English Language and Linguistics Courses

The Department offers an exciting and holistic range of courses that investigate linguistic phenomena in multicultural and international contexts. This includes linguistic patterning at the levels of word, sentence and text; how language is acquired and developed in children as well as in adults in bilingual environments or in situations of brain impairment; how language evolves and changes over time and space; how and why there are many varieties of language (for example, American, British and Singaporean English); how language is used in everyday and institutional contexts and interacts in complex ways with the situational environment, socio-cultural practices and ideology; and how the study of language interacts with other fields like literature, semiotics and popular culture. Bringing together theory, description, and application, the courses provide a firm foundation in these areas of inquiry at the introductory levels, and offer opportunities for in-Department and self-directed study at more advanced levels.
Unless otherwise stated, all level 1000–6000 courses carry 4 units.
Level 4000HM coded courses carry 5 units each (for Cohort 2020 and before).
For more details on the courses below, consult CANVAS or contact the course lecturer.
Courses offered in AY2024/2025 Semester 1
Leslie LEE
This introductory overview of linguistics aims at equipping students with a solid foundation in the object, methods and goals of the science of spoken language, the prime tool of human communication. Through a principled analysis of patterns of sound, form and meaning at the levels of word, sentence and text, students will gain insight into what it means to say that language is a rule-governed system and an organic whole. The results of this exploration will be useful to those interested in the relationship between language and mind, society and culture.
Pre-requisite: Exempted from NUS Qualifying English Test, or passed NUS Qualifying English Test, or exempted from further CELC Remedial English courses.
Leslie LEE
This course introduces students to phonetics – which is concerned with speech sounds as physical objects – and phonology – which is concerned with the organization of speech sounds in a linguistic system. We will learn about the human speech apparatus in detail, the mechanisms that are involved in speech production, as well as the acoustic properties of speech sounds. Starting with examples from English, we will explore phonological patterns from a crosslinguistic perspective, and learn how to provide formal analyses for these patterns. The course teaches conceptual tools that will allow students to analyse the phonology of English and other languages.
Pre-requisite: EL1101E
Rebecca STARR
This course considers how variation in language use relates to broader variation in the daily experiences of individuals and groups. Students examine how language constructs cultural abstractions such as social class, gender, and power relations and how these abstractions play out in language varieties and shape their defining characteristics. The course should appeal to students who wish to explore the interaction of language and society by drawing on linguistics, sociology, anthropology, and psychology, and to understand the practical implications of language variation for language policy and language education in multilingual societies such as Singapore.
Pre-requisite: EL1101E
Aine ITO
The ability to use language is a uniquely human one, so effortless that it is easy to forget the very complex psychological processes underlying its use. Psycholinguistics is the study of these processes. More specifically, it investigates the processes that take place in our minds when we use language as well as how these processes develop in children. Our knowledge about these processes in healthy individuals is also informed by studying language impairment, for example in patients who have sustained brain damage, or in children with atypical language development. In this course, we will be covering these three broad areas.
Pre-requisite: EL1101E
Nala LEE
Language documentation is a rapidly growing subfield in linguistics. It is concerned with the creation of language records that can be used for multiple purposes, the preservation of such records, and the products that can be built from these records, such as dictionaries, corpora and grammars. This course is an introduction to the subfield. It explores the need for language documentation as a reaction to language endangerment, and presents the history, theory and methods of modern day language documentation.
Pre-requisite: EL1101E
Vincent OOI
The vast worldwide computer network collectively known as the Internet (and its graphical interface, the World Wide Web) provides a new environment and technologies of communication (e.g., Internet Relay Chat, bulletin board systems etc.) that challenge current assumptions regarding the nature of speech, writing, community and society. Since English is the principal language of the Internet, this course aims to examine the ways in which the language is being (re)formulated on the Web, especially in multilingual settings. The course focuses on the study and management of electronic language evidence on the Web.
Pre-requisite: EL1101E
Peter TAN
This course focuses on how the phenomenon of discourse might be analysed and will consider how a number of frameworks can be used in a complementary fashion to give a fuller description of discourse. These include the frameworks of register and genre; speech-act theory; co-operation; face and politeness; exchange structure and conversation analysis. This course is appropriate for students reading or intending to read English Language honours.
