Mrs Lee Choon Guan Endowed Research Fund

Past Events - Conferences

Date: 27 August 2021
Theme: Higher Grounds

The Second Singapore Social Work Practice Research Conference 2021 was the second national conference on social work practice research in Singapore. This conference was organised by NUS Department of Social work and sponsored by the Mrs Lee Choon Guan Endowed Research Fund.

A total of 202 delegates (from more than 45 organisations) and 25 guests attended the virtual Conference, held via Zoom.

The Conference has a 2-part programme, where delegates get together for the virtual Conference on 27 Aug 2021, followed by a gallery of presentations of local practice research that was made available the next day, for the delegates to access at their own time.

Date: 25 May 2018
Theme: The Range and Process of Practice Research

The Inaugural Singapore Social Work Practice Research Conference 2018 was the first national conference on social work practice research in Singapore. This conference was organised by NUS Department of Social Work and sponsored by the Mrs Lee Choon Guan Endowed Research Fund. It was co-organised by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, the National Council of Social Service, as well as the Singapore Association of Social Workers.

A total of 220 delegates (from 58 organisations) and 36 guests attended the Conference. These delegates are social workers, social work practitioners, social work students (undergraduates and postgraduates) and others, including researchers who engage in social work practice research in their respective agencies.

Date: 31 May to 2 June 2021
Theme: Practice meets Research

The Mrs Lee Choon Guan Endowed Research Fund is honored to participate in the 5th International Conference on Practice Research in a plenary session and a symposium.

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