Mrs Lee Choon Guan Endowed Research Fund

About the Grant Call

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, you may submit more than one application if you have different research topics or ideas.

Applications are accepted within the specified period only.

For this second grant call, the application window opens on 3 Sep 2021 and closes on 3 Jan 2022. Your submission needs to be submitted by 3 Jan 2022.

You may apply as long as you have qualification in Social Work.

There should only be one practitoner PI, one co-I (if any), as well as a few team members.

The Selection Committee will propose the suitable and ideal candidate to be the academic PI for the projects, while taking into consideration of the research topics, areas of interest and expertise etc.

Awardees will be informed of the proposed candidate before the confirmation is made. Awardees should raise any concerns or issues regarding the matter, so that the Selection Committee can look into it.

This is an institutional call. Your organisation has to ensure that you and your team are provided with protected time to carry out the research outside of your usual job scope. This is part of the endorsement, which your organisation has to agree and sign against, with the application form.

You may, however, engage the service of a Research Assistant or student to assist in some parts of the research.

It is not necessary that the rights will be vested within NUS only. Under certain circumstances, the rights can be vested within your organisation, or it could be both as a joint ownership.

There will be a collaborative research agreement to be mutually agreed and signed between NUS and your organisation. The agreement has been prepared taking into considerations of the likely scenarios and stages where the rights will need to be clarified. Awardees and their respective organisations should raise their concerns before signing the agreement.

Please submit the completed application form, along with the necessary documents as stated in the form to, with the subject stating ‘Application Submission - <your last name>, <your organisation>’.

Note: For the signatures required in the last two pages of the Application Form, please pen-sign accordingly and scanned the pages for the submission. The rest of the Application Form should remain in word document format (.doc or .docx) as far as possible.

The selection period is from 3 Jan 2022 to 4 April 2022. All applicants should be notified of the outcome in April via email. This email will be sent to the PI and Co-I (if any).

After the release of outcome, there will be an award ceremony that has been scheduled in June 2022. The specific date will be informed later. Invitations will also be sent to the awardees’ organisations to attend the ceremony.

Following the award ceremony, there will also be a few meeting sessions to settle the administrative procedures, as well as to discuss the terms outlined in the research collaboration agreement.

There will not be a briefing held for the second grant call.

We had a briefing session held for the first grant call, where we have gone through the background of the fund, the application form, and what we are looking out for. Do note that the dates provided are not for this current grant call.

You can refer to the recorded session of the briefing done for the first grant call. The slides used during that briefing session can be downloaded here.

From time to time, we will announce available consultation sessions to our mailing list for sign ups. Alternatively, you can check in with us via email, as we may be able to link you up with someone who can assist you.


Please write to the Secretariat at