Pre-requisite for EL4252: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 80 units, including 20 units in EL
Preclusion for EL4252: EL4252HM
Pre-requisite for EL4252HM: Cohort 2020 and before: Completed 80 units, including 28 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 or be on the Honours track
Preclusion for EL4252HM: EL4252
This course encourages you to think analytically about identity construction issues regarding gender and sexuality by focusing on language, and about the relation between language and social practice. The goals are inseparably intellectual and political: responsible scholarship and citizenship require the ability and eagerness to go beyond stereotype, common belief, and the popular press, to evaluate claims for oneself in a knowledgeable way. Through the gathering and analysis of data, you will be asked to look for questions that might be answered, problems that might be solved, and issues that might be explored.
Pre-requisite for EL4253: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 80 units, including 20 units in EL or 20 units in EN, and EL2151.
Preclusion for EL4253: EL4253HM
Pre-requisite for EL4253HM: Cohort 2020 and before: Completed 80 units, including 28 units in EL or 28 units in EN, and EL2151, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 or be on the Honours track.
Preclusion for EL4253HM: EL4253
Joseph PARK
This course focuses on the causes and consequences of the spread and development of English as a world language. The changing status of English in times of globalization requires a complex understanding of multiple aspects of the worldwide dynamics of the English language — linguistic, cultural, political, and economic — and how they constantly interact on local and global levels. This course explores these aspects through a combination of readings, discussion, and hands-on research projects, in order to develop a critical understanding of the place of English in the world today and our responsibilities as speakers and users of English.
Pre-requisite for EL4255: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 80 units, including 20 units in EL
Preclusion for EL4255: EL4255HM
Pre-requisite for EL4255HM: Cohort 2019 and before: Completed 80 units, including 28 units in EL or 28 units in GL/GL recognised non-language courses, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 or be on the Honours track.
Cohort 2020: Completed 80 units, including 28 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 or be on the Honours track.
Preclusion for EL4255HM: EL4255
EL4401 (8 units)
EL4401HM (15 units)
The Honours Thesis is usually done in the final semester of a student’s pursuing an Honours degree. Students intending to read this course are expected to consult prospective supervisors the semester before they read this course and provide a research proposal. A wide range of topics is acceptable provided it highlights a language issue.
Pre-requisite for EL4401: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 110 units including 40 units of EL major requirements with a minimum SJAP of 4.00 and GPA of 3.50, or with recommendation by the programme committee.
Preclusion for EL4401: EL4660, EL4401HM, EL4660HM
Pre-requisite for EL4401HM: Cohort 2016 to Cohort 2020: Completed 110 units including 44 units of EL major requirements with a minimum SJAP of 4.00 and GPA of 3.50, or with recommendation by the programme committee.
Preclusion for EL4401HM: EL4660, EL4660HM, EL4401
Note: Please register for the Honours Thesis manually with the Department.
Documents containing important information on the HT should be downloaded from “Documents and Forms.”
The Independent Study course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic within the discipline in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to work out an agreed topic, readings, and assignments for the course. A formal, written agreement is to be drawn up, giving a clear account of the topic, programme of study, assignments, evaluation, and other pertinent details. The Head’s and/or Honours Coordinator’s approval of the written agreement is required. Regular meetings and reports are expected. Evaluation is based on 100% Continuous Assessment and must be worked out between the student and the lecturer prior to seeking departmental approval.
Pre-requisite for EL4660: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 100 units, including 40 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20.
Preclusion for EL4660: EL4401, XFA4404, EL4660HM, EL4401HM, XFA4404HM
Pre-requisite for EL4660HM: Cohort 2016 to Cohort 2020: Completed 100 units, including 44 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20.
Preclusion for EL4660HM: EL4401, XFA4404, EL4660, EL4401HM, XFA4404HM
Note: Please register for the Independent Study course manually with the Department.
Documents containing important information on EL4660 should be downloaded from “Documents and Forms.”
BAO Zhiming
The course covers the foundational knowledge of the sound pattern of human language. Major topics include how speech sounds are made and transmitted, and how they pattern, drawing data primarily from English and other familiar languages. Students will learn the conceptual tools and technical skills in the analysis of speech data.
Subject Area A: Sounds and Sound Patterns (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
This foundational course familiarizes graduate students with the major theoretical principles and research paradigms that define the various subfields of linguistics. The course surveys the history of linguistics as a discipline, and introduces major thinkers, key linguistic concepts, significant debates, and basic research methods. Topics covered include formal linguistics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, contact linguistics, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, and applied linguistics. Students will complete the course with a solid understanding of the range of topics addressed and approaches used in the study of language.
Rebecca STARR
This course will familiarize students with the tools and methodologies of phonetic analysis and how these may be employed in the investigation of the relationship of language and society. The course will focus on acoustic analysis with additional units on articulatory and auditory phonetics, and cover both segmental features (vowels, consonants) and suprasegmental features (intonation, rhythm, voice quality). Students will collaborate on a group research project related to speech in Singapore.
Preclusion: EL5203
Subject Area A: Sounds and Sound Patterns (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
Subject Area C: Language in Use (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
Aine ITO
This course explores topics in psycholinguistics such as spoken and visual word recognition, language comprehension, language production, language acquisition, and bilingual language processing. Students will also be exposed to research methods in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, including eye-tracking and brain potentials (EEG; Electroencephalography, or ERP; Event-Related Potentials).
Preclusion: EL5206
Subject Area C: Language in Use (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
Michelle LAZAR
This course aims to cultivate an understanding both of the relationship between discourse and ideology and of the textual construction of knowledge. Students will be exposed to a critical deconstruction of different kinds of socio-political discourses (including discourses about gender and race, etc.) with specific attention to ideological positionings, and the role ideology plays in the knowledge construction process. Through this course, students will acquire critical skills in reading texts and come to appreciate the different kinds of textual and ideological strategies used in the formation of knowledge.
Preclusion: EL5253
Subject Area C: Language in Use (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
Independent research plays an important role in graduate education. The Independent Study course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic in English Language in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to work out an agreed topic, readings, and assignments for the course. A formal, written agreement is to be drawn up, giving a clear account of the topic, programme of study, assignments, evaluation, and other pertinent details. The Head’s and/or Graduate Coordinator’s approval of the written agreement is required. Regular meetings and reports are expected. Evaluation is based on 100% Continuous Assessment and must be worked out between the student and the lecturer prior to seeking departmental approval.
(1) Word limit: 5,000 – 6,000 words. (2) Workload: Minimum 10 hours per week. The precise breakdown of contact hours, assignment and preparation is to be worked out between the lecturer and the student, subject to Departmental approval.
(2) Students may take EL5660 to fulfil one Subject Area requirement, subject to department approval.
Independent research plays an important role in graduate education. The Independent Study course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic in Language Study in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to work out an agreed topic, readings, and assignments for the course. The Head’s and/or Graduate Coordinator’s approval is required. Regular meetings and reports are expected. Evaluation is based on 100% Continuous Assessment and must be worked out between the student and the lecturer prior to seeking departmental approval.
(1) Word limit: 7,000 – 8,000 words. (2) Workload: Minimum 10 hours per week. The precise breakdown of contact hours, assignment and preparation is to be worked out between the lecturer and the student, subject to Departmental approval.
Courses offered in AY2024/2025 Semester 2
Rebecca STARR
This introductory overview of linguistics aims at equipping students with a solid foundation in the object, methods and goals of the science of spoken language, the prime tool of human communication. Through a principled analysis of patterns of sound, form and meaning at the levels of word, sentence and text, students will gain insight into what it means to say that language is a rule-governed system and an organic whole. The results of this exploration will be useful to those interested in the relationship between language and mind, society and culture.
Pre-requisite: Exempted from NUS Qualifying English Test, or passed NUS Qualifying English Test, or exempted from further CELC Remedial English courses.
Leslie LEE
This course explores language structure, in particular, patterns of sentence structure (syntax) and of meaning (semantics), from a cross-linguistic perspective. Concepts to be discussed include: grammatical categories, semantic relations, grammatical relations, constituency, and the relationship between grammar and the lexicon. A key feature of the course is its emphasis on the evidence and argumentation that bears upon the representation of structure and principles of grammar that we postulate. The course provides the foundation for the study of advanced courses investigating linguistic structure.
Pre-requisite: EL1101E or GEX1019 or GET1036
Peter TAN
The course aims to introduce how language change can take place orthographically, phonologically, grammatically and lexically. These changes do not take place at random but can be usefully accounted for by considering the socio-cultural contexts of use. The major topics covered include the history of English in Britain, English in North America and the New Englishes including Singaporean English. This course is suitable for students intending to read English Language and Linguistics as a major, as well as other interested students.
Leslie LEE
This course introduces students to the numerous ways in which the unique human capacity for language can be disordered, within the oral-auditory mode of communication. It begins with a survey of different types of speech and language disorders, discussing the presentation of each condition and possible etiologies. We then explore different aspects of language that can be impaired and the types of deficits that arise when these are disordered, taking into consideration crosslinguistic and multilingual perspectives. No prior knowledge of the medical or linguistic sciences is assumed. This course is not intended to provide training in clinical assessment and intervention.
