Multidisciplinary Minors

English Studies
English has become the major world language in the 21st-century. Spoken with different levels of competence by nearly 800 million people, it is the pre-eminent means of communication in international business, diplomacy, culture and academia, as well as being widely used in electronic media. The Minor in English Studies offers students the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the English language and its literature. The minor is mainly foundational in orientation. Students take the introductory courses in language and literature, plus one level 2000 course about language structure and one that focuses on literary reading. The remaining two courses provide for the pursuit of interests developed in the first four. Students can choose from the large variety of level 3000 courses offered in English language and literature. Full details
Film Studies
The Minor in Film Studies is an interdisciplinary minor that trains students to critically engage with, and appreciate, the complexities of the cinematic medium. Drawing from a range of courses across the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the minor aligns with its host department, English Language and Literature, in adopting an aesthetic, textual, and cultural consideration of films, while also providing students with exposure to film culture in its historical, industrial, political and social contexts. The curriculum offers the necessary grounding in film analysis in combination with sufficient flexibility to allow students to pursue their own particular interests in the field. Full details
Language Science
The Language Science Minor, which incorporates courses from English Language and Linguistics, Psychology, Philosophy, Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, and Computing, offers an interdisciplinary perspective on topics including linguistic structure, the psychology of language, and natural language processing. Students will build a strong foundation in linguistic theory and linguistic argumentation, as well as develop skills in the following areas:
- Critical thinking and data analysis
- Experimental design
- Data collection, organization, and processing
- Statistical literacy and analysis
- Basic programming