Ms Lin Chiung Yao

Assistant Director of Centre

Senior Lecturer

Office: AS4/03-09


Tel: 6516 5001

Ms Lin Chiung Yao
Ms Lin Chiung Yao
Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction

Ms Lin Chiung Yao joined National University of Singapore in year 2000.  She teaches beginner and intermediate Chinese modules in Centre for Language Studies, FASS, National University of Singapore.  She obtianed her Master degree in Chinese language at Chinese Studies of National University of Sigapore in 2006, and Mass Communication and Journalism in California State University, Fresno, in 1993.  Her first degree was in English Literature at Fu-Jen University in Taiwan (1989).  Before joinning NUS, she was a Research Writer and Anchor Editor at The Television Corporation of Singapore and a Teacher and Curriculum Planner at Kid Castle Language Center in Taiwan. Her current research interests are teaching and learning of Chinese characters, Intercultural Communicative Competency, and CALL and its applicaiton in Chinese. She is the winner of the Excellent Teacher Award in 2005 and The Faculty Teaching Excellence Award in 2011.

Educational background:

  • M.A. National University of Singapore in Chinese language
  • M.A. California State University, Fresno
    in Mass Communication and Journalism
  • B.A. Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
    in English Literature, Major; International Trade, Minor.

Career History:

  • Senior Lecturer (Jan 2013~), Centre for Language Studies, Chinese Programme, NUS
  • Lecturer (July 2006~), Centre for Language Studies, Chinese Programme, NUS
  • Instructor (2001~2006),Centre for Language Studies, Chinese Programme, NUS
  • Instructor (2000-2001),Chinese Language Proficiency Centre, NUS
  • Research Writer (2000), Variety, Television Corporation of Singapore
  • News Anchor Editor (1997-2000), Television Corporation of Singapore
  • News Reporter (1996-1997), Television Corporation of Singapore
  • Chinese News Editor (1995-1996), Television Corporation of Singapore
Teaching Areas
Current Research
Research Interests
Other Information
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