Course Description (Graduate Diploma)

SWD5102 Social Work with Groups and Community
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | SW5113 |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course covers the methods and skills of group work and community work. Social work theories related to work with social and community groups in a multicultural context will be critically examined. This course will also include topics such as assessment, understanding of group dynamics, the various stages of group work, intervention skills and roles of the social worker in group and community settings.
SWD5103 Contemporary Social Work Practice
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students; SW5114. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course covers the development of human services as a response to needs and the sociocultural contexts. An analysis of traditional and current patterns including social institutions and structures of social service delivery is made. Social Work practice at various levels such as individual, group, organisation and community are dealt with in this course. The integration of concepts, knowledge base and theory for social work practice will also be covered.
SWD5104 Human Development in Context
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students; SW5115. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
The course will examine human development from a life span perspective with emphasis on some pertinent demands in different contexts. Ecological, cognitive developmental, psychosocial and Freudian theories and perspectives among others will be examined for their relevance in explaining developmental outcomes and trajectories as well as for their implications for social work practice.
SWD5105 Skills in Advanced Social Work Practice
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students; SW5116. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This is essentially a practice-based approach to social work assessment and intervention. Advanced techniques and skills in dealing with specific individuals, families and groups are incorporated. The course also emphasises the key social work practice models and the application of concepts and framework of the models within the social-political and cultural contexts.
SWD5120 Social Work Practicum
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-40-0 |
Pre-requisite(s) | SWD5103 and only for Graduate Diploma in Social Work students. |
Preclusions | SW5120; Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
Candidates are required to fulfil practicum requirements of 400 fieldwork hours under an approved supervisor and is equivalent to one course. The candidate is only allowed to take the Social Work Practicum if he/she had already taken or is concurrently taking one of the essential courses specified by the Department of Social Work.
SWD5261 Gerontological Counselling
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Nil |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills in counselling older adults. Besides the various theories on ageing relevant to older people, the course will cover the counselling approaches suitable for application in Singapore's context. The emphasis will be on developing a repertoire of skills and knowledge essential for effective assessment and intervention. Students will be guided on evaluation tools and the process of termination.
SWD5263 Family-Centred Practice
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course utilises the family and systems theory for assessment and intervention with social problems. The focus of this course is on the relationship and systemic approaches to social intervention.
SWD5269 Working with Children and Youth
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course outlines the framework for practice with children and youth. Both local and international models for intervention will be discussed. Current state of practice is reviewed along with an analysis of the theoretical basis as well as an evaluation of pragmatic outcome of these practices will be conducted.
SWD5270 Child Welfare Policy and Practice
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course provides a historical as well as present analysis of social intervention in the area of child welfare. It examines child welfare policies including government and community expenditures, programmes and services.
SWD5272 Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Ageing
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-2-5 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course offers a multidisciplinary perspective on ageing, including the biological, psychological and social theories and issues that affect older people and their families. Current international as well as national policies and legislation are examined and evaluated. The seminar style of teaching is meant to involve students in using their critical skills to identify gaps in services and suggest recommendations.
SWD5273 Intervention with the Terminally III
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course is on working with clients on issues of loss and grief and terminal illnesses. Attention is also given to ethical and philosophical issues arising from working with the dying.
SWD5274 Family Systems and Intervention
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course involves the theory and practice of social work with families. A comprehensive discussion of family development and families in transition along with a systemic approach to intervention is given. Family therapy and other intervention strategies are also discussed.
SWD5275 Human Sexuality and Marital Therapy
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course explores the theories of human sexuality, aetiology of sexual dysfunction and marital therapy. Marriage, sexual lifestyles and treatment of sexual and marital problems such as HIV-AIDS, extra-marital relationship, etc. are also discussed.
SWD5276 Family Stress and Coping
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
The principles and techniques in helping families cope with stress in everyday life as well as specific stressors such as death, illness, unemployment, incarceration, etc. is the focus of this course. Theory of stress and development of personal and community resources is discussed.
SWD5277 Planned Social Change
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
The focus of this course is on planned change at the group and community levels. The dynamics and politics of social change including the use of group processes and power bases are included. Topics such as setting agendas, rules of order, information and publicity strategies are discussed.
SWD5279 Comparative Group Modalities
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course outlines the major theories and principles of social work with groups. Current modalities in group assessment and intervention are emphasised. Issues on leadership and power, conflict management and mediation are also dealt with.
SWD5280 Nature of Drugs & Alcohol Abuse
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-2-5 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
The nature of drug and alcohol abuse with its physical, social and psychological impact on individuals and families will be discussed in this course. The focus is on assessment of drug and alcohol problem for effective intervention.
SWD5281 Individuals, Families & Substance Abuse
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course focuses on assessment and intervention with clients with a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Principles and techniques of individual and family therapy using a systemic perspective will be the main content.
SWD5282 Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course is a survey of various treatment programmes for the rehabilitation of drug and alcohol abusers. Current trends and highlights of major treatment philosophies will be discussed. A critical analysis of alternative models of treatment will be included.
