Mrs Lee Choon Guan Endowed Research Fund

About the Fund

The NUS Department of Social Work is honoured to be the recipient of a gift by the Mrs Lee Choon Guan Trust to establish an endowed NUS Social Work Practice Research Fund. This endowed fund resources the Department to engage with frontline practitioners to conduct practice research that will enhance service provision and delivery. The distinguishing features of these practice research projects lie in the involvement of service providers, service users, and caregivers in the entire research process. These stakeholders are involved in the conceptualisation, implementation, analysis and utilisation of research findings etc. The objective is to produce more practice research and to turn them into teaching and training materials.

These practice research projects have the potential to:
(1) improve the accessibility, delivery and design of services,
(2) enhance the well-being of service users, as well as
(3) contribute to policy discussions at the agency and governmental levels.

We are excited about the positive long-term impact of such practice research as local and creative answers to the challenges of an ageing society, marginalised groups and families in Singapore.


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