Minor in Language Science

Programme Requirements (Cohort 2021* onwards)
Students are required to pass five courses (at least 20 units) to complete the minor.
- At least one of the five courses must be level 3000 or higher.
- At least one course must be taken from each of the following three categories (Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3).
- At least one non-EL-coded course from Category 3.
Category 1. At least one of the following level 1000 courses:
GEX1019/GET1036 The Logic of Language
EL1101E The Nature of Language
Category 2. At least one of the following level 2000 courses:
EL2101 Structure of Sentences and Meanings
EL2102 Sound Patterns in Language
EL2206 Language and Cognition
Category 3. At least one of the following levels 2000/3000/4000 courses, including at least one non-EL-coded course:
EL2207 Speech and Language Disorders
EL2208 Bilingualism or EL3208 Bilingualism
EL3201 Syntax
EL3202 Phonetics and Phonology
EL3203 Semantics and Pragmatics
EL3205 Morphology
EL3206 Psycholinguistics
EL3207 Introduction to the Neurocognition of Language
EL3209 Language, Culture, and Mind
EL3210 Topics in the Psychology of Language
EL3216 Language and the Internet
EL3230 Phonology
EL3231 Phonetics
EL4201 Advanced Syntax
EL4203 Semantics
EL4880D Experimental Syntax
EL4880F Grammar and Language Processing
HS2914 How to Get Humans and Machines to Talk to Each Other
PL3237 Language & Cognitive Processes
PL4246 Networks in Psychology
PH2112 Non-classical Logic
PH2242 Philosophy of Language
PH3245 Language and Thought
PH3247 Philosophical Logic
PH3250 Quantification and Modality
PH4241 Issues in Philosophical Logic
PH4242 Issues in Philosophy of Language
CL3209 Chinese Language Acquisition
CL3213 Chinese Semantics
JS2203 Sound, Grammar and Meaning
JS3208 Approaches to Japanese Linguistics
CS3245 Information Retrieval
CS4248 Natural Language Processing
(a) Courses are subject to their usual respective prerequisites.
(b) Up to 8 units may be used to meet (i) the Minor requirement and (ii) another requirement, e.g., College, Faculty, Major, Second Major, Minor, Specialisation or other requirement.
(c) Please refer to the guidelines/requirements pertaining to the Minor programmes at the FASS Student Portal and the Registrar's Office (Minor programmes) website.
*Note: Students may be admitted to Minor programmes by declaring the Minor no later than the end of the fifth semester of study.