Minor in Film Studies

The Minor in Film Studies helps prepare students for the challenges associated with negotiating life in a world dominated by images, and by the multiple, sophisticated and complex appeals made by a growing range of increasingly interrelated image-based media. Exposure to film’s history, its aesthetic elements, and its industrial contexts will allow students to develop the fundamental and vital skills to address, critically assess and engage with cinema in its myriad contexts.
The programme will introduce students to a range of perspectives on the study of film, hone critical and analytical skills, and enhance a thoughtful and engaged appreciation of film culture in its historical, industrial, political and socio-cultural contexts. The interdisciplinary nature of the minor offers students the opportunity to interrogate moving images from the varied vantage points of different disciplines, examining film as art, culture and business, and as text, discourse and product.
Students will
(1) Gain insight into the history of film and its key aesthetic practices;
(2) Interrogate the social meanings, functions and uses of film;
(3) Develop their media literacy through film analysis skills; and
(4) Cultivate an informed, critical approach towards the role of images in our society.
Programme Requirements (for Cohort 2024 onwards)
Pass at least 20 units of recognised courses which must include:
- EN2203 Introduction to Film Studies
- Two courses drawn from the list of recognised courses in Band A (see list of recognised courses below).
- Two courses drawn from the list of recognised courses in Band B (see list of recognised courses below).
- A minimum of 8 units must be at level 3000 or higher
Programme Requirements (for Cohort 2019 to Cohort 2023)
Pass at least 20 units of recognised courses which must include:
- EN2203 Introduction to Film Studies
- Two courses drawn from the list of recognised courses in Band A (see list of recognised courses below).
- Two courses drawn from the list of recognised courses in Band B (see list of recognised courses below).
List of Recognised Courses **(for Cohort 2021 onwards)
Band A Courses
EN2274 Introduction to Screenwriting
EN3242 History of Film
EN3248 Reading the Horror Film
EN3880A History of Non-Western Film
EN4247 Film Theory (4 units)
GEC1008 Exploring Chinese Cinema: Shanghai-Hong Kong-Singapore
GEC1038 Asian Cinema: The Silent Era
GESS1021 Singapore Film: Performance of Identity
GEX1000 Framing Bollywood: Unpacking the Magic
GEX1031 Hollywood Cinema: Constructing the Realistic
JS2216 Postwar Japanese Film and Anime
MS4207 Reading the Malay Film (4 units)
SN3274 South Asian Cinema
TS2241 Writing the Short Film
TS2243 Film Genres: Stars and Styles
Band B Courses
CL3283 Film and Television Subtitling Translation or
TRA3203 Film and Television Subtitling Translation
CH2292A Understanding Modern China through Film (in English)
EN3249 Introduction to Visual Culture: Art, Film and Media
EU2224 Europe since 1945 in Film
GEC1017 Film Art and Human Concerns
GEC1019 Religion and Film
JS2213 Visual Analysis of Japanese Popular Culture
JS3216 Japanese Film and Literature
PH2224 Philosophy and Film
PS2256 Politics on Screen
PS3260 Politics and the Visual
TS3232 Performance and Social Space
TS3238 Acting for the Screen
TS3243 Stage and Screen
TS4220 Shakespeare and Film (4 units)
List of Recognised Courses **(for Cohort 2016 to Cohort 2020)
Band A Courses
EN2204 Reading the Horror Film or EN3248 Reading the Horror Film
EN2274 Introduction to Screenwriting
EN3242 History of Film
EN3880A History of Non-Western Film
EN4247or EN4247HM Film Theory (5 units)
GEH1007 Asian Cinema: The Silent Era
GEH1009 Framing Bollywood: Unpacking the Magic
GEH1023 Exploring Chinese Cinema: Shanghai-Hong Kong-Singapore
GES1029 Singapore Film: Performance of Identity
GET1044 Hollywood Cinema: Constructing the Realistic
JS2216 Postwar Japanese Film and Anime
MS4207 or MS4207HM Reading the Malay Film (5 units)
SN3274 South Asian Cinema
TS2241 Writing the Short Film
TS2243 Film Genres: Stars and Styles
Band B Courses
CL3283 Film and Television Subtitling Translation or
TRA3203 Film and Television Subtitling Translation
CH2292A Understanding Modern China through Film (in English)
EN3249 Introduction to Visual Culture: Art, Film and Media
EU2224 Europe since 1945 in Film
GEH1011 Film and History
GEH1053 Film Art and Human Concerns
GEH1055 Religion and Film
JS2213 Visual Analysis of Japanese Popular Culture
JS3216 Japanese Film and Literature
PH2224 Philosophy and Film
PS2256 Politics on Screen
PS3260 Politics and the Visual
PS4214 Politics, Art, and Popular Culture (5 units)
TS3232 Performance and Social Space
TS3238 Acting for the Screen
TS3243 Stage and Screen
TS4220 or TS4220HM Shakespeare and Film (5 units)
(a) A maximum of 8 units from the minor may be used to fulfil the requirements of a major or another minor.
Please refer to the guidelines/requirements pertaining to the Minor programmes at the FASS Student Portal and the Registrar's Office (Minor programmes) website.
(b) Note to English Literature (EN) Major students who have declared a Minor in Film Studies (reading EN-coded modules to fulfil the Minor in Film Studies requirements)
Since students are allowed a MAXIMUM of 8 units to fulfil both the EN Major and Minor in Film Studies requirements, this means that EN Major students who have declared the Minor in Film Studies may have to read extra EN-coded courses.
EN Major students should check their study plan/academic record carefully to ensure that they fulfil all EN Major requirements.