Graduate Theatre and Performance Studies

Theatre and Performance Studies at the National University of Singapore fosters and supports rigorous scholarly exchange and innovative theatrical experimentation located in Asia. The programme is reputed for its cutting-edge and quality scholarship in theatre and performance concerned with the aesthetic expressions, cultural dynamics and social forces of a diverse and fast-changing contemporary Asia. The Asia under investigation is a cultural Asia that constantly evolves and reinvents itself. As a reference point within wider international contexts, our core inquiry into Asian modernity and inter-Asian cross-cultural currents provides an intellectual resource for critical and comparative research in such fields as (post)colonialism, postmodernism, transnationalism and globalisation. Reflecting the research interests and professional experience of its faculty in the theatre and performance of Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia and the Asia-Pacific, the programme specialises in practice approaches, pedagogy, theory, criticism and dramaturgy, with particular focuses in cultural performance, digital archiving, cross-media, community engagement, popular entertainment and arts policy. The programme also has strong interests in breaking new ground in innovative research methodologies founded in the intersections of theory and practice.
The Department offers two research degrees in Theatre and Performance Studies, one MA by Coursework, and three graduate certificates: