Goh Chor Leng, Esther

Associate Professor
B.A. (Singapore), B.Soc Sci. (Hons) (Singapore), M.S.W. (Singapore), PhD (Hong Kong)
(65) 6516 5084 | Email: esther_goh@nus.edu.sg
Personal Web Page: https://discovery.nus.edu.sg/1804
Research Interests
- Bilateral parent-child dynamics
- Children as agentic beings in cultural contexts
- Cross-cultural childrearing: China, Singapore
- Intergenerational dynamics within families
- Impact of problem gambling on family and intergenerational dynamics
- Social Work practice-based evidence research
- Religion as social support for immigrants in Singapore
Esther C. L. Goh & Leon Kuczynski (2021): Relational dimensions in poor children’s decisions to obtain a mobile phone – the case of Singapore, Journal of Children and Media, DOI: 10.1080/17482798.2021.1905675 (open access - click here to download)
Lee, C.J.M., Goh, E.C.L. (2020). Using vignettes as a 'safe space' for low-income children to discuss sensitive topics in social work assessment. Children and Youth Services Review
Goh, E.C.L., Chong, W.H., Mohanty, J., Law, E.C.N., Hsu, C.Y.S., De Mol, J., Kuczynski, L. (2019). Identifying Positive Adaptive Pathways in Low-Income Families in Singapore: Protocol for Sequential, Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Design. JMIR Research Protocols.
Cheang, C. J. Y. & Goh, E.C.L. (2019). Why some children from poor families do well - An in-depth analysis of positive deviance cases in Singapore. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being.
Hong, R., & Goh, E.C.L. (2018). Using photo elicitation interviewing to access the subjective well-being of children from poor families within an affluent Asian society: Insights for service delivery. Children and Youth Services Review.
Shorey, S., Ang, L. N., Goh, E.C.L., & Lopes, V. (2018). Paternal involvement within six months postpartum: A follow-up qualitative study. Midwifery.
Shorey, S., Ang, L., Goh, E.C.L., Gandhi, M. (in press Aug 2018). Factors influencing paternal involvement during early infancy: A prospective longitudinal study. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Ho, L.P. & Goh, E.C.L. (in press). Using identity theory to examine the function of normative identity in living with HIV. Health and Social Work.
Goh, E.C.L. & Baruch, H. (in press) Young persons as epistemological agents in social work assessment and intervention. Children and Youth Services Review.
Shorey, S., Ang, L. and Goh, E.C.L. (in press) Lived experiences of Asian fathers during the early postpartum period: Insights from qualitative inquiry. Midwifery.
Kasmani, S.S., Goh, E.C. L., & Lee, K (First online). "A Multi-Level-Bidirectional Linkage Model in Enhancing Continuity of Psychiatric Care". Health and Social Work. Click link for free download.
Ho, L. P. & Goh, E.C.L. (2017). How HIV patients construct liveable identities in a shame based culture? The case of Singapore. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being. 12(1) (online first)
Goh, E. C. L. (2017). Agency in vulnerable families: Reply to P.J. Miller. Social Work, 62, 187-190.
Goh, E.C.L., Ng, V., Yeoh, B. (2016). The Family Exclusion Order as a harm-minimisation measure for casino gambling: The case of Singapore. International Gambling Studies, 1-18.
Goh, E.C.L., Tsang, B., Chokkanathan, S. (2016).Intergenerational Reciprocity Reconsidered: The Honour and Burden of Grandparenting in Urban China, Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific. Issue 39.
Goh, E.C.L. (in press). VWO doing ground-up research: A practitioner-initiated-academic-facilitated collaboration model. IPS Exchange Series.
Low, Suzanne S. H., and Goh, Esther C. L. (2015). Granny as nanny - Positive outcomes for grandparents providing childcare for dual-income families. Fact or Myth? Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 13, 302-319.
