GEK2020 Introduction to Film Art

Lecturer: Gilbert YEOH

GEK2020 Introduction to Film Art is a module that introduces students to the appreciation of film as a complex art form. While students are familiar with film as entertainment, they are often less cognizant of film as a serious aesthetic medium. This module exposes students to the films of important directors like Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Orson Welles and Wong Kar-Wai. It also introduces students to the four basic aspects of the film medium—mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound—and shows them how these aspects of the medium are masterfully deployed in the works of great directors. Instead of an academic essay, students have the option of submitting a short film. In this option, students are encouraged to use the film medium with creativity, intelligence and imagination. They are invited to tell their stories and express themselves using the resources of the film medium. On this page, we showcase some of the short films that have been submitted for this module.