SHEN Zheng
Building on the knowledge of English morphology and syntax developed at Levels-1000 and 2000, this course aims to give students a deeper understanding of the morphological and syntactic structure of English, in relation to crosslinguistic patterns. With an emphasis on evidence and argumentation, the course will help students understand the interconnectedness of the analyses of apparently unrelated phenomena, and develop a sense of the organic unity of language structure. This course will provide a crucial foundation for the further study of morphology and syntax, and their applications.
Pre-requisite: EL2101
Joseph PARK
This course explores the relationship between language and identity, focusing on how language use is not merely a reflection of inherent social differences but a crucial means of constructing who we are and how we position ourselves in social context. Based on current work in sociocultural linguistics, it discusses why ideological and discursive processes of identity construction are central to our social life, and presents different ways of understanding and analysing identity work in everyday discourse. Using these conceptual tools, it also explores several theoretical and real-world issues in which the question of identity figures prominently.
Pre-requisite: EL2151
Michelle LAZAR
The course encourages a critical understanding of the significant role media discourses play in shaping our beliefs and values & relationships and identities in contemporary social life. The course examines power relations and ideological issues pertaining to linguistic and multimodal texts and practices in a range of traditional and digital/social media. The course adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, which brings together work in discourse, media and cultural studies.
Pre-requisite: EL1101E
Nala LEE
The study of language typology and universals is concerned with the evaluation of how the various linguistic subsystems in any language differ from those found in most other languages, and whether linguistic diversity is a norm or otherwise. In this introduction to typology, students will acquire a fundamental overview of the grammatical make-up of languages, and an appreciation for an important approach in contemporary linguistics. Language typology contributes to and draws on core areas of linguistics such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and language acquisition, among others.
Pre-requisite for EL4213: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 80 units including 20 units in EL.
Preclusion for EL4213: EL3213, EL4213HM
Pre-requisite for EL4213HM: Cohort 2020 and before: Completed 80 units, including 28 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 or be on the Honours track.
Preclusion for EL4213HM: EL3213, EL4213
Vincent OOI
With special reference to English in multilingual and multicultural settings, this course introduces students to the study of words from both lexicological (theory) and lexicographical (practice) perspectives. It aims to equip participants with a critical awareness of the notion of the word and its attendant sources of evidence, the organisation of the mental lexicon, and the publication of words in the form of print, online and standalone electronic dictionaries.
Pre-requisite for EL4216: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 80 units, including 20 units in EL
Preclusion for EL4216: EL4216HM
Pre-requisite for EL4216HM: Cohort 2020 and before: Completed 80 units, including 28 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 or be on the Honours track
Preclusion for EL4216HM: EL4216
Michelle LAZAR
This course focuses on the interrelations between language, ideology and power within contemporary society. It examines key concepts and ideas investigated by a range of scholars working within a critical perspective. Topics covered include: the structuring influence of language on worldviews; the construal of particular realities through patterned linguistic choices; the inclusion/exclusion, privileging/marginalising of different social groups through language policies and practices affecting the use (or disuse) of particular language varieties. Target students: those with an active interest in the social and political aspects of language use, willing to articulate their own positions amid lively and complex debate.
Pre-requisite for EL4254: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 80 units, including 20 units in EL
Preclusion for EL4254: EL4254HM
Pre-requisite for EL4254HM: Cohort 2019 and before: Completed 80 units, including 28 units in EL or 28 units in GL/GL recognised non-language courses, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 or be on the Honours track.
Cohort 2020: Completed 80 units, including 28 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20 or be on the Honours track.
Preclusion for EL4254HM: EL4254
EL4401 (8 units)
EL4401HM (15 units)
The Honours Thesis is usually done in the final semester of a student’s pursuing an Honours degree. Students intending to read this course are expected to consult prospective supervisors the semester before they read this course and provide a research proposal. A wide range of topics is acceptable provided it highlights a language issue.
Pre-requisite for EL4401: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 110 units including 40 units of EL major requirements with a minimum SJAP of 4.00 and GPA of 3.50, or with recommendation by the programme committee.
Preclusion for EL4401: EL4660, EL4401HM, EL4660HM
Pre-requisite for EL4401HM: Cohort 2016 to Cohort 2020: Completed 110 units including 44 units of EL major requirements with a minimum SJAP of 4.00 and GPA of 3.50, or with recommendation by the programme committee.
Preclusion for EL4401HM: EL4660, EL4660HM, EL4401
Note: Please register EL4401 manually with the Department.
Documents containing important information on the HT should be downloaded from “Documents and Forms.”