Praimkumar, S., & Goh, E.C.L. (2015). Understanding the impact of the mother-child relationship on sex workers' decision to enter and leave the streets - Lessons for social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice.30, 43-58
Chong, W. H., Choo, H, Goh, E. C. L., Wee, P., Goh, W., & Chay, O. M. (2015). Preventive child healthcare in Singapore: A parents' well-being perspective. Annals Academy of Medicine, 44, 12, 550-553.
Goh, E.C.L. (2015). Vulnerable families as active agents of their own change process. Social Work. 60, 145-154.
Wong, H. M., & Goh, E. C. L. (2014). Dynamics of ADHD in familial contexts: Perspectives from children and parents and implications for practitioners. Social Work in Health Care. 53(7), 601-616.
Chee, L.P., Goh, E.C.L. & Kucyznksi, L. (2014). "Oversized loads - Children parentification in low-income families and the underlying parent-child dynamics". Families in Society. 95, 204-212.
Chan, G. W. L., & Goh, E. C. L. (2014). 'My parents told us that they will always treat my brother differently because he is autistic' - Are siblings of autistic children the forgotten ones? Journal of Social Work Practice. 28, 155-171.
Goh, E. C. L., & Kuczynski, L. (2014). 'She is too young for these chores' - Is housework taking a back seat in urban Chinese childhood? Children & Society. 28, 280-291. DOI:10.1111/j.1099-0860.2012.00470.x.
Goh, E. C. L. (2013). "You must finish your dinner" Meal time dynamics between grandparents, parents and grandchildren in urban China. British Food Journal, 115(3), 365-376.
Goh, E. C. L., & Hsu, C.-Y. S. (2013). Bilateral parent-child interactions in school-age children's tooth-brushing behaviors. Pediatric Dentistry. 35(1), 414-420.
Goh, E. C. L. (2012). Integrating mindfulness and reflection in the teaching and learning of listening skills for undergraduate social work students in Singapore. Social Work Education, 31(5), 587-604.
Goh, E. C. L., & Goransson, K. (2011). Doing ethnographic research in Chinese families - Reflections on methodological concerns from two Asian cities. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 10(3), 265-281.
Goh, E. C. L., & Kuczynski, L. (2010). 'Only children' and their coalition of parents: considering grandparents and parents as joint caregivers in urban Xiamen, China. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 13(4), 221-231.
Goh, E. C. L. (2009) 'Grandparents as childcare providers: An in-depth analysis of the case of Xiamen, China', Journal of Aging Studies, 23, 60-68.
Goh, E. C. L., & Kuczynski, L. (2009). Agency and power of single children in multi-generational families in urban Xiamen, China. Culture and Psychology, 15(4), 506-534.
Goh, E. C. L. (2006) Raising the single child in urban China - An intergenerational joint mission between parents and grandparents, Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 4, 7-28.
Goh, E. C. L. (2006) Raising the single child in urban China - An intergenerational joint mission between parents and grandparents, Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 4, 7-28.
Goh, E. C. L. (2011). China's one child policy and multiple caregiving - Raising little suns in Xiamen. London: Routledge.
Goh, E. C. L. & Tan, C (in press). 'The brother I have never known - New immigrants meeting old timer immigrants in Church' in Farhadin edited 'Popular spiritual movement in South East Asia', Singapore, Armour Publishing.
Goh, E. C. L. & Ow, R. (2011). 'Not so equal childhood', in A. Wee & K. Metha edited 'Social Work in Context', Singapore, Pearsons.
Goh, E. C. L. (2002). Integrating Spirituality in Counselling, in Hedges and Edges, Singapore, Care Corner
Goh, E C L (2009) Listening to children, British Journal of Social Work, Vol 39(2), pp. 386-388.
Goh, E C L (2009) Review: Kristin Luker - Salsa dancing into social science. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008. International Sociology, 24(5), 750-752.
Goh, E. C.L. (2010). Using the "Daily Bad Habit Tracking Exercise" to Reduce Barriers to Listening. CDTL Brief, Vol 13 (2), pp. 12-14.