HUI Chi Kin

I am an MA research student at the Department of English, Linguistics, and Theatre Studies under the NUS Research Scholarship. I received my BA in English at City University of Hong Kong with Cum laude. I developed an interest in real-time sentence processing by non-native English learners. Specifically, I am interested in investigating the role of working memory in the predictive processing of complex syntactic structures and how individual differences in the working memory capacity influence differences in predictive processing strategies. I am also interested in how individual differences in working memory capacity correlate with accuracy rates in comprehending complex syntactic structures.
Research Interests/
Primary Fields
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Non-native Language Processing
  • Language Prediction
  • Sentence Comprehension
Dissertation Topic/ Title Effects of Working Memory Capacity on Syntactic Prediction in Young-adult Non-native English Speakers: A Relational Study between Working Memory and Predictive Processing (tentative topic)
Dissertation Advisor Dr Aine Ito
Recent Presentations Exploring the Linguistic Landscape of Public Signs: Variations in Power Relations between Chinese and English and Identity Construction across Distinct Regions in Hong Kong. PolyU Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Studies (PolyU-CALLS), Department of English and Communication, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 23 March 2024.
Other Experience and Information Awards and Scholarships:

  • NUS Research Scholarship
  • Professor Charles Bazerman English Studies Research Award
  • Chu Wong Yim Fong Charitable Foundation Scholarship


  • Cantonese Chinese (Native)
  • English (Fluent)
  • Mandarin Chinese (Proficient)

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