Master of Social Sciences
(Social Work by Research)

The NUS Master of Social Sciences (Social Work by Research) degree provides professional and research skills for graduates and professionals working in social work or social administration. 

Courses for the Master of Social Sciences (Social Work by Research)

SWM5103 Family Systems Theory and Intervention

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions SWM5243 Family in the Local Context
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course focuses on the ecological systems approach to family therapy. An in-depth understanding of the rationale for family therapy, theory, family assessment, intervention, and research in family therapy will be discussed. Theory and practice will be critically reviewed from an international perspective taking into consideration differences in the socio-political and cultural contexts in which family therapy is practiced. Skills and techniques for work with families will be emphasised. Supervised projects, case studies, role play, videos, coaching and live supervision may be used along with lectures in the seminar styled sessions. Integration of family therapy with other therapeutic interventions and in various social work settings such as schools, hospitals and community agencies will be discussed.

SWM5104 Management of Human Service Organizations

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

The aim of this course is for students to develop knowledge, values and skills that contribute to the management of a social service agency in Singapore. Students will learn to apply organizational theories and theories of management to human service organizations with specific reference to strategic planning, organisational structure and processes, staff management, managing interaction with the environment, management of information and communication, and resource and financial management. Cross country comparisons will enable critical thinking about human service organizations in the local context.

SWM5106 Social Policy and Welfare Services

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

The aim of this course is for students to understand and assess the social policies in Singapore, especially those concerning welfare services for vulnerable groups. They will learn to do so in the international historical and theoretical context of the welfare state and welfare pluralism, and contemporary international discourses on social well-being and human development. Review of social policy and welfare services in Singapore will focus upon the Singapore's unique approaches to policy formulation, implementation and monitoring. Welfare services for the vulnerable groups will be assessed within the larger context of social well-being and development.

SWM5107 Program Development and Evaluation

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course deals with the overall process of social service program planning and evaluation. Its emphasis is not only on the conceptual understanding of research methodological issues underlying different program evaluation designs, but also on the application of various data collection methods and data analysis skills required for program evaluation. Seeking to promote both evidence-based practice and practice-based research in the field, this course also examines how social workers can utilize and incorporate research methods and skills into their helping process to generate practice-informed data for the stage of program evaluation.

SWM5111 Advanced Practicum

Units 4
Workload 0-0-0-62-0
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Only for Master of Social Work (coursework) students with a Bachelor in Social Work degree.
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Candidates of MSW who have a Bachelor in Social Work degree are allowed to enrol for 'SWM5111 - Advanced Practicum'. Two specialization tracks are offered: clinical and supervision track and programme development track. The learning goal is to enhance social work practitioners' competence and capabilities in the chosen track.

SWM5111A Practicum

Units 4
Workload 0-2-0-62-0
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Students enrolled in MSW (coursework) programme.
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Practicum is a compulsory course for candidates who do not have a Bachelor's degree in social work or equivalent. This course is designed to ensure practice competence by providing 800 hour first hand, systematic and supervised practice experiences in the actual field together with seminars for integration of social work theories with practice. The stipulated hours should be completed prior to graduation.

SWM5111B Practicum

Units 4
Workload 0-0-0-31-0
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Only for Master of Social Work (coursework) students with a Graduate Diploma in Social Work qualification.
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Practicum is a compulsory course for candidates with a Graduate Diploma in Social Work. This course is designed to ensure practice competence by providing 400 hour first-hand, systematic and supervised practice experiences in the actual field. The stipulated hours should be completed prior to graduation.

SWM5112 Supervised Project

Units 8
Workload 0-0-0-10-10
Pre-requisite(s) SWM5107
Preclusions Only for M.Soc.Sci (Social Work) Students and/ or consent of the Instructor.
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Candidates are required to complete a Supervised Project, which will be an independent and original piece of work, which involves innovative and original initiatives such as developing a new social service program/ policy or conducting an original piece of field research. Exemption of Supervised Project may only be given to non-social work graduates or other candidates on a case-by-case basis and, in such a case, Supervised Project is replaced by a Practicum.

SWM5117A Practice Research Capstone Seminar I

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-6.5-0.5
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Only for Master of Social Work (by coursework) students from cohort 2019 onwards.
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Practice research promotes integration of practice and research in social work. It plays a key role in developing, improving and evaluating clinical practice skills, intervention models and social service provision. This capstone seminar aims to enable students to produce a practice research proposal and prepare for executing a practice research project based on the proposal in the subsequent semester. Learning activities in this course include a series of seminars, fieldwork, individual consultations, and student presentations for developing a practice research proposal to address practice research agenda in the field of one’s interest.

SWM5117B Practice Research Capstone Seminar II

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-6.5-0.5
Pre-requisite(s) SWM5117A
Preclusions Only for Master of Social Work (by coursework) students from cohort 2019 onwards.
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Building on the practice research proposal developed in SWM5117A, this capstone seminar aims to facilitate students’ execution of an actual practice research project and dissemination of practice research findings. Along with peer feedback sessions in class and individual consultations, learning activities in this course include practice data collection and analysis in the field, practice research report writing, and presentation/dissemination of the practice research findings.

SWM5205 Working with Trauma – Infancy through Adolescence

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Trauma can result not only from catastrophic events such as abuse and violence but from incidents such as divorce, medical procedures that generate effects that are often minimized. This course aims to provide students with a framework for understanding trauma, the reactions of traumatized children and youth, and the effects of events such as natural disasters, accidents, violence, invasive medical procedures, abrupt separation on the child’s physiological, psychological and emotional well being. In addition, the students will be introduced to evidenced based interventions models for working with traumatized children and youth.

SWM5206 Mastering Leadership

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Leadership is an important determinant of organizational success. The aim of this course is for students to learn the principles for leadership that will enhance organizational performance. Leadership today is more than acquiring skills and knowledge, the course will place emphasis on the leader as a person. Students will learn the different theories of leadership and assess critical factors in developing leadership. Topics include Influence and Connection of the leader, the dark side of leadership, leadership and organization culture, building trust to get results, coaching to drive effective leadership and leading and managing change in organisations.

SWM5207 Working with Multi-Stressed Families

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Multi-stressed families often termed resistant, dysfunctional and hard to work with have been the main focus of social work practice. This course offers a multi-level intervention approach in working with these families. Using a systemic assessment of multigenerational influences, the course will explore the meanings and impact of these events for the family. The various therapeutic modalities, skills and interventions (including family assessment tools) will also be discussed, with a primary focus on strengths and resilience. The need for community networking, collaboration and case management will also be emphasised. Students will also be familiarised with the various polices and resources available to help such families in the community. Comparisons with models of practice from other countries will help to develop critical thinking about how such families are being helped in Singapore.

SWM5208 Using Play Therapy with Children and Families

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course enhances the student's understanding of the systemic/ relational use of play therapy with children and their family systems. A particular emphasis of the course will be understanding play therapy from historical, clinical, spiritual, systemic / relational and theoretical perspectives; the integration of family therapy and play therapy; and the clinical use of different types of play therapy modalities with diverse family constellations.

SWM5209 Theory and Practice of Social Work Supervision

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Social work supervision is an important practice area that serves to enhance the competencies of social workers and ensure good clients’ outcomes. In ensuring good supervisory practice, the dynamics of personal, relational, organizational, socio-economical and cultural factors have to be considered. In this course, students will examine the knowledge and skills that social work supervisors need to address the challenges that may arise in the supervisory practice. A range of topics with broad themes based on the conceptualization of supervision and critical issues in supervision that are impacted by the organizational, socio-political contexts will be discussed.

SWM5210 Trauma and Mental Health

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course will cover the various types of trauma, assessment tools; treatment modalities and planning; casework and counseling modalities as well as inter-agency collaboration and case management. Trauma arising from childhood sexual abuse and family violence, disease outbreaks and issues arising from national and global disasters.

