Sorbonne Nouvelle University, after which he went on to earn his M.A. and PhD in Linguistics at Paris Diderot University (which has since been merged into Paris Cité University) under the supervision of Professor Marie-Claude Paris. His current research interests include a range of topics related to language education.

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