To be a leading educational and research institution within the international social work community, providing a distinctive Asian perspective in social work and social development.
- To produce and develop competent social work graduates who can contribute to the well-being of society by:
- Promoting the social functioning of people within the environment from the perspectives of the individual, family and community;
- Enabling the development of human potential to the fullest;
- Undertaking research and creating awareness and understanding of social issues and social change.
- To lead in the development and promotion of regional social work education, practice and research in collaboration with Asian and other international partners.
The Cleansed Hearts Initiative Honours Cleaning Workers
About FASS undergraduate Nabil Zulkefly (NUS Social Work and NUS Sociology and Anthropology) and his initiative devoted to lifting the spirits of NUS campus cleaners, “The Cleansed Hearts”.
Helping Others Help Better: How this Social Work Graduate Found his Calling
While serving his National Service in the Singapore Police Force, Sim Jian Wen saw a side of the country that he had only ever seen in the movies – one involving loan sharks, violence and the occasional substance abuse. So he took the leap to pursue Social Work at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
From Passion to Purpose: Dr Khoo Kim Choo’s Impact on Early Childhood Education
Dr Khoo Kim Choo (NUS Social Work, ’70) has been recently inducted into the Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame for her legacy and impact in the early childhood education sector.
FASS Honours Alumni for their Profound Impact on Community and Nation
This year’s honourees are Mrs Elizabeth Sam, a prominent banker; Mr Othman Bin Haron Eusofe, an influential unionist; Dr S Vasoo, a passionate social worker; Mr Benny Lim, a dedicated civil servant and policymaker; and Mr T. Sasitharan, a celebrated actor and respected voice in arts and culture – all of whom have dedicated their careers and lives to service and community in different ways.
NUS Researchers Propose Ways to Enhance Workfare for Low-income
The research team – comprising Associate Professor Irene Ng of NUS Social Work, and Dr Ong EeCheng and Research Assistant Tan Zhi Han of NUS Economics – made their recommendations at a joint NUS Social Service Research Centre and Leap201 roundtable on 20 April 2023.
NUS Social Work: Nurturing Change Agents to Serve the Community
To mark this year’s World Social Work Day on 21 March 2023, hear from two passionate NUS Social Work students, Year 2 undergraduate Freddy Ow Yong and Master’s student Jean Loo, about their aspirations in choosing social work as a career and profession.
NUS Open House: More than 7.7M Visitors Drawn to Action-Packed Showcase over 10 Days
NUS Open House 2023 saw a strong showing by visitors eager to find out about the University’s academic programmes, as it returned in from 25 February to 6 March. Some 7.71 million visitors attended the physical and online showcase which involved 3,071 faculty and staff, students and alumni.
FASS Inspiring Mentor 2022 Award Winners Announced
Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 FASS Inspiring Mentor Awards!
The NUS Career Compass 2023
Find out how the University has developed and broadened our curriculum to better prepare our graduates for the swiftly evolving workplace, and how interdisciplinary learning can help students solve complex issues in our society.