Minor in English Literature

Minor in English Literature (Cohort 2021 onwards)
Programme Requirements
Pass at least 20 units of EN courses which include:
- EN1101E An Introduction to Literary Studies
- A minimum of 4 units at EN level-2000
- A minimum of ONE literature before 1800 course
- A minimum of 4 units of EN courses at level-3000
- Only EN-coded courses can be used to fulfil the EN Minor requirements.
- List of literature before 1800 courses:
EN2201 Backgrounds to Western Literature and Culture
EN2205 Late Medieval Literature and Culture
EN2209 Literature and Culture in Ancient Rome
EN3220 From the "Age of Epic" to the "Age of TV"
EN3221 The English Renaissance
EN3222 The Eighteenth Century
EN3226 Shakespeare
EN3227 Romanticism
EN3228 Women Novelists: 1750 - 1800
EN3229 Shakespeare in His Time and Ours
EN4221 Topics in the Seventeenth Century
EN4222 Topics in the Eighteenth Century
EN4227 Five Years in the Eighteenth Century
EN4251 Jonathan Swift
EN4269 Ovid the Innovator: Advanced Ancient Roman Poetry
EN4880A Usurpation and Authority, 1558-1674 - Up to 8 units may be used to meet (i) the Minor requirement and (ii) another requirement, e.g., College, Faculty, Major, Second Major, Minor, Specialisation or other requirement.
- Please refer to the guidelines/requirements pertaining to the Minor programmes at the FASS Student Portal and the Registrar's Office (Minor programmes) website.
Minor in English Literature (Cohort 2020)
Programme Requirements
Pass at least 20 units of EN courses which include:
- EN1101E An Introduction to Literary Studies
- A minimum of 4 units at EN level-2000
- A minimum of ONE literature before 1800 course
- A minimum of 4 units of EN courses at level 3000
- Only EN-coded courses can be used to fulfil the EN Minor requirements.
- List of literature before 1800 courses:
EN2201 Backgrounds to Western Literature and Culture
EN2205 Late Medieval Literature and Culture
EN2209 Literature and Culture in Ancient Rome
EN3220 From the "Age of Epic" to the "Age of TV"
EN3221 The English Renaissance
EN3222 The Eighteenth Century
EN3226 Shakespeare
EN3227 Romanticism
EN3228 Women Novelists: 1750 - 1800
EN3229 Shakespeare in His Time and Ours
EN4221 or EN4221HM Topics in the Seventeenth Century (5 units)
EN4222 or EN4222HM Topics in the Eighteenth Century (5 units)
EN4227 Five Years in the Eighteenth Century (5 units)
EN4251 or EN4251HM Jonathan Swift (5 units)
EN4269 or EN4269HM Ovid the Innovator: Advanced Ancient Roman Poetry (5 units)
EN4880A or EN4880AHM Usurpation and Authority, 1558-1674 (5 units) - A maximum of 8 units from the minor can be used to satisfy the requirements of a major or another minor.
- Please refer to the guidelines/requirements pertaining to the Minor programmes at the FASS Student Portal and the Registrar's Office (Minor programmes) website.
Minor in English Literature (Cohort 2019)
Programme Requirements
Pass at least 20 units of EN courses which include:
- EN1101E An Introduction to Literary Studies
- A minimum of 4 units from the following:
EN2201 Backgrounds to Western Literature and Culture
EN2202 Critical Reading
EN2203 Introduction to Film Studies
EN2204 Reading the Horror Film
EN2205 Late Medieval Literature and Culture
EN2206 The Arts and Social Justice
EN2207 Gender and Sexuality in Literature - A minimum of ONE British Literature course
- A minimum of 4 units of EN courses at level 3000
- Only EN-coded courses can be used to fulfil the EN Minor requirements.
- A maximum of 8 units from the minor can be used to satisfy the requirements of a major or another minor.
- Please refer to the guidelines/requirements pertaining to the Minor programmes at the FASS Student Portal and the Registrar's Office (Minor programmes) website.
- List of British Literature courses:
EN2205 Late Medieval Literature and Culture (before 1800) (formerly EN3225)
EN2206 Art and Social Justice
EN3219 Twenty-First Century British Fiction
EN3220 From the "Age of Epic" to the "Age of TV" (before 1800)
EN3221 The English Renaissance (before 1800)
EN3222 The Eighteenth Century (before 1800)
EN3223 Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture
EN3224 The Twentieth Century
EN3225 Late Medieval Literature and Culture (before 1800)
EN3226 Shakespeare (before 1800)
EN3227 Romanticism (before 1800)
EN3228 Women Novelists: 1750 - 1800 (before 1800)
EN3229 Shakespeare in His Time and Ours (before 1800)
EN4221 Topics in the Seventeenth Century (before 1800)
EN4222 Topics in the Eighteenth Century (before 1800)
EN4223 Topics in the Nineteenth Century
EN4224 Topics in the Twentieth Century
EN4225 Asia and the Victorians
EN4226 English Women Novelists 1800 - 1900
EN4227 Five Years in the Eighteenth Century (before 1800)
EN4251 Jonathan Swift (before 1800)
EN4880A Usurpation and Authority, 1558-1674 (before 1800)
EN4880B Modernism and Empire
Minor in English Literature (Cohort 2018 and before)
Programme Requirements
Pass at least 24 units of EN courses which include:
- EN1101E An Introduction to Literary Studies
- A minimum of 4 units from the following:
EN2201 Backgrounds to Western Literature and Culture
EN2202 Critical Reading
EN2203 Introduction to Film Studies
EN2204 Reading the Horror Film
EN2205 Late Medieval Literature and Culture
EN2206 Art and Social Justice
EN2207 Gender and Sexuality in Literature - A minimum of ONE British Literature course
- A minimum of 8 units of EN courses at level 3000
- Only EN-coded courses can be used to fulfil the EN Minor requirements.
- EN2201, EN2202, EN2203, EN2204, EN2205, EN2206, EN2207, EN2275, EN2276 and EN2277 are pre-requisite or co-requisite for level 3000 EN courses.
- A maximum of 8 units from the minor can be used to satisfy the requirements of a major or another minor.
- Please refer to the guidelines/requirements pertaining to the Minor programmes at the FASS Student Portal and the Registrar's Office (Minor programmes) website.
- List of British Literature courses:
EN2205 Late Medieval Literature and Culture (before 1800) (formerly EN3225)
EN2206 Art and Social Justice
EN3219 Twenty-First Century British Fiction
EN3220 From the "Age of Epic" to the "Age of TV" (before 1800)
EN3221 The English Renaissance (before 1800)
EN3222 The Eighteenth Century (before 1800)
EN3223 Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture
EN3224 The Twentieth Century
EN3225 Late Medieval Literature and Culture (before 1800)
EN3226 Shakespeare (before 1800)
EN3227 Romanticism (before 1800)
EN3228 Women Novelists: 1750 - 1800 (before 1800)
EN3229 Shakespeare in His Time and Ours (before 1800)
EN4221 Topics in the Seventeenth Century (before 1800)
EN4222 Topics in the Eighteenth Century (before 1800)
EN4223 Topics in the Nineteenth Century
EN4224 Topics in the Twentieth Century
EN4225 Asia and the Victorians
EN4226 English Women Novelists 1800 - 1900
EN4227 Five Years in the Eighteenth Century (before 1800)
EN4251 Jonathan Swift (before 1800)
EN4880A Usurpation and Authority, 1558-1674 (before 1800)
EN4880B Modernism and Empire