The Independent Study course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic within the discipline in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to work out an agreed topic, readings, and assignments for the course. A formal, written agreement is to be drawn up, giving a clear account of the topic, programme of study, assignments, evaluation, and other pertinent details. The Head’s and/or Honours Coordinator’s approval of the written agreement is required. Regular meetings and reports are expected. Evaluation is based on 100% Continuous Assessment and must be worked out between the student and the lecturer prior to seeking departmental approval.
Pre-requisite for EL4660: Cohort 2021 onwards: Completed 100 units, including 40 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20.
Preclusion for EL4660: EL4401, XFA4404, EL4660HM, EL4401HM, XFA4404HM
Pre-requisite for EL4660HM: Cohort 2016 to Cohort 2020: Completed 100 units, including 44 units in EL, with a minimum GPA of 3.20.
Preclusion for EL4660HM: EL4401, XFA4404, EL4660, EL4401HM, XFA4404HM
Note: Please register for the Independent Study course manually with the Department.
Documents containing important information on EL4660 should be downloaded from “Documents and Forms.”
SHEN Zheng
This course aims to ground graduate students in a solid conceptual, analytical, and empirical foundation for doing research in syntax and semantics. It examines a range of core empirical phenomena that have been important in the development of modern linguistic theory and that remain central to current linguistic frameworks (e.g. passive, infinitival constructions, relative clauses, wh-constructions, binding, etc.). Core theoretical notions to be covered include: phrase structure, grammatical relations, subcategorization, and lexical entries.
Subject Area B: Grammatical Structure and Meaning (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
This course surveys major approaches and current issues relevant to the study of language in society. It aims to familiarize students with a range of theoretical and conceptual frameworks they may refer to in addressing sociolinguistic questions across a variety of sites and to provide general principles that they may consider when engaged in the study of language in social context. For this purpose, it will critically discuss classical and contemporary research to explore the historical background, prevailing assumptions, methodological perspectives, and analytic strengths of different approaches to language in society, and consider recent developments in the field.
Subject Area C: Language in Use (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
Aine ITO
The course introduces students to psycholinguistic research on second language acquisition and processing. It explores the mechanisms of learning a second language in comparison with those of learning a first language as well as how second language processing is different from first language processing. Students will learn key concepts and psycholinguistic models/theories of second language processing.
Subject Area C: Language in Use (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
Peter TAN
This course is aimed at graduate students who wish to explore the development of the English language over the past 1,500 years or so, and to see that some features of present-day English can be explained in the light of its history. Students should ideally have some background in grammatical description. Issues that will receive attention include the transformation of a synthetic Old English to a more analytic Modern English; language contact as a force for language change; the standardisation of English; and the spread of English and the New Englishes.
Preclusion: EL5212
Subject Area C: Language in Use (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
Vincent OOI
This course takes an empirical approach to linguistic investigation: it bases claims largely on computer-aided analyses of electronic datasets that are either manually built with linguistic purposes in mind or those that are readily found on the Web. With special reference to English, relevant topics will be introduced to suit particular needs; the corpus‐linguistic methodology blends well with various linguistic levels, including grammar, lexis and discourse. This course does not assume any expert computing knowledge; while no computer programming will be introduced, participants will receive hands‐on training in the use of standard corpus‐linguistic programs.
Preclusion: EL5216
Subject Area C: Language in Use (Applicable to August 2023 intake and before)
Independent research plays an important role in graduate education. The Independent Study course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic in English Language in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to work out an agreed topic, readings, and assignments for the course. A formal, written agreement is to be drawn up, giving a clear account of the topic, programme of study, assignments, evaluation, and other pertinent details. The Head’s and/or Graduate Coordinator’s approval of the written agreement is required. Regular meetings and reports are expected. Evaluation is based on 100% Continuous Assessment and must be worked out between the student and the lecturer prior to seeking departmental approval.
(1) Word limit: 5,000 – 6,000 words. (2) Workload: Minimum 10 hours per week. The precise breakdown of contact hours, assignment and preparation is to be worked out between the lecturer and the student, subject to Departmental approval.
(2) Students may take EL5660 to fulfil one Subject Area requirement, subject to department approval.
Independent research plays an important role in graduate education. The Independent Study course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic in Language Study in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to work out an agreed topic, readings, and assignments for the course. The Head’s and/or Graduate Coordinator’s approval is required. Regular meetings and reports are expected. Evaluation is based on 100% Continuous Assessment and must be worked out between the student and the lecturer prior to seeking departmental approval.
(1) Word limit: 7,000 – 8,000 words. (2) Workload: Minimum 10 hours per week. The precise breakdown of contact hours, assignment and preparation is to be worked out between the lecturer and the student, subject to Departmental approval.