Master of Arts in English Literature (Research)


The maximum duration for both full-time and part-time study is 36 months. Those awarded an NUS scholarship are required to reside in Singapore for the duration of the scholarship award.

To qualify for the degree of Master of Arts in English Literature (Research), candidates will be required to:

  1. successfully complete four courses, three of which must be at level 5000 or 6000.
    In English Literature, there is one compulsory course: EN6770 (Graduate Research Seminar)
  2. obtain a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 for all examinable courses. The candidature of a student will be terminated if he/she:
    • obtains a GPA of less than 2.5 for two consecutive semesters, or less than 3.0 for three consecutive semesters; or
    • fails more than two courses
  3. successfully complete a dissertation of not more than 30,000 words.

Converting from the MA (Research) to PhD programme

A candidate currently registered in the MA (Research) programme may apply to convert his/her candidature to the PhD programme, provided he/she satisfies the following requirements:

  1. passes at least 5 courses, of which at least two must be at level 6000
  2. obtains a minimum GPA of 3.5
  3. obtains satisfactory grades in the CELC graduate English courses at intermediate level (if applicable)
  4. meets the following Departmental requirements:
    • a formal application for conversion to the Department either by email or letter
    • the intention to convert given to the supervisor in the second semester of the MA programme
    • a letter of reference from the thesis advisor in support of the proposed conversion
    • a portfolio in support of the application (which may include, for example, essays of courses taken, any work done to date on the MA thesis, sample Independent Study, and description of proposed research topic.)
  5. passes the PhD Qualifying Examination (QE) after having met conditions (1) to (4).