Richard Baldwin, Professor of International Economics, the Graduate Institute, Geneva

Visiting Engagement Session
25 APR 2017

The Centre was very pleased to host Prof Richard Baldwin on 25 April 2017, during his visit to NUS as the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Term Professor. In addition to his appointment at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Prof Baldwin is also the current President of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), as well as the Founder and Editor-in Chief of VOX (the CEPR's Policy Portal). Prof Baldwin has written numerous articles and books on the topics of international trade, globalisation, and regionalism; his most recent book is entitled "The Great Convergence: The Changing Face of Global Trade" (Harvard University Press). Through an engaging discussion meeting as well as a formal research seminar, Prof Baldwin shared with Centre members his thoughts on recent developments in global production and his views on the outlook moving forward.