SWM5211 Risk Assessment & Management: Mental Health

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

The course covers the contemporary framework used in understanding mental health concerns and policies and its application in the local context. It emphasizes key theoretical concepts and systemic principles used in the assessment and management of risk. It focuses on an ethical, effective systemic approach to risk management and quality assurance, covering common concerns such as medico-legal liability, defensible decision making, documentation and information sharing. Three main concerns covered are: the risk of suicide, the risk of aggression, the risk of client disengagement from services in mental health settings. Topics include a broad overview of DSM IV in child and adult psychopathology; forensic behavioral science, clinical treatment of the psychiatric patient in abusive family systems, mental health rehabilitation, disaster management, and the efficacy of various group strategies mental health settings. A case study approach will be used to illustrate social work assessment and intervention.

SWM5213 Practice with Persons with Disability

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

It is estimated that in any given society 3 - 10% of the population has some form of disability. This increases to 15% when the definition of disability includes people who are limited in activity due to chronic conditions. In Singapore a conservative estimate of persons with some form of disability may be anywhere from 120,000 to 400,000 individuals. This would include both a medical perspective as well as a socio-functional perspective which emphasizes the need to address economic, environmental and cultural barriers. This course will use a life span perspective to discuss the impact of disability on the individual and the family. It will also use a systemic, ecological perspective to discuss the management, intervention and delivery of social services to people with disabilities.

SWM5215 Poverty and Asset-Building Policy

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course examines the meanings of assets, assets poverty, and inclusive asset-building policy for the vulnerable population. It begins with re-examination of poverty and existing anti-poverty policy. Then, this course discusses meanings of assets and mounting evidence of short- and long-term positive effects of holding assets. This course examines theories of saving and asset accumulation, in particular, institutional saving theory for inclusive asset-building policy in Singapore and other parts of the world. To increase understanding of asset-building strategies, this course provides a range of asset-building policy and programs throughout the world. Students are also expected to develop new asset-building programs for the vulnerable groups in Singapore.

SWM5216 Family and Interpersonal Violence

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Family and Interpersonal violence has been given prominence in the last decade. Social workers are increasingly identified as key providers of social-emotional services to this target group. This course will cover knowledge and skills pertaining to interpersonal violence. Topics include conceptual understanding of family violence and its dynamics, the legal provisions; casework and treatment group modalities in engaging survivors, men who abuse, child witnesses; ethical issues; networking and collaboration with key players such as Family Court, Police, MSF, hospitals and other social services; case management services. In addition, the course will examine the international experience of using different models of working in family and interpersonal violence.

SWM5217 Continuum of Care and Healthy Ageing

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

The course provides advanced knowledge and skills of gerontological social work in institutionalized and community- based health care. It further encourages students to develop preventive strategies to promote healthy ageing through their meticulous evaluation of specialized ageing programs and services which have been implemented. Students work on the applied learning project that is an integral part of this course. Supervised projects would be complementary for the student's practical learning process. In light of multidisciplinary team approach and synthesized theory-based applications, this course intensively increases students' practical capacity through collaborations within and across multidisciplinary service networks for older adults.

SWM5218 Practice with Persons with Addiction

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-4-3
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course aims to equip students with recent theories on addiction leading to an in-depth understanding of addictive behaviours, and the application for social work practice. Topics include models of addiction, etiology and recovery, assessment and treatment modalities, crisis intervention and relapse prevention. This course also focuses on alcoholism and problem gambling, as there is a wide scope for social work intervention in these problem areas. Social drinking and recreational gambling are prevalent in our society. When alcohol and gambling issues become problematic, individuals and families can experience several psychosocial problems, such as family violence, financial hardship, strained relationships, family displacement, and legal and criminal infraction.

