Junesse Crisostomo is a PhD Student of Theatre and Performance Studies at the National University of Singapore. She graduated with a BA in Speech Communication at the University of the Philippines-Diliman’s Department of Speech Communication and Theater Arts in 2014, where she became a faculty member since 2014. She completed her MA Communication degree with the UP Department of Communication Research through which she wrote her Master's thesis on the role of the organizational rhetoric of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) in shaping political participation during the Duterte administration. Junesse has presented research in rhetoric and performance studies at academic conferences in the Philippines and abroad, and has published works on social drama, religious hashtags, and politics in Humanities Diliman and Plaridel. Her current research interests are in the intersections among progressive theologies, rhetoric, and performance studies.

Research Interests/
Primary Fields
Performance studies, rhetoric, religion, progressive theology
Dissertation Topic/Title Deviant Divinities: Performing Progressive Christianities in the Philippines
Dissertation Advisor Dr. Alvin Eng Hui Lim
Recent Presentations
  • Performing "Lives": Rhetorical performances of Protestant local churches in response to Covid-19 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference 2021, National University of Singapore, Virtual Presentation, June 2021
  • Embodying Christ and the Prophets for the lumad: The performance theology of the UCCP Haran Mission Performance Studies International Constellate 2021, Performing Power and Dissent, Virtual Presentation, June 2021
  • From the Pulpit to the Streets: The Organizational Rhetoric of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) on human rights, justice, and peace SEASIA 2019, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Publications Crisostomo-Pilario, Junesse.(2022)
“Church Talks on Peace Talks: The United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) and the Duterte Presidency.” In Social Sciences and Missions, 35, 137-166

Crisostomo, Junesse d.R., (2021)
“What we do when we #PrayFor: Communicating Posthumanitarian solidarity through #PrayForMarawi.” In Plaridel,18(2), 163-196

Crisostomo, Junesse d. R. (2018)
In Court, On Air, On Trial: The Impeachment of Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona as Social Drama.” In Humanities Diliman 15 (2): 1 – 37.

Modules Taught GEN2001 workshop
Other Experience and Information
  • Dean’s Fellowship Award (FASS-NUS, 2023)
  • Faculty Member (UP Department of Speech Communication and Theater Arts, 2014-2023)
  • UP-CMC Best Thesis Award (2021) for MA Communication

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