SWD5283 Disability and Rehabilitative Work
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
The scope of disabilities and rehabilitation is defined in this course. Intervention theory and techniques in working with physical and mental disabilities as well as rehabilitation in areas of crime and delinquency are discussed.
SWD5284 Health & Mental Health Service Systems
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
The current mental health and health care networks are examined in the light of providing more effective services. Alternative models of service delivery and co-ordination in the system will be proposed.
SWD5285 Rehabilitation Programme Issues
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
The issues and philosophies of various rehabilitation and treatment programmes in criminal and juvenile justice and other rehabilitative contexts will be examined in this course. Application of techniques and concepts for the local context will be emphasised.
SWD5286 Common Psychiatric Disorders in Adults
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Nil |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course aims to equip students with knowledge necessary for working alongside adults with mental health needs. The course will expose students to various psychiatric disorders, with emphasis on those that commonly occur in adults. For each disorder, students will learn about its clinical features, course and prognosis, and treatments. Students will also learn about social, psychological, and biological factors that contribute to the development of the disorder and those that impact on its outcome. Lastly, students will be introduced to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder for an understanding of the diagnosis of mental disorders.
SWD5292 Topical Studies in Social Work Methods
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course offers in-depth study in a specific method of social work including therapeutic models, preventive intervention, mediation and conflict management.
SWD5293 Topical Studies in Social Work Issues
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course examines in-depth study in a specific social work issue such as professionalisation, gender, discrimination, justice and ethics.
SWD5297 Human Service Organisations & Management
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course covers the theories and principles of human service management. Topics on consultation and training, organisational development and growth are also dealt with.
SWD5298 Approaches in Community Work
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course covers the theory and practice of community assessment and intervention. The study of community psychology and analysis of power bases in different societies is included. Understanding the local resource network needs assessment and programme development is part of this course.
SWD5300 Ethical Principles and Competency in Social Work
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-2-5 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
Ethical issues and ethical conflicts are characteristic of social work practice and practitioners must have ethics competency.
This course offers preparatory knowledge on clinical ethics, including key ethical concepts, ethical theories, ethical principles and ethical reasoning. It challenges students to shift from social work ethics models to engagement in ethical reasoning. This course will help students appreciate how personal values can falsely present a situation as ethically problematic and influence ethical decision-making.
SWD5880 Topics in Social Work
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
Current topics and challenges in social work practice including preventive and developmental approaches to social intervention are given emphasis in this specialised course.
SWD5880A Service User Involvement
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
The involvement of service users in social work is challenging. This course will study service user involvement from service user, theoretical and practical perspectives and hence, identify barriers, possibilities and challenges in participatory processes. Special importance will be placed on power relations and power theories. To develop service user involvement social workers need tools and knowledge. A central part of this is establishing connections between social work practice and research. Hence, the course will also focus on the possibilities of using practice research – a research approach aiming at developing practice through collaborative processes involving social workers, service users and researchers.
SWD5880B Social Work and Infectious Diseases
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course provides insight into infectious diseases and those who are impacted by them. There will be a focus on vulnerable populations who are disproportionately affected by the various infectious diseases. In addition to more acute infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), this course will also cover chronic infectious diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Pulmonary Tuberculosis. This course will integrate concepts and theories from social work and public health to provide the tools and frameworks to understand infectious diseases within the context of social work practice.
SWD5880C Grief and Bereavement Counselling
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
Loss, grief and bereavement cuts across all sectors of social work practice. The focus of this course is on seriously-ill patients facing death and dying issues. The social worker is often impacted by grief and bereavement issues and many are ill-equipped to assist the griever in an appropriate manner to enhance individual and familial grief recovery.
This course encompasses understanding the state of grief, the relationship between grief and loss, anticipatory grief and death anxiety, and how individuals react to grief.
SWD5880D Social Work in Healthcare Settings
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course aims to provide a broad understanding of Singapore’s unique healthcare landscape, evolution, financing, goal toward social health integration and burden of disease. The students will learn theories of health behavior, models and framework for practice in health social work. Social work in healthcare will be examined in the continuum of primary, acute and intermediate and long-term care (ILTC). The students will gain insights into the impact of illness on individuals and their families. It aims to cover specialized topics such as chronic illnesses, acute and trauma, mental health, family violence, medical ethics, palliative and end of life care.
SWD5880E Social Work Practice in Mental Health
Units | 4 |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Pre-requisite(s) | Nil |
Preclusions | Not available to undergraduate students. |
Cross-listing(s) | Nil |
This course is designed for students who are training to enter the social work profession to support clients with mental health concerns. The course will cover foundational knowledge in common mental health issues and provide students with the understanding towards basic mental state examination and case formulation using the Integrated Illness Causation Model. The course will also provide perspectives into mental health diagnosis and classification, legislations governing the care and treatment of persons, and related ethical issues in social work practice.