SWM5219 Palliative and End-Of-Life Care

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-4-3
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course covers important issues encountered by social workers involved in palliative and end-of-life care. Key topics include 1) assessment and intervention strategies based on the bio-psychosocial-spiritual perspective, 2) potential ethical dilemmas encountered in end-of-life care, 3) impact of personal values and biases on quality of care, 4) grief and bereavement and 5) end-of-life care for special populations. At the end of the course, students will be able to a) explain influence of personal values and biases on end-of-life (EOL) care, b) implement assessment and intervention strategies for end-of-life care and c) describe key aspects of the dying process, grief and bereavement.

SWM5220 Statistics for Social Workers

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course introduces statistics to social work students, specifically on their use in making informed decisions about social work interventions. The purpose is to facilitate students to use quantitative data in the effective development, delivery, and evaluation of social work services. Through SPSS, a user-friendly software, students will learn how to set up and analyze data. Topics covered in this course are descriptive and inferential statistics within the context of social work practice. This course goes beyond mere calculations and emphasizes on the criteria for and interpretability of statistical tests as well their applications in real world.

SWM5222 Personnel Practice & Management

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions SW6222
Cross-listing(s) Nil

The course emphasises practical approaches to personnel administration and human resource management. Human motivation and the development of human potential and leadership are also discussed.

SWM5245 Current Group Approaches in Social Work

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course outlines the current theories and principles of group social work. The focus will be on the principles and skills of group assessment and intervention in a clinical setting. This is an experiential course where students will focus on designing and conducting a group work program for a special population. Skills in selecting an appropriate theoretical framework, planning session contents and activities, conducting and evaluating the sessions will be emphasized in the CA where students are expected to conduct group sessions (30%) and write a report on outcome and learning experiences (30%).

SWM5247 Social Prevention and Public Education

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

The importance of social prevention is emphasised in this course. Public education and communication will also be included.

SWM5252 Community Organisation and Development

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course covers the theory and practice of community development. In particular, it will address the role of community development in building social capital and community bonding. Models of community development will be critically reviewed and analyzed in the context of Singapore. Strategies and techniques used in Singapore vis-a-vis other communities and issues in community participation and intervention will be explored. This course will also discuss some of the challenges of working in a community development setting.

SWM5253 Volunteer Management

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

The values and principles for volunteer management are outlined in this course. Volunteer training and development including delegation, supervision, recognition, etc are included.

SWM5660 Independent Study

Units 4
Workload 0-0-0-0-10
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Independent research plays an important role in graduate education. The Independent Study Course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic in Social Work in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to work out an agreed topic, readings, and assignments for the course. A formal, written agreement is to be drawn up, giving a clear account of the topic, programme of study, assignments, evaluation, and other pertinent details. Head's and/ or Graduate Coordinator's approval of the written agreement is required. Regular meetings and reports are expected. Evaluation is based on 100% Continuous Assessment and must be worked out between the student and the lecturer prior to seeking departmental approval.

SWM5880 Special Topics in Social Work

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Special topics in social work such as sexual abuse, family violence, substance abuse, traumatic disorders, etc will be dealt with in this course. The course will highlight a contemporary issue of social work practice.

SWM5881 Topics in Social Work – Direct Practice

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

One special topic in direct social work practice will be dealt with in this course. Students in this course will critically understand and analyze the contemporary issues arising from direct practice under the special topic, learn about relevant assessment and intervention models, and acquire clinical skills which aim to address the issues for clients at different systemic levels (e.g., individuals, families, and groups) across various practice settings (e.g., community, and health care) and/or different stages of life span.

SWM5881A Evidence Based Behavioural Strategies for Social Work Practice

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

The subject aims to provide social workers with evidence-based behavioural strategies that are adapted for brief psychological interventions in the health and mental health care setting. The two central components of the subject are; 1) the context and theory around focused strategies and health and mental health social work practice and 2) behavioural strategies for brief psychological interventions with people experiencing high prevalence disorders such as depression and anxiety. A key aspect of the subject is the practical step-by-step worksheets that social workers can use with clients and which focus on the acquisition of skills for evidence based practice.

