Undergraduate Degrees in English Language and Linguistics

Far more than a communication tool, language is what we think with and think in. It shapes our understanding of ourselves, of our society and of the world. To understand language is to understand something both of how ideas are formed and shared in contemporary reality and of what it means to be human.
Linguists study different aspects of this complex phenomenon, and use different tools to discover how they work. Some seek to understand the structures of language and the meanings they generate. Others study language and the brain, and still others the ways in which everyday texts challenge or reinforce power structures in society.
Our undergraduate programmes are structured to reflect the range and variety of language study. We have groups of courses on the internal organisation of language, the psychological processes involved in its use, the ways that languages change in contact with other languages, the use of computers in the discipline, literary language, and socio-political aspects of language use. Students completing our programmes will thus not only have a deep understanding of the most distinctive characteristic of human beings, but also experience of a number of intellectual approaches.
Students may choose to write an Honours Thesis (HT) or do an smaller research project through an Independent Study course. Students who opt not to do an HT or IS can read level-4000 courses to fulfil the Honours requirements.
The following programmes are offered in English Language and Linguistics:
- Single Major (B.A. Honours)
- Single Major (B.A.)
- Second Major in English Language and Linguistics
- Minor in English Language and Linguistics
English Language and Linguistics can be combined with any other subject in FASS as a first or second major. Structured double majors are available with Chinese Language, Philosophy and Communications and New Media.