SWM5882 Topics in Social Work – Social Policy

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

One special topic/area in social policy & legislation will be dealt with in this course. Students in this course will examine emergent and critical issues in social policies and legislations in Singapore as well as in the global context. Students will learn about theoretical frameworks for the formation of social policy and legislation and analytic tools for planning, monitoring and evaluation of social policy and legislation and its implementation.

SWM5883 Topics in Social Work – Social Work Leadership

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

One special topic/area in human service organization management and leadership in social work/social services will be dealt with in this course. The selected topical area will be one among various topics in indirect social work practice or social administration, such as strategic management and leadership of NGO, social finance, negotiation and conflict management, volunteering and philanthropy, marketing social programs and promoting community relations, and etc. Students in this course will learn about theoretical underpinnings, organizational structures and strategies, personnel management, public relations, and social work leadership development in the area of the special topic chosen.

SWM5884 Topics in Social Work – Research

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

One special topic/area in social work research & evaluation will be dealt with in this course. Students will be introduced one or more advanced social work research/evaluation methods, such as qualitative social work research, statistics for social workers, mixed methods in social work research, intervention research, etc. in this course.

SW6101 Social Theory in Social Work Practice

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course is conducted as a graduate seminar and examines important contributions to social work theory from classical as well as modernist perspectives with a view to encouraging deeper reflection about the critical interface between theory and practice. Students are challenged to examine social work practice issues alongside the discourse on social structure and human agency and are expected to make presentations to demonstrate a heightened awareness of modern ideological currents that shape social work practice.

SW6102 Policy & Research in Social Welfare

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions SWM5102
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course provides a framework for analysis of public policy in particular social policy. The use of social indicators, trend analysis and policy evaluation tools for specific fields of social welfare will be discussed. The use of applied research evaluation including techniques of social surveys, focus groups and the systematic analysis of data will also be covered in this course.

SW6231 Human Service Research & Evaluation

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course equips students with the knowledge and skills in planning and conducting research and evaluation of human services. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods and their analyses are included in this course

SW6241 Theory & Practice in Psychotherapy

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course provides an in-depth examination of selected theories in counselling and psychotherapy such as Rogerian Psychotherapy, Behaviour Therapy, Reality Therapy and others. The application of the therapeutic techniques and skills to various settings will be emphasised.

SW6249 Specialised Policy Studies

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Specialised study of one or key specific policy option(s), its value base, legal and financial structures, social and political implications are covered in this course. Policy alternatives are also critically examined.

SW6257 Research Design & Quantitative Methods

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Nil
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This is an advanced research course that deals with specific research designs and methods for social work. Emphasis is on quantitative methods and practical designs for local practice situations.

SW6259 Specialised Fields of Practice

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-3-4
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions SWM5259
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This course offers training in specific fields of social work practice such as health, mental health, gerontology, children, youth, disability, criminal justice and rehabilitation, industrial social work, etc.

SW6660 Independent Study

Units 4
Workload 0-0-0-0-10
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions SW6262
Cross-listing(s) Nil

Independent research plays an important role in graduate education. The Independent Study Course is designed to enable the student to explore an approved topic in Social Work in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to work out an agreed topic, readings, and assignments for the course. A formal, written agreement is to be drawn up, giving a clear account of the topic, programme of study, assignments, evaluation, and other pertinent details. Head's and/ or Graduate Coordinator's approval of the written agreement is required. Regular meetings and reports are expected. Evaluation is based on 100% Continuous Assessment and must be worked out between the student and the lecturer prior to seeking departmental approval.

SW6770 Graduate Research Seminar

Units 4
Workload 0-3-0-0-7
Pre-requisite(s) Nil
Preclusions Non-research students.
Cross-listing(s) Nil

This is a required course for all research Masters and Ph.D. students admitted from AY2004/ 2005. The course provides a forum for students and faculty to share their research and to engage one another critically in discussion of their current research projects. The course will include presentations by faculty on research ethics and dissertation writing. Each student is required to present a formal research paper. Active participation in all research presentations is expected. The course may be spread over two semesters and will be graded "Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory" on the basis of student